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Messages - WaluigiTime64

I mean I wanted Super Mario to win but Kirby was a good second as well. :(

(Well, everyone knows Kirby is the best series anyway)
I believe the main problem here is the lack of swing playback. In the most commonly used notation softwares, there's an expressive text which states "Swing!" or the like. This by default swings the 8th notes, which would probably help transcribing the piece a lot. It's also necessary for telling performers to swing the 8ths.

Also I believe you were asking for a reference previously, so you may use this first bit here as a reference:


I'd still definitely recommend transcribing this part yourself instead of copying directly from here, but it's there if you want it.
If that sounded like rant mode then you must be confusing me with someone who's emotionally attached to this haha.

I've read your post, but that doesn't at all eliminate the idea of claiming "correct" or "incorrect", because "strange", "odd", and "maybe" tend to translate just as easily.

Also, you made a point that it's up to him to decide what works and what doesn't.
Quote from: Brassman388 on August 19, 2018, 08:26:57 PMMeasure 9 - 12, while this is obviously played by two separate hands, maybe you could cross staff both figures? Another solution is to make the downbeat of each note a staccato'd quarter note establishing the pulse and differentiating the syncopation. Play around with it and see what works and what doesn't.
But that idea was lost in your most recent post, by claiming absolute on your suggestions. I understand that phrases like "make the downbeat of each note a staccato'd quarter note establishing the pulse and differentiating the syncopation.", etc. aren't easy for someone foreign to understand, but it doesn't mean you should dumb it down to the easiest thing possible to understand, losing some important bits.

Again, if it sounded like "rant mode" or whatever it's not quite that, no. In the end all I offer is a rephrasing, which is in fact, a language thing. "Try this" would probably have worked just fine imo.
Quote from: Brassman388 on August 23, 2018, 06:56:48 PM
Edit #1
This is incorrect.

This is correct.

Actually what Jacopo has written down is completely fine, and offers a different playing method that might be more comfortable. Plus, the original chords are up in that octave.

Quote from: Brassman388 on August 23, 2018, 06:56:48 PM
Edit #2
This is incorrect.

This is correct.

You can't tell me that your edit is easier to read rhythmically. Just because you have an opportunity to put a staccato quarter note, doesn't mean it's any more "correct", especially in this circumstance. Furthermore, you didn't even get every single opportunity for it, presumably because it'd be too difficult to read.
As a side note, the bass notes should probably be beamed regardless.

Quote from: Brassman388 on August 23, 2018, 06:56:48 PM
Edit #3
This is incorrect.

This is correct.

I will concede that this may be better. Jacopo has used an unconventional beaming practice here, though the value of it here is very questionable.

Honestly, claiming that these methods of notation are "incorrect" is very odd. In these situations, neither is inherently "correct" nor "incorrect", so don't belittle the different notation methods used by calling them such.
Quote from: Libera on August 23, 2018, 01:18:15 AM21. Super Mario - When I was born, never did I think that I would be the one to kill Mario.
Well yeah, one typically is not aware of their own garbage hipster wrong tastes until they grow up.
12. Kirby - 10
15. Metroid - 4
17. Pokémon - 8
21. Super Mario - 4
24. The Legend of Zelda - 9

I have no problems with Metroid.
12. Kirby - 12
15. Metroid - 3
17. Pokémon - 11
21. Super Mario - 14
24. The Legend of Zelda - 15

i saw mario bashing and i didn't like that
Oh dang, nice one Levi!

And thanks Seb, for doing things like this to support arrangers.
Applying this logic (of comparing it to Harvest Moon) to other series, Hamtaro and Touhou Project could also have their own sections. Heck, Undertale by itself has more sheets than any of these. There are several reasons why they probably don't have sections, likely including how small they still are relative to some of the other sections.

The only reason Harvest Moon (among others) has its own section is because it's been like that for a long time. There has yet to be a restructuring of the NSM-site layout (which I believe is in the works), but when it does happen the Harvest Moon section would probably be moved to Other.
Feedback / Re: How do you submit a replacement
August 17, 2018, 03:59:39 PM
I've also believed that the replacement system is kinda weird. I know it works, but something about it is rather off (maybe it being different from the regular submissions system for very little reason?).

It's usually not a problem for me because of the games I make replacements for, but like...


...this seems a bit obnoxious. I think it would be good for it to have a similar setup to the standard submissions system, so we don't get "literally tons of people" asking about this (consider that no one asks about the standard system, because it's streamlined and makes sense). Yes, an explanation is written somewhere, but obviously not everyone's going to look there.

...just... read what Altissimo said.
Feedback / Re: How do you submit a replacement
August 17, 2018, 04:45:24 AM
I... agree that the replacement thing is weird.

You have to state the name of the game first (which is weird). Just try the first word, and a bunch of options should appear. It's not the greatest, no.
So apparently I've been "online" here for a total of 100 days.
Help! / Re: My new idea
July 31, 2018, 01:15:43 AM
Ok so reading through this... "thread" I can see where some of the problems lie.

For starters, if you want to start arranging, you don't just ask people for what to arrange. You just arrange what you want to. Think about what things you'd like to have sheet music of, or would like to analyse by transcribing yourself. Transcribing and arranging for sheet music purposes is a very high effort activity, and a tedious skill to train. Unless you're an extremely persistent and determined person, picking pieces to transcribe because "they're easy to transcribe" isn't necessarily the best way to start.

Also demanding that the piece be one with a sheet already on the site is just silly. It's restricting, and you won't really be able to reap as many benefits from it. If you need to check notes, that's what NSM as a community is for. You don't need to check it by a sheet that's already on the site (which is odd that you ask for that anyway, because that sheet would've gone through the NSM community's feedback to get there in the first place). We as a community work together to improve each other's transcribing and arranging abilities.
Of course, beginning arranging for the purpose of removing a bad sheet from the site is a different matter entirely, but currently I don't believe you are pursuing that either.

Honestly, if you want to train your ear at transcribing, just do it. It doesn't matter how bad you are at the start, as long as you keep doing it and continually improve. I'll tell you now: you will likely not receive mountains of feedback in the Piano Arrangements board. That's fine, because with just a little bit of your own critical analysis and the practice itself, you'll improve, and it'll become more clear to you as you keep doing it.