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Messages - ASH501ST

Completed by DonValentino

This is a pretty short easy song, I would really like it if some one could arrange it, thanks ;)
Nintendo / Re: Banjo-Kazooie-3DS
July 11, 2011, 11:00:11 PM
Quote from: Clanker37 on July 10, 2011, 10:36:24 PMIt makes me sad to see such a wonderful company brought down by Microsoft. :'(

Its not the first, Ensomble, bungie (in a way) and meny other indies
Nintendo / Re: Banjo-Kazooie-3DS
July 10, 2011, 09:15:07 PM
I don't think this will happen, although I wish it would.  But Microsoft bought Rare from nintando quite sometime ago.  Banjo Kazooie was rumered to come out on the original Nintendo DS, but that didn't happen ether so don't get you hopes up.
Site News / Re: Update, Sunday July 3rd of 2011
July 03, 2011, 09:49:58 PM
Thanks for the Luigi's Mansion man!!!
Site News / Re: Update, Thursday June 23rd of 2011
June 24, 2011, 10:48:59 PM
Those StarFox songs are really amazing by the way ;)  It's like orchestra quality.  It's nice to see someone doing starfox songs, considering how few are on the site.
Nintendo / Re: LUIGI'S MANSION 2
June 23, 2011, 09:28:41 PM
Well, to me when it comes to video games everyone has there own that they like and there own that they don't.  Just like with movies.  I don't like dramas I like adventure.  And when it comes to Zelda games I started with Ocarina of Time and it has always been my favorite, if not for anything else, for nostalgia. ;)
Nintendo / Re: LUIGI'S MANSION 2
June 23, 2011, 06:43:46 PM
Quote from: KefkaticFanatic on June 23, 2011, 11:21:53 AMOoT is the "worst" out of all the 3D Zeldas simply because it's outdated.

What???  really, and your saying I'm not a gamer.  Some of the best video games ever made you can say are out dated, but their not cause they are classic games.  Would you say super mario brothers on the nes is the worst 2D mario game cause its outdated?  That was a really arrogant statement!

Anyway I don't want to get in a fight on the NSM forums so I'm going to drop this.
Nintendo / Re: LUIGI'S MANSION 2
June 23, 2011, 09:45:00 AM
Quote from: KefkaticFanatic on June 22, 2011, 10:20:00 PMIf you were more excited for this than Skyrim or Mass Effect 3 or Batman Arkham City you aren't very good at being a gamer.

I AM a gamer.  I'm not a fan of any of those games you just mentioned.  I'm excited for all the nintendo stuff, I don't care about Sony, and I'm excited for the new halo games.  And starwars kinect
Nintendo / Re: LUIGI'S MANSION 2
June 22, 2011, 09:53:21 PM
Quote from: SlowPokemon on June 22, 2011, 08:34:55 PMWow this is so ancient, just saying

E3 wasn't that long ago.  No one else said it so I decided to.  I'm such a big Luigi's mansion fan, I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the screen say Luigi's Mansion 2.  I was more excited over that then anything else announced at E3 and there was some good stuff anounced.  I'm just such a big fan.

Nintendo / LUIGI'S MANSION 2
June 22, 2011, 08:27:59 PM
Who decided they had to get a Nintendo 3DS when they announced that Luigi's Mansion 2 would be comming out exclusively for the Nintendo 3DS???
Quote from: WarioMan98 on June 22, 2011, 04:55:07 AMCould you send me another copy too? I can´t buy it until mid-July, and by then, there won´t be any CD!  :'(

Hay, I actually just went on my Club Nintendo account, and they changed the thing again, now they say that anyone that registers it by yesterday gets one, and everyone else can still register theres and they will keep sending them out wall suplies last.  Of course that probably wont be for very long.
Quote from: olimar12345 on June 21, 2011, 11:47:41 AMI can send you a copy of the CD via pm when I get it.

Cool, thanks.  I don't they ship em out for a few week though.
Nintendo / The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time 3DS
June 21, 2011, 11:24:09 AM
Who's mad that only people who pre ordered The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time 3DS, got to get the 25th anniversary OoT soundtrack???
I'm a really big legend of Zelda fan, but I didn't buy it cause I don't have a 3DS cause its more expensive then I can afford.  I think they should have done something else with it.
Nintendo / Re: Nintendo´s E3 Press Conference!
June 07, 2011, 09:43:49 PM
Dude, Wall I was watching the Nintendo E3 press conference live, I got so excited when I saw Luigi's Mansion 2.  It was one of thoughs games I thought I would never see a sequal to, but I loved the first one so much.  I'm so excited for that game!!!
What?!? Cobraroll being corrected? hahaha ;)

Quote from: Cobraroll on June 02, 2011, 01:26:25 PMNah, I don't think your spelling is that bad when you put some effort into it. Just do like the rest of us, and read through your post one more time before pressing the "Post" button. It helps.

Yeah, you can definatly tell when I type a message in a hurry.