
Local man invests life savings into turnips. When asked whether it was a wise decision he responded, "Eh. I'm sure someone will buy them."

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Messages - Nebbles

Is anyone else going to the midnight showing for the last movie? I'm glad to say I am! I'm really, really excited.
I'll have a good post count in no time. XD I have two other forums I go to and I just rack up post counts. It's because I love talking to people. I trust you guys to be a great community!
I quit my old job :T I'd get one but I -still- have no licence or anything and I can't rely on my family to schlep me to my job all the time. That'd be unfair.
Off-Topic / Re: The Introduction Thread
July 10, 2011, 09:11:56 PM
Quote from: KefkaticFanatic on July 10, 2011, 09:07:06 PMare you one of those really cool kids that LARPs

Noooo. Just text RPs. xD I would never LARP. (and I can't tell if you're being sarcastic with the whole cool kids thing. :T )

@drpamplemousse - Thanks! :D
Off-Topic / Re: Where do you come from?
July 10, 2011, 09:03:21 PM
I come from my parents

Nah, I'm in the good 'ol U-S-of-A.
Off-Topic / Re: The Introduction Thread
July 10, 2011, 09:02:51 PM
Oh christ here it is. I couldn't find it.

Hi! I'm Nebbles. :3 I love anything artsy (writing, sculpting, drawing), baking, gaming and sleeping. I'm a very chatty person and I'll be floating around here lots and lots. I just started my piano lessons, and this site will be my go-to for all my game sheet music needs. I also love roleplaying in my fre time... which I have plenty of.

But enough rambling. Nice to meet you all!

And edit hurr: I like history/geography a lot and I plan to major in that. Right.
Art / Re: Nebbles' art thread
July 10, 2011, 08:59:41 PM
Ah, my creepypasta. :3 Some of my favourite works. It's something about looking into the darker side of Pokemon that I like, a lot.

Just a rumor is my favourite. I think it's my best one.
Music / Re: What Song Are You Learning Right Now?
July 10, 2011, 08:49:40 PM
/is totally new to the piano. No seriously I've had like 3 lessons.

But with a little help from a friend, I'm now teaching myself Lavender Town. (R/B/Y version)
I'm glad I joined this forum. I hope to have a nice time here!

And ahhh I love staying up late in the summer~
Art / Re: Nebbles' art thread
July 10, 2011, 08:43:57 PM
Really? Aw, thanks a bunch! <3

What did you read, exactly? xD I've got so much stuff on there that I've written.
Gaming / Re: What are you playing right now?
July 10, 2011, 07:34:20 PM
Pokemon Crystal, Animal Crossing: Wild World and Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3DS.
Nintendo / Re: Banjo-Kazooie-3DS
July 10, 2011, 07:32:50 PM
For a second I got really excited, then saw that it wasn't a real announcement for the game. xD Oh well. I still need to work on 100% on the N64 game anyway...
Art / Nebbles' art thread
July 10, 2011, 07:30:15 PM
Considering I've got MASSIVE pictures, I'm just going to link you guys to my deviantart, and you can all see my work on there. C: (There's stories on there as well)
Completed by Bespinben

Um, hello! This is my absolute favourite song from the PMD series and I would love to learn it on the piano. Here's a link to the song in question: