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Messages - TWG Link

3: Yes, but it would also be dangerous, especially if the person exhibits distinctly wolf-like traits, such as you claim.

5: BECAUSE HIS DEFENSE WAS POOR. YOU SAID IT YOURSELF. (bold, italic, underlined for EMPHASIS) If I hadn't voted for DK, it would also seem suspicious, because "I'm not voting for the 'obvious wolf,'" or whatever you'd probably say if the situation were different.
1: Hrrm, well, maybe because it clears himself as well and puts us as the only two suspects left? As I said, I was suspicious of Fox earlier.

2: I said:
Quote from: TWG Link on May 11, 2013, 08:07:49 PM2: ??? It wouldn't make sense for you to vote for Pikachu when you had already given reasons why you were voting for Luigi.
And you responded:
Quote from: TWG Bowser on May 11, 2013, 08:14:45 PM2. Wolf-like, maybe, but a rather effective move at that point. The fact that he was vindicated speaks volumes about his intentions.
But you seemed to imply earlier that I was more suspicious (at least more than Fox), especially since lynching two inactives in a row so late in the game is rarely a good idea unless you have sufficient evidence against them.
3: Not at all; I merely said that doing that things that I did would be terribly foolish for a wolf, as they would draw unnecessary attention (and with it, suspicion) to the player (in this case, me).
2: I don't think so.

3: Not at all; I said merely said that doing that things that I did would be terribly foolish for a wolf, as they would draw unnecessary attention (and with it, suspicious) to the player (in this case, me).

5: Yes, AFTER his defense was posted.
1: You and I. I was the only one who responded, because I thought Fox was using the screenshots merely to divert attention away from himself, because I was suspicious of Fox.

2: But I wasn't in the point before you posted what you said.
It would doubtlessly be easier than convincing YOU AND LUIGI that I'm not a wolf, when I have 0% of a clue who I think is the wolf (before the screenshots).
1: Because it leaves us as the last two suspects.

2: While. Her actions merely helped to supplement my suspicion.

3: As does mine.

5: And because I felt he didn't have an adequate defense, especially after he didn't answer the questions until after Waluigi died (the Waluigi wolfing might been meant to frame DK).

1: You didn't say a thing. You just let me do the talking (which, oddly enough, coincides with what I said about "laying low and letting the other person trip up").

2: It wouldn't be effective later, because then you'd be in suspicion for doing such an odd move, after you made it clear that you preferred to lynch Luigi over Pikachu.
As you can see from my "suspicious suspicion list" near the bottom of page 13, TWG Fox was at the top of my suspicion list. I've been suspicious of him for much of the game, which would give me (if I were a wolf) perfectly valid reasons to vote for him, and would make me seem human-like. If I wolfed my top suspicion, I'd have nobody to accuse without seeming like a wolf.

Quote from: TWG Luigi on May 11, 2013, 08:20:08 PMahh why did i say that

Quote from: TWG Bowser on May 11, 2013, 08:24:16 PMDid you expect him to not put up a fight?
You are putting up a fight as well, may I remind you.
1: Because of TWG Fox's screenshots.

2: Because of my observations about TWG Samus.

3: That was one of many things.

4: Observations.  For example, you can assume now, because I am responding in short sentences, that I'm a bit rushed (which I am), or merely didn't think it was necessary to respond in length (also true to a certain extent).

5b: Because I felt as if TWG DK did not post an adequate defense. I voted for him after he seemed not to have any more to add.

1: They'd "bury" you as well.

2: I responded because I thought it was a potentially wolf-like action by Fox, since I was already suspicious of him. Originally, I trusted you more than Fox.

1: It wouldn't matter if you're a wolf either, since both would lead to the same conclusion, which is exactly what I've been saying.

2: ??? It wouldn't make sense for you to vote for Pikachu when you had already given reasons why you were voting for Luigi.

I'm not even going to bother responding to the last paragraph, because IT does not make ANY sense whatsoever (and you people say I don't make sense?). Your paragraph does not answer anything I said, and doesn't even sound like it's in response to what I said...
AND another thing!!

"Tripped up" would be to not have an argument against the screenshots. Because I was suspicious of TWG Fox, I thought that that might be a wolfish action (albeit risky for a late-game action) to try and push any suspicion away from himself.
1: I'd have nobody to accuse, and would be vulnerable to accusation.

2: Even my actions for this game alone show that. "Biased" because I know what I'm talking about?? ??? Also: Just because nobody believe me does not mean I'm wrong. And this is why I go in circles...

