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Messages - Nebbles

I also highly enjoyed Inception. (500) days of Summer is adorable.

I also like that Joseph Gordon-Levitt happens to be both of those movies >3>
Off-Topic / Pet peeves!
July 15, 2011, 10:25:57 PM
I think this will be an interesting topic. Members of NSM, what makes you tick?

My main is all the damn attention whores on Facebook or wherever. They always go "omg I'm so ugly!!!!1! :(" and "crying again for the fifth time today <///3" and the winning, compliment-fishing "i'm so ugly omg /uploads 5000 photos of self". Christ. I hate seeing this all over my damn wall.

There's also people who don't use your/you're and their/there/they're properly. Drives me nuts.
Art / Re: Nebbles' art thread
July 15, 2011, 10:23:50 PM
Dizzy? xD I guess that's a compliment. And now here's a Suicune gijinka I doodled just now. She's pretty. I kinda messed up on her face, but whatev.

Art / Re: Nebbles' art thread
July 15, 2011, 09:38:58 PM
Guess I'm just lucky. xD
Art / Re: Nebbles' art thread
July 15, 2011, 09:29:44 PM
I've encountered... a shiny Hoothoot, a shiny Shinx, a shiny Gyarados (in Platinum), a shiny Gloom, a shiny Tentacruel... and thanks to Crystal, I have  a shiny Jynx.

Oh, I also ran into a shiny Geodude once.
Art / Re: Nebbles' art thread
July 15, 2011, 09:24:19 PM
I love shiny Giratina. I'm still soft resetting in Platinum to get one... sob...

And wow you guys comment fast /never gets this many comments orz Thank you so much~
Art / Re: Nebbles' art thread
July 15, 2011, 09:20:48 PM
Rawr! Giratina!

All right, sounds fine to me.
>3< I don't have a pedal. I have a keyboard. So when I get good enough to play this, I'm gonna have to do without.
Quote from: Brassman388 on July 15, 2011, 06:50:00 PMYou weren't born with two sets of arms? Shame on you.

;A; I can't help it! I was born this way! /shot for bad joke
What's wrong with French? :I
Ahhh, I love Spirited Away.

Another film I like is Inglorious Basterds. I guess it's my weakness for languages and accents. And the sheer epicness that movie had. >3>
No, everyone actually laughed. XD
Harry Potter was fantastic, seriously. /hasn't stopped gushing about it