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Messages - TWG Yoshi

Luigi, you spent all of Day 1 trying to argue that the missed wolfing was an accident, and kept trying to steer us towards looking at the inactives. You spent so much time and energy on that one point, that is was very hard to try and discuss anything else with you. When talking with you it was as if you wanted me to see it your way and agree with you before discussing anything else.

You were probably the only player all last phase who insisted it was an accident, in spite of it being practically impossible. I think after a certain point, you were so commited to that argument that you couldn't just change it on a whim. Even now the only concession you made is "It's possible, but I still think it was an accident."
That time isn't good for me, but I'll be wandering in and out when I can. I'm still there now, and will be for a few hours at least.
In the chat if anybody wants to talk.
I'm of the opinion that this missed wolfing was intentional, given that everybody at least checked in once during the night and I doubt both wolves are inactive. This would mean that "whoever was active Night 1" is not exempt from skipping a wolfing. I do believe, that they'd want to keep a low profile, but not be invisible.

TWG Samus

Since I don't have any real strong feeling for lynching anyone else, and I think the inactives will sort themselves out like normal, but it appears that Samus isn't willing to take a side or try and reason the missed wolfing out for herself.
Excuse me for not wanting to get into character and for not even being online during the initial start-up.
From what I read, it didn't seem like he was all that convinced with his initial argument to begin with.
It's probably because that's the first time the account's been used before.
You can be in character without using such obstructive and distracting means.

Then again if you were a skilled actor you wouldn't have to rely on such props to convince others of your character.
Am I the only getting annoyed by Bowser's constant use of those pics in an attempt to be clever?

I'm all for getting into character, but you can do that without filling up a three line post with 6 pics to illustrate your point. It makes your posts hard to read and only serves to make me not take anything you say seriously.
This seems like an interesting openening move. Sure, the easy thing would be to assume that the wolves are inactive, and one wolf being inactive is a very likely possibility following the last game; but both of them being inactive right from the start just does not seem very likely.

This means we can't just assume an inactive player, during the historically least active phase in the game, is a wolf as anybody can just not send in a wolfing.
I suppose I should make my presence known.

get it

Anyway, good luck.
We really need to stop arguing about the Samus thing. No matter what role Samus is it makes perfect sense for her to try to get somebody other than her killed, that doesn't in itself prove anything. Frankly, I'm not convinced that Samus is a wolf although I started the lynch on her. She was just better than the other options available at the time. I'm not sure why you're so suspicious of her, Link.

Frankly I'm leaning towards Bowser's humanity at this point. He's shown willingness to contribute this phase, and in the chat I had with him he seemed human enough. Naturally this means in my eyes DK has gotten more wolfy.

...not enough, though, for me to actually vote for him. Safety on Fox for now, I'm in the chat if anyone wants to talk.
I do think that if Samus does turn out to be human, DK is most likely to be a wolf. She had some fair points against him in that he was basically picking on semantics.

Also Samus probably voted for DK instead of some other target because he already had a vote on him, so he actually had a chance of getting lynched.

In any case I think Bowser is probably the safest lynch at this point for reasons everyone knows already.
I'm not entirely sure why you think that chatlog's suspicious, honestly.

And I never said you were inactive. If I was going for inactives I'd vote Luigi or Pikachu or something. But your posts this phase haven't really said anything of substance.