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Messages - Nana1Popo2

I may not know you all well enough, but these are amazing! What a fun concept~
Off-Topic / Re: NSM 2018 Holiday Postcards!
January 09, 2019, 09:57:17 PM
I received everyone's as well! Thank you and hope you all had wonderful holiday seasons :)
Hm, considering I'm more active (ish) again, want to re add me to Tempe, Arizona (USA; basically right next to Brassman)?
Off-Topic / Re: The Birthday Topic
December 15, 2018, 09:31:19 AM
Happy Birthday Brassman! Glad to see you around more often now~
Off-Topic / Re: NSM 2018 Holiday Postcards!
December 13, 2018, 12:52:18 PM
Mine will be sent tomorrow!
Quote from: Brawler4Ever on December 03, 2018, 03:47:32 PMThird, n1 was asking why I didn't pick them for chancellor during the final phase. That was already after I had formulated my plan to vigi them, and I considered that the final tell that I needed for them to be Hitler. It all just made perfect sense to me.

And you wonder why I dont speak my mind. lol. I contemplated so long posting that comment, but figured why tf not since it didn't seem like anyone had a huge target on my back. At least, so I thought..

I honestly had no clue how to formulate any responses this game. I was half confused half the time but bought into Brawler's posts. Even if I was a bad guy, I doubt I could've been smart enough to make any good moves...
I was gonna type up something about BDS near the end but it would've put too much suspicion on me, I feel--thought it would be better if I kept my mouth shut. (Also to speed up the game, because I still didn't understand how we could kill someone?)

I liked this game style, as it was different from the norm, however now I feel like I need some classic Werewolf to get back into the spirit of things..
Alright, sure.

Hmm, by the sounds of things, you wouldn't imagine me to be least likely to be Hitler? or am I too quiet?
Everyone seems to be skipping over double-guessing me *shrug*
BDS might work... want to hear others' opinions..
What is the current liberal/fascist policy ratio left?
I know theyre all going to get reset after this round, but wouldnt it be more beneficial to wait until next time to check Brainy's decisions? I don't contribute much because it's hard to figure out what to say without sounding like I haven't paid attention.. haha.

I'm still very much liberal *shrug* I'm still trying to figure out the BDS/mikey/olimar trio atm, as well. Most likely the same as you lot.
Off-Topic / Re: NSM 2018 Holiday Postcards!
November 25, 2018, 09:12:05 PM
I'm in! Got plenty of postcards that I have yet to use~
Has BDS revealed me yet? If not, how come?...

Go ahead and seer me, I'm not hiding anything.

I don't have too much to add to the conversation. I agreed with what was mentioned before as to possible decisions to be made so.. until we have more to go off of, I suppose I'm just waiting lol. Kind of a weird game.
I can agree with Brawler.

In this game, I trust Shy more than letting an opportunity to seer Mikey or Brainy get passed up, for the same reasons.