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Messages - Nebbles

Off-Topic / Re: Pet peeves!
July 15, 2011, 11:33:33 PM

People who make out characters to be wimps due to trauma.

No, no, no. I had an old RP partner who did and I just quit because it pissed me off so much. Yes, people who suffer PTSD can suffer, get ill, nightmares, etc. This does NOT MEAN they turn into spineless, crying wimps who pass out for no good reason. They have a lot to deal with, but it does not mean they are weak! They can still be strong people!

Mental illness =/= turning into a total wimp or a "boohoo pity me!" type of person.

I did a research paper on PTSD too, so christ. Mental illnesses should not be glorified! Neither should insanity!
Off-Topic / Re: Pet peeves!
July 15, 2011, 11:28:08 PM it bad I like creepy things in the Pokemon world? No? Okay...
Off-Topic / Re: Pet peeves!
July 15, 2011, 11:26:46 PM
I give a very happy "Thank you! :D"

Back to pet peeves!

Egotistical people. I don't need to elaborate.
Off-Topic / Re: Pet peeves!
July 15, 2011, 11:23:49 PM
Quote from: winterkid09 on July 15, 2011, 11:22:33 PMSelf-Confidence will get you more compliments anyway xD

That's what I figure. xD And random compliments feel better because you're like "awww how nice of them :3"
Off-Topic / Re: Pet peeves!
July 15, 2011, 11:20:39 PM
...rule 34.

Off-Topic / Re: Pet peeves!
July 15, 2011, 11:16:24 PM
Quote from: SlowPokemon on July 15, 2011, 11:11:47 PM^Lol yeah I know exactly what you mean

Also people acting like they're horrible at something they're really good at, so people will tell them they're good

Pretty much the attention whore thing I mentioned. It's like they NEED people to tell them they're pretty. :I I believe I'm good looking without fishing for compliments every 5 damn minutes.
Art / Re: Slow's Lame Art Stuff
July 15, 2011, 11:15:25 PM
Eeeee I love your work! No Face~ ;v;
Off-Topic / Re: Pet peeves!
July 15, 2011, 11:10:29 PM
Here's a big one! The ones who preach that "true fan" bullshit.

No. True fans do NOT exist. You like something to a certain degree, you're a fan. Some fans are bigger than others, yes, and others and laidback. But nothing fucking makes you a true fan because everyone has a different perception of what a true fan really is. Can't we all just say "Yes, we're fans of this!" Who cares if someone's a bigger fan than you? That shouldn't affect anything.
I can't remember any exact quotes, but fuck, the whole speech before the final boss fight in Okami. I was ready to cry. ;_; It was beautiful.
Off-Topic / Re: Pet peeves!
July 15, 2011, 11:00:32 PM
I use big words, but then again I'm a writer, so.... xD I just like certain words, though.
Off-Topic / Re: Pet peeves!
July 15, 2011, 10:50:39 PM
That bugs me too. I took 3 years of Spanish, so hearing people say Spanish words wrong bug me. It's not a HUGE pet peeve.

Oh, god, I also hate people just dumping art requests on me. "HEYYY WILL YOU DRAW ME?" "CAN YOU DRAW ME THIS?" "WHAT ARE YOU DRAWING?"

And I just stopped drawing in school until like the end of the year where no one bugs me anymore @_@
Quote from: SlowPokemon on July 15, 2011, 10:19:01 PMDiglett: "My feet still feel like they're walking on air!"
Everyone else: *embarrassed sweat drop* "(Feet? He has them? Feet?)"

-Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Blue/Red Rescue Team

xD You took my quote!
Off-Topic / Re: Pet peeves!
July 15, 2011, 10:36:51 PM
Quote from: SuperFireKirby on July 15, 2011, 10:35:39 PMRAP MUSIC(besides old rap such as Biggy Smalls, Run DMC, Black Sheep, ect.)

Oh my god, I can't stand rap at all. Mostly because it's the same thing these days. About bitches and hoes, money, drugs and tons of swear words. Quality right there. :|
Off-Topic / Re: Pet peeves!
July 15, 2011, 10:31:48 PM
Well, I don't mind laughing to a certain degree. Coughing, though, drives me crazy, especially when I'm taking a test. Noises then drive me insane.