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Messages - TWG Kirby

I think I might've stated this before, but I can see you as a wolf who thought the plan of missing a wolfing would throw the humans off track, then after it only had lackluster results, trying to salvage what's left by killing off as many inactives as you can get away with before "better" lynching targets develop.
To me, Falcon's behavior doesn't match up with what I'd expect from a wolf who would willingly skip a wolfing (which is the most likely explanation at this point). It seems that you and I are approaching this situation with two completely different mindsets!
The only player I could see matching with the accidental no-wolfing would be TWG Link, and that's only because, in his own words, he's had a bad internet connection! Even then, I doubt his partner would be so negligent as to miss a wolfing, given the time it takes to send a PM!

You say that I am, "trying to interpret the evidence in any way (I) can that goes against (you)," but I think all you're doing is trying to frame inactives in order to stall us!
Suspicion list in spoiler because formatting
1: TWG Luigi
I still think his actions and vote were quite suspicious. I believe somebody commented on not wanting to lynch one of the most active players in the game, but remember that he can be suspirious and active!

2: TWG Fox
Haven't seen much from him yet, but his lack of a vote is a bit concerning.

Haven't seen much from him yet aside from a retract on his vote for Luigi! Post more!

4: TWG Ness
Haven't seen much from him yet! Post more!

5: TWG Pikachu
Haven't seen much from him yet aside from a vote on Luigi! Post more!

6: TWG Link
Haven't seen much from him yet! Post more when you can!

7: TWG Samus
Haven't seen much from her (yes, we will always call you a "her"), but she caused a KitB and near lynch of herself, so unless she's an uber-careless wolf, I think that gives her some human points!

8: TWG Falcon
Unlike what Luigi said, I don't think he would make such a plan as to purposefully skip a wolfing, and then not follow up spectacularly (which is something Luigi is doing)! It is possible that he's the "weak link" of the wolf pair, however. Other than that, not much real activity though.

9: TWG Yoshi
Looking over his posts, he seems quite human to me!

10: TWG Kirby

Only number 1 is really a strong suspicion. 3-7 is mostly based off of inactivity; I'd really like to see people posting more.
Quote from: TWG Samus on October 01, 2013, 01:30:25 PMWell, I certainly didn't expect that. Bowser was one of the ones that I thought was more suspicious. Not entirely sure why the wolves would choose him.

I know that in times past when I've been a wolf, I just wolfed random people to try and confuse the humans like this. Perhaps this is why Bowser was wolfed, unless anyone can think of another motive?
Bowser was one of the two people I thought was suspicious as well.

Perhaps the wolves are trying to defy our suspicions in their choice?
Quote from: Waddle Bro on September 30, 2013, 08:01:02 AMTWG Mario was KO'd by a Bob-Omb threw aginst him.
Quote from: TWG Luigi on September 29, 2013, 07:33:37 PMI don't understand what you're saying.  TWG Falcon spammed on Night 1.  I think that, if the wolves missed the wolfing on purpose, they did so under the mindset that they would be able to lynch inactives based on that.  So in order to lynch inactives, they'd make sure that they posted as much as possible to prove that they'd be able to make a wolfing.  The point of spamming is simply to demonstrate that you had the capability to wolf.
If they spammed, then they'd be lynched on the premise that none of their posts had any substance. Your logic fails. Spamming merely to show activity (having no posts of good substance), is generally a normal activity on Night 1, when not in excess, but any later is usually not considered "acceptable."
Also, that fact is invalidated without even mentioning any of the above, as people could easily check the stats of the accounts, which people did, and see how long/when they were on!

QuoteAnd the reason why you wouldn't vote for TWG Mario is because it's way easier to go with the hivemind, and at the end of the day people are going to whine if you lynch inactives on Day 1.
0% sense
Quote from: TWG Luigi on September 29, 2013, 07:05:27 PMVote for TWG Falcon, who confidently voted for Mario on the basis of inactivity, spammed a lot Night 1, and generally fits the profile of someone who'd miss a wolfing on purpose.
This sentence is one of the reasons why I'm voting for you. You are acting like what you've done, and are doing now, completely clears you! I don't see how you can say how TWG Falcon "fits the profile of someone who'd miss a wolfing on purpose" when he's "spamming," something you mentioned yourself! What's the point of a well-laid plan if you scramble it by acting like a fool (by "spamming," as you say).

QuoteThe only reason you're voting for me over Falcon is because I've got votes on me already.
Couldn't the same be said of you for TWG Mario? Also, it makes no sense why I wouldn't just say something like, "Yeah, now that you mention it, you're right, I think inactives are behind this" and vote for... TWG MARIO?? Or just agree with you about the inactives in the first place?
Quote from: TWG Luigi on September 29, 2013, 06:51:11 PMit points to me being a wolf way more than the alternative theory does.

The fact that you're supporting (if even partially) the theory invalidates any evidence it would hold to you being a wolf. After all, who in this game would knowingly support something that would get them lynched?
Quote from: TWG Luigi on September 29, 2013, 06:32:51 PMApology to Kirby for shrugging his vote off like that.  I just don't see where you're coming from.  If, as you argued in the chat, you believe that the missed wolfing was intentional, you should also believe that I'm unlikely to be a wolf.  If I were a wolf, I'd make sure I was spamming, or at least talking, all during Night 1.  That way, I wouldn't be suspected for missing a wolfing.  I'd also probably take a side on this argument.

I also think I made it clear in the chat that I hadn't made a solid decision on this issue yet.
Remember that you're also the one who currently seems to have the most support of the "inactive wolves theory." Just look at your vote for TWG Mario and the explanation behind it!
Quote from: TWG Luigi on September 29, 2013, 06:22:37 PMSo I'm being lynched by TWG Pikachu for not being decisive enough and by TWG Kirby for being too decisive?
I guess so?

An interesting note is that if Luigi is a wolf, Bowser might not be.
I'm a bit undecided at this point. My two main suspicions are either Luigi or Bowser; Luigi for being completely directed toward the idea that the missed wolfing was an accident, when it could easily be a ploy to get us to think that inactives are behind it! My reasoning for Bowser is a bit less justifiable, but I believe I've already stated my reasons earlier, or in the chat.

For now, I'll change my vote to TWG Luigi.
The lack of a wolfing was most likely intentional. I'd think that its intent would be to get us to go after inactive players, instead of focusing on the person or people most likely to have not wolfed anybody intentionally!
Since we don't really know who's who, we won't have as much to go on.
Quote from: TWG Bowser on September 28, 2013, 07:28:09 PMIt appears more than once I think.The Thing is, he changed his mind near immedietly after he posted his thoughts, which seemed incredibly weird, its pretty much the same as saying "Hey, I think Bowser is suspicious, now I think he's a human."
You're saying that he should stick with his reasoning even if he knows its wrong? ???
Quote from: TWG Ness on September 28, 2013, 07:21:29 PMAlso does anyone else have to type in answers just to post? I got the verification code and the "What is the name of this site?" just for trying to post this.
That should be only for the first post.
Tentative vote on TWG Bowser. All of his reasons and observations are either obviously erroneous or completely frivolous. Luigi acknowledged that his first post that Bowser quoted wasn't the best reasoning-wise. Luigi was right in changing his mind, but Bowser attacked him for that?