
Rest in pepperoni, Mario Mario, 1981 - 2021
He will be missed by all, except for me! WARIO, NUMBER ONE!

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Messages - chipmunk884

April 25, 2008, 03:25:20 PM
Even though i didn't vote, i'm best at math.  I still get A+'s in my math class, even though it is an honors course that is 2 years ahead.  So basically, I will be taking calculus in 11th grade.
Off-Topic / Re: The fourth dimension
April 25, 2008, 03:22:01 PM
Even though the 4th dimension is considered to be time in physics, i'm talking about a 4th spacial dimension.  I also read about the superstring theory, which is only plausable if there are 10 dimensions, with 6 of them wrapped up in the sub-atomic level.  People also have theory's that state that other dimensions besides our 3 could be used for time travel.  I've also read that all invisible forces like gravity and particles originate in the 4th dimension.  Finally, in reply to what razer said, even though i don't believe in that "donut" theory, if it was true, then theoretically, our "donut universe" could be the necklace or painting for a 4th dimensional creature/human.  Just some things to think about.  And if you read through all of the articles from the second link on my first post, you will get a much better understanding of the 4th dimension.  It really helped me to comprehend the 4th dimension much better, and now I can actually think about what the 4th dimension would be like without straining my brain so much!
Piano Arrangements / Re: Chipmunk884's Arrangements
April 25, 2008, 01:36:04 PM
Just in case anybody didn't read my previous post, I need help on fixing the last few measures of "The Story Begins" from smg. Second, I just finished "Home Run Contest" from ssbb and added it to my first post, so check it out and leave your feedback.  I know it is short, but I'm pretty sure that it's accurate.
Project Archive / Re: In Progress topic
April 25, 2008, 01:14:03 PM
Here's my list of songs that i will or am working on:

In Progress:

To Do List (Future Arrangements):
Any song from ssbb that i like but isn't already being arranged.

[Wii] Super Smash Bros Brawl - "Kid Icarus Underworld"
[Wii] Super Smash Bros Brawl - "Home Run Contest
[Wii] Super Mario Galaxy - "Melty Molten Galaxy"
Off-Topic / The fourth dimension
April 24, 2008, 06:34:23 PM
Have any of you thought that there is a fourth dimension or tried to imagine what a 4d object looks like?  anyway, i've been doing research on the fourth dimension, and i think that it is awesome and mind boogling, but doesn't exist.  However, my uncle has a theory that the universe is actually in a torus (donut) shaped object that is rotating around in the fourth dimension.  Basically, he is saying that if you go far enough out into space, you will end up back at earth.  Here are some awesome links i found on the topic:

Please post any thoughts that you have on this subject, because i'm very curious what you think about it.  Enjoy!
Piano Arrangements / Re: Chipmunk884's Arrangements
April 24, 2008, 06:29:55 PM
I figured out what to do and i posted the revised version.  I think that it is ready to be added to the site, but i still need feedback to be sure, hopefully from ghan...  Anyway, I still want help on figuring out what to do for the last 3 or 4 measures in "The story begins" piece.  If you can fix it, I will credit you in the piece before it is added to the site.  And with melty molten galaxy, changing the time signature messes it up big time, so it has to stay at 4/4.  I think that was the only complaint for melty molten galaxy.
Piano Arrangements / Re: Chipmunk884's Arrangements
April 24, 2008, 06:01:16 PM
What do you do to a double flat when that flat is already in the key sig.  Ex what is a Bbb in F major (with Bb in key sig)
Art / Re: Chipmunk884's Computer Art
April 24, 2008, 03:59:07 PM
Just updated mercay island map.  Just look at the first post link and message.  I hope you like the finished work!
Piano Arrangements / Re: Chipmunk884's Arrangements
April 24, 2008, 04:21:26 AM
could someone tell me how to change the notes from double flat?
Piano Arrangements / Re: Chipmunk884's Arrangements
April 23, 2008, 02:37:25 PM
I totally forgot to post this, but I don't know what notes the double flats should be... I don't know whether i remove the flats and lower it a note or what to do. I meant to ask this in the original post.  Second, about melty molten galaxy, I do realize that the arrangement sounds empty, but you shouldn't put drum parts into piano parts.  Second, if i change the time signature to 3/4, will it affect any of my notes.  And to the person who replied about melty molten galaxy, i'm not sure what rhythm you're talking about.
Art / Chipmunk884's Computer Art
April 21, 2008, 04:33:51 PM
Here is all of my computer art that I have been working on.  I hope you enjoy, especially the ones made in Google SketchUp:

Kirby Desktop Image *COMPLETE*

Final Smash Desktop Image *COMPLETE*

Mercay Island Map *COMPLETE*

The Mercay Island map is now complete with houses and ocean king temple.  I know that the texturing and the modeling of the houses isn't that great, but i did my best with my limited 2d texture skills (with the help of built in textures).  Enjoy!

Nintendo / Brawl Final Smash Desktop Project
April 16, 2008, 02:55:14 PM
Sorry for the 1 month delay, but i finished the project i promised that was a desktop image of final smashes from super smash bros brawl.  Here is the link.  Enjoy.  Note that if you request that a specific one with characters of your choosing be made, just post the 8 characters you want in it, along with either a background image or what you want for the background. 
 Final Smash Desktop Image
Gaming / Re: Rubik's Cube
April 14, 2008, 03:43:17 PM
It's not that hard to learn it.  just go to and watch the tyson mao video under rubik's academy.  It's really easy to learn.
Gaming / Re: Rubik's Cube
April 10, 2008, 04:09:33 AM
Yesterday, I reached a new personal record of 1 min 32 sec.  Right now, I am trying to learn more algorithms and finger tricks so that i can get under a minute.