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Messages - Toby

I don't know if Oricorio playing more considerate  for NSM TWG is accurate. If he is playing to be more considerate for NSM and thus playing more reserved, I would expect him to also be considerate on his mafia foreign word choice as he was also called out on that in previous games. But he's still using foreign mafia terms like Scum, Bastard, WIFOM.

It might be true he's trying to play less aggressive due to the reaction last game but I'm not sure if I could say he's actively trying to be considerate fo NSM TWG
Quote from: Oricorio on December 04, 2023, 06:40:56 PMSo Waluigi fucked up not once but twice lol. Will they even dare to show their face again?

Do you just mean Waluigi specifically fucked up or also the both wolves behind him in general ?

It seems we are no further forward to solving this game apart from still having the specials in alliance so at least we have some confirmed humans there. I can't tell if the wolves are ducking up or stirring shit on purpose

We've only had green seer results from Luigi so far and the apparent chosen one counter claim was THC who was dead lol. So im guessing we have no direction yet on a lynch today from our alliance ?
I'm not sure how I feel about math guy repetitively calling me a human today since a green seering from the human seer could still mean master wolf. But then I also don't know what game the wolves could be playing by calling their master wolf red
This games a mess

So Waluigi was claiming to be THC banking on him not being revived so the claim could hold true ? Or Waluigi claimed to be THC so wolf THC didn't look like a wolf and could be revived ?

With THC being alive and n1p2 not being dead, I guess that means both won't be wolfed by the time lynch or lose comes around on day 3? So by wolfing Xiao last night, THC has reason to survive longer.

Or is this all just a big distraction ?

Me being seered both red and green is interesting. I'm not sure if that means I'm a miller and the wolf was redirected or I'm just a green human and the wolves are trying to pin me up
Quote from: Toby on December 05, 2023, 02:49:45 AM

Aw this one cut off the ending

This is longer version

Quote from: Nana1Popo2 on December 04, 2023, 04:25:16 PMThe results of the seering though...
The real OS claimed Toby was green.
The wolf account claimed Toby was red.

Why is everyone so obsessed with me

That's quite the bipolar result
I mean there was little to no info given so I didn't know there was a counterclaim or any ruses to be had

And I don't think revealing there is a counterclaim or any claim is much to ask given that if a wolf claims they know there is a counterclaim as they are the one countering lol. In fact not revealing it is letting the wolf team be aware there is a counter and the human team are in the dark lol

But N1P2 has just been quiet generally so I think asking for updates is fair and I was especially curious as it was me who suggested it and wanted to make sure N1P2 was going through with it as I had imagined lol
How is asking if N1p2 knows which TWG seer is the real seer odd vibes? It was part of the process of the plan I suggested which would ensure that once both seers claim we would know which is the real one unless there was a chosen one counterclaim.

I don't see how revealing which twg account is anything but a benefit to humans, so rather than n1p2 keep all the information between them and the Chosen One I'd like the humans to be able to know so I can then see what interactions around which twg account I can look into

Based on N1P2s recent posts though it sounds like there was a counter claim so im hoping we should know who to lynch today if we've also confirmed which twg account is the wolf
Looking at possible pairings for Specs and Oricorio actually fits nicely. Neither have really even looked at eachother the entire game apart from having one conversation about game mechanics
Quote from: Toby on December 04, 2023, 01:35:02 PMI suppose we can wait for seer results

Hoping to see more from Oricorio, math guy and TZP this phase

Oricorio did great with gathering reads in his first game here and I've missed seeing that this game. I'm not sure if he's just taken the green seer result and decided to play quiet ?

Quiet may be the wrong word for Oricorio this game, more play it safe and as I've not seen any aggressiveness this game at all from him
I suppose we can wait for seer results

Hoping to see more from Oricorio, math guy and TZP this phase

Oricorio did great with gathering reads in his first game here and I've missed seeing that this game. I'm not sure if he's just taken the green seer result and decided to play quiet ?
I don't see any reason why the confirmed human wouldn't have been wolfed?

Unless there was someone Xiao was sus of but I didn't see any of that? Or maybe wolves seered Xiao blue and took a shot hoping it would be the seer ? But the seer can still play via twg luigi so you don't really lose a player by doing that just a vote.
Quote from: TheZeldaPianist275 on December 04, 2023, 08:17:54 AMRereading the end of D1 I'm honestly surprised and a little concerned at how much momentum that Specs lynch picked up toward the end. When Specs changed his vote to Math, that made it 3 on Math to 2 on him (and 1 on Xiao from N1P2). N1P2 then flipped to Specs to tie it up 3-3, and then Toby pushed the lynch onto Specs in the last half hour of the phase. As a human, I was already somewhat ambivalent about whether I wanted to lynch Specs or a less active player, and I think that most human players would feel the same, so I could interpret Toby's last-minute vote switch as a no-other-choice protection move for Math as a wolf partner. If Specs wasn't a wolf, I'd say this suggests itself to me as the most likely possibility.

N1P2, it's very likely that you're going to die tonight--please don't go gently! If you have info on the side from the alts or especially the Chosen One, please share it before you die so that that player doesn't have to expose himself.

I want to point out I didn't just turn in the last 30 mins I had been discussing Specs as an option for half of the last day

Specs made 2 mistakes of over exaggerating his points in his accusations. As a human if he is trying to find the wolves he wouldn't be over exaggerating points for his accusations, he would be making an honest case. I seen it as an attempt to swap peoples with false information. There was also a couple weird comments he had made which I had highlighted.

I don't find it surprising he gained votes at all I thought it felt good for a day 1. I am surprised that you're surprised though given you voted him and didn't say anything against anyone else lol. I also thought that both yourself and math voting for him was quite damning when 1) you both know him irl and 2) you both had private conversations with him.

Quote from: Oricorio on December 03, 2023, 04:26:33 PMNot sure I like the Specs lynch, they seem to be a standard earlygame lynch at this point and they weren't as wolfy as the first game I played with them. Would've preferred to nuke an inactive slot, but whatever.

And since some people are confused as to what "bastard" means in a mafia context, here's a short definition:

Specs was only lynched day 2 last game and apart from when he was an assassin in a game before I don't remember him being lynched another time

The most inactive slots would be math or TZP at this point I believe. But neither are as inactive as we've seen people be in previous games. I'm hoping activity picks up for both