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Messages - Nebbles

Oh, the Special Episodes! The best one is with Grovyle and the song playing when the sun started rising in the future. That song was brilliant.

PMD games make me tear up. I am proud to admit that.
The PMD games have such fantastic sound tracks. Pokemon Square is a close favourite.
Art / Re: Nebbles' art thread
July 10, 2011, 10:59:35 PM
Oh! xD Well I'm always drawing so who knows. I like drawing Pokemon gijnkas so you can expect some of those.
Art / Re: Nebbles' art thread
July 10, 2011, 10:55:25 PM
I've got two pastas planned in the works. If my damn writer's block went away, I could write them :T
Well, I'm going with friends, anyway. So that's why it'll be bearable.

And again - first midnight showing of a movie. That's more of the exciting part.
Art / Re: Nebbles' art thread
July 10, 2011, 10:46:01 PM

Zekrom! I hated having to give this away. It was so precious and adorable ;3;

And thank you~
Holy crap, I found my picture of the clay Zekrom I made! -goes to put that in art thread-
Quote from: Clanker37 on July 10, 2011, 10:34:34 PMWelcome to NSM! I hope your stay here is as pleasant as possible! Secondly, well done on providing a link. Most new arrivals forget so, well done! I would love to do it, but I'm a bit busy with other arrangements at the moment, but if I get a free hour or two I'll be glad to do it!

Fffff oh my god thank you so much! ;v; Take your time!
Thanks~ And good night :D
Ugh, I hope not. I'd be so upset if it got lost dsfjkdsls

I put up two sculpey pictures on my art thread. The rest are floating around my gallery, which I linked to.
Art / Re: Nebbles' art thread
July 10, 2011, 10:03:34 PM
I have some Sculpey art that's not on my dA.

I will! There's some sculpey art in my art thread... well a link to my sculpey art. Eh, I'll post some up in a bit.

I made sculpey-mons for my friends for commissions! I raised money for the Red Cross. :3
I have to-do lists.. I need some sculpey, anyway, to make my next projects. Reshiram and Amaterasu/Chibiterasu!
Well I'm sure, regardless, I'll enjoy my stay.

I'm good! Just relaxing, talking to friends, all that good stuff. I have tons of books to read that I should really get to... yet I'm lazy... >_>
Har har.

So, how is everyone today?