3: As you can see, it didn't do that.

4: The conclusions are reached by thinking. At the bare-minimum core of your argument, you're saying that thinking = wolf.

Quote from: TWG Link on May 05, 2013, 03:01:09 PMIt's HIGHLY unlikely that both TWG Falcon and TWG DK are wolves, since TWG DK is one of the people who got TWG Falcon lynched, if I am not mistaken. Since I don't believe that TWG Falcon is a wolf, I'm more inclined to believe that TWG DK is a wolf (and that is my vote).
Quote from: TWG Link on May 04, 2013, 04:33:30 PMBut I do think, now, DK not posting the questions before TWG Waluigi died is either poor timing, or very suspicious.
There were two reasons why I waited to vote:
a: TWG Fox said to wait.
b: I wanted to hear what TWG DK had to say in defense.

Quote from: TWG Bowser on May 11, 2013, 07:15:28 PMThe thing is, you did trip over the screen shots. You tried to disprove them almost immediately after he posted them. It would make sense for you to want to discredit Fox before he died as it would at least give you a stronger chance in the final vote.
1: I responded to them, not necessarily tripped over them. This is because I thought FOX WAS THE WOLF (all caps to emphasize).
2: " would've been better to stay quiet until the end of the phase and let you trip up over the screenshots, if I knew Fox was going to be wolfed that phase." If I were a wolf, I would have let YOU respond, so that YOU tripped up.

QuoteIf I had voted it would've been for Luigi, leading to an insta. I had no intention of voting for Pikachu, I made that perfectly clear. If I were the last wolf, it wouldn't have mattered who I voted for because it would've lead here. Why would I give myself a phantom and take that extra vote against me on purpose?
1: It would've been a KitB, which wouldn't matter either way IF YOU WERE A WOLF. The underlined point proves what I'm saying; you said it yourself that it didn't matter!
2: I NEVER SAID THAT YOU INTEDED TO VOTE FOR PIKACHU. I was merely responding to you saying: " or if I wanted you to live then why not just vote for Pikachu."
3: Phantom /= Extra Vote ???
Responding to your accusations:
1. Your assumption is incorrect: all it would cause is for all suspicion to be directed at me, instead of somebody like Luigi or Fox.

2. This makes no sense at all. I always argue during games, but my points aren't usually of "little importance." The argument about TWG Samus is, in no way, a "distraction"; merely trying to figure out who the wolves are. Just because nobody believe me does not mean I'm wrong.

3. It doesn't matter if "a few other players already started to argue against him"; doing something like that as a wolf would only draw heaps of unnecessary attention to oneself.

4. "He makes leaps in logic and refused to objectively look at players who he deemed 'suspicious.'" They are not necessarily leaps; they are observances. And, no, not all of my decisions are non-objective. Additionally, I don't see how that makes me a wolf if I think.

5. Now, I could say the same with you about DK, now couldn't I? ;) Your reason why I didn't vote for Falcon is, in itself, a leap in logic.

And... one more thing!! YOU say that it would've made sense four YOU to wolf Luigi, yet no sense for ME to wolf Luigi. If anything, there would've been less reasons for you to wolf Luigi than for I to, as wolfing Luigi could've been MORE beneficial than a Fox lynch.
As I said, if I were a wolf, it would've been better to stay quiet until the end of the phase and let you trip up over the screenshots, if I knew Fox was going to be wolfed that phase.

Quote4. If I were a wolf why would I not vote, or if I wanted you to live then why not just vote for Pikachu, or anybody else for that matter.
Voting for Pikachu after your argument against Luigi would be an obviously wolfish action. It wasn't important for you to vote, so, you didn't. As you said, you'd still reach the same conclusion either way.

Quote5. Of course I wouldn't want to draw suspicion to myself. No player would ever want to do that. It's hard enough to stop being suspicious in most games, why on Earth would I willingly do something to make myself suspicious. Also, I did contribute a bit at the start, not as much as I did now but I mainly stayed in the chat room. It wasn't until the DK lynch that I felt I should speak up.
Sooooo... why would I WANT to draw suspicion to myself if I were a wolf?? This point contradicts your point 3 against me.
O_O Our victory or defeat is in your hands Luigi.

Reasons why you should keep me alive:
  • The wolfing of TWG Fox makes little sense as something for me to do, as I wanted to lynch Fox because of my suspicions towards him.
  • Argument with TWG Falcon early in the game would be absolutely foolish and suicidal to do if I were a wolf.
  • A variety of other actions that any wolf in their right mind would absolutely avoid.

