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Messages - TWG Bowser

Of course. Good Guy Mario here to find a solution without hurting people!
I'm not concerned with the little green fairy, he's Ganon's problem, and Purple Stache is more annoying than anything else.

Also, back off of my main man Samus. He's a model bounty hunter and helped me with a pest problem while I was trying to conquer the universe.
I don't have time to learn names of unimportant people, all of your staches look the same to me.

After doing some heavy thinking, I know who to vote for.


He may be a good guy now, but we can't forget his villainous past. Kirby eats everything in his path and probably ate his precious banana hoard. Furious, DK wolfed him in vengeance!

I'm so smart of figuring things out.
Man, Purple Stache is really full of himself, isn't he?

I'm ready to vote for him to get him to shut up. However, I will spare you and devote all of my significant genius to finding these wolves. Hrm...
Mario!!! I just knew you'd show up eventually. You always do.
You remind me of a donkey I once had...

I hated that donkey!
This is so BOOOORING! When's something going to happen?
I'm still wondering why you brought us here...
A-ha, Green Stache has arrived. Where's my nemesis, Mario?
What "real identities"? What are you going on about you pink nutball?
Quote from: TWG Samus on April 26, 2013, 07:57:17 PMi dont think i talk much
Most bounty hunters I now are the strong and silent type.

Yep, real tough dudes.
I'm Bowser, King of the Koopas.

Bask in my awesomeness!