Reasons why you should lynch Bowser:
  • The wolfing of TWG Fox would be something Bowser could use to get me to lynch you, Luigi, before the screenshots, since I previously voted for you over Pikachu and Fox.
  • Wild accusations against me that don't make sense unless I am a brainless, bumbling ZOMBIE.
  • As an example of above: "To [the] most important tool a Wolf has is the guise of ignorance." And then, acting like he doesn't know what I'm talking about. Additionally, a variety of other actions throughout the game.
  • Forgetting his vote on Day Four wouldn't matter to him if he already had a plan to win (and gives him another excuse to be online, if that matters).
  • Until the later few phases of the day, hasn't done anything that would necessarily "scream suspicion" or draw unnecessary attention to himself, which would be something a wolf would want to do.

There are probably a few more reasons I'm forgetting...
Quote from: TWG Bowser on May 11, 2013, 04:22:17 PMObviously, those screenshots practically absolved Luigi of any guilt. And no, knowledge of those screenshots wouldn't have mattered, because you keep insistent on "how you could spin them". You had plenty of time to think of ways to do so, and seem to be going out of your way to prove just that. You even tried to disprove them after Fox posted them! It's quite obvious that they caught you off guard and now you're trying to backpedal your argument to make it seem like they haven't been a factor in your argument, even though you keep bringing them up.
You're not making any sense, on a few major points:
1: Obvious, I didn't know about the screenshots, so it's rather obvious that they would catch me off guard!! If I were a wolf, though, there'd be no reason to reply to them until AFTER the update (when Fox would die, and thus be unable so say anything against me).
1a: Obviously, they are a factor in my argument NOW.
2: It wouldn't make any sense to wolf Fox, since then, I'd have nobody to direct my suspicions toward without seeming suspiciously "out of character."
Also, now that I think of it:
My accusations of anybody else, aside from TWG Fox, would make little sense, unless I somehow knew about the screenshots beforehand, and could "turn the tables" against you, Bowser.
An accusation against Luigi would make 0% sense, especially with the wolfing of Fox.
Quote from: TWG Bowser on May 11, 2013, 04:05:27 PMYes, but he has actually made better arguments, or rather ones that were more cohesive. Leaving him alive would've been far riskier than trying to convince Me or Luigi of the contrary.
Not necessarily, no: even before the screenshots were released, it would make little sense to wolf somebody whom I wanted to try and lynch earlier, and could probably get lynched rather easily (especially after the screenshots). If I were a wolf, and could "prove" that TWG Pikachu wasn't a wolf, it would make TWG Fox's intentions seem decidedly more... malicious...

And, if that didn't have a chance of working (especially because of the screenshots; although those were relased later, it's always good to have a plan b), I could always go after you alongside TWG Fox.
Also, as an extension of the first paragraph:
Wolfing TWG Fox would make no sense in the first place, even before the screenshots, if I could demonstrate that he could be a wolf. The screenshots would only add to that (e.g. saying that they're faked screenshots would provide more "evidence").
Because Fox and I have been "enemies," it would make sense for me to want to lynch him, since I had a few reasons against his humanity.
Quote from: TWG Bowser on May 11, 2013, 03:54:55 PMYes, but those screenshots didn't even come up until after the end of the phase, after sending in a wolfing would be possible. Fox basically had an ace up his sleeve and now you have to live with it.
Your statement makes no sense in regard to what I said: I'm not talking about the wolfing. I'm talking about why I would charge out their and debate the validity of the screenshots when there's an easier and/or smarter alternative.

QuoteAnd you have said that:
Quote from: TWG Link on May 11, 2013, 03:10:32 PMb. Fox's screenshots also applied to you.
Of course I've never made it a secret that I've been online for a majority of the game. I was also constantly in the chat, as you could check with me constantly logging in every few hours.
That's what I'm saying: apparently, we were the only two people who checked in during the night phase (which leaves only us two as the possible wolf).
Quote from: TWG Bowser on May 11, 2013, 03:44:30 PMBut you didn't, hindsight being 20/20.
Your statement makes no sense in regard to what I said (which is: why would I put myself in the line of fire after Fox revealed the screenshots). If I were the wolf, and thus knew that Fox was going to be wolfed, there would be no reason to do something completely unnecessary, especially since I could use the screenshots to MY advantage (e.g. saying using the fact that the screenshots also apply to YOU to my advantage).