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Messages - TWG Kirby

Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on June 14, 2014, 06:44:26 PMYour point of view isn't to be trusted. :P If something just doesn't make sense, it doesn't make sense either way. :P
Think about it like this bds, If fank says he is certain of facts, then consider what he knows, and what he has, he probably has a bigger understanding of the game than you do. (and why he want's red to die right now)
Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on June 14, 2014, 06:04:23 PMOlimar/TST aren't the reviver so all's not lost. :3
Hi Works, Im spanner

Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on June 13, 2014, 06:04:48 PMAlright. This is probably not safe to do, but I'm going to do it anyways. :P

Here's a list of claims I have gotten, aside from you:
TWG Link: Guard (false, given the seering)
Olimar: Red (I don't think he said exactly what role though)
Vermilionvermin: Claimed green vigi, but told me his anon account was the red guard (which I trust- if only I knew who it was)
TST: Red (I don't trust it because he claimed different roles in chat)

Thus, I can piece together the red team:
Seer: TWG Kirby
Vigi: BlackDragonSlayer
Guardian: Verm's anon account
Reviver: Olimar/TST

QuoteAlright. This is probably not safe to do, but I'm going to do it anyways. :P
Nope, no it wasn't

Seeing every other option I have...  yeah. I hope things can start moving my way, anyway


Best lynch in my biased opinion.
unvote for now, although thats the plan, the more we know of fank the more we can dismantle his plan
A little doggie said to lynch fank
Quote from: TWG Link on June 12, 2014, 05:51:39 PMI've gotten zero claims. I don't know how I can be any more clear, but I'll try to lay this out for you guys.

This game will be won by half of the people playing it, since each team has four players, and there are eight players in the game. That means that if one team has an edge on day one, the four players on that team can abandon their other teams and control the votes as well as the rest of the game. Night 1 is the most important phase in faction games.

If we don't meet up, we won't know who to vigi. We won't know who needs to be guarded, or who needs to be seered. If the orange team is going to stand a chance at all, you need to claim to me immediately.

As stated before by yoshi you demonstrate no reason for us to give us your claims other than to gain power in the game by having information, because the manipulation of information is how this game is going to be won.

Still need more vig claims from Orange and Blue, But Fank, WHAT ARE YOU DOING????? Why claim so early, and especially as reviver when its vigs mostly coming out. If you really are the blue reviver, why are you putting yourself in the open and the vig open to be shot at this phase? Of course you would want to control the game. 
Quote from: TWG Link on June 11, 2014, 05:05:00 PMOkay, okay. I'm actually orange. Can't believe that the one role I decide to false claim ends up belonging to verm.

Anyway, let's get our team together.
Someone who falls weak at counterclaiming verm, you must be fank, scared to face verm.

Quote from: vermilionvermin on June 11, 2014, 05:21:04 PMHere's how you should claim to me.  Just have the accounts that are either green or red send me (vermilionvermin) a PM telling me who you are.  If you want to tell me your other account, I'd appreciate it and can promise that I won't lynch either of your accounts.  If you're still really worried about it, I can understand not wanting to claim, but I can't promise that that account doesn't get killed by mistake.
I somewhat trust you more than link, but who knows what kind of stunt YOU are going to pull
Vig's claiming everywhere, Shots will fire everywhere, and not a drop to drink.

Quote from: TWG Luigi on June 11, 2014, 03:21:40 PMLet's-a-go!

I say that we try to kill off the real accounts and make this a real mystery game! the frivolousity would be yes!

This sounds like a really good idea. The more anonymity the better.
Quote from: TWG Yoshi on October 03, 2013, 02:19:24 AMThrowing a tantrum because people aren't agreeing with you is not going to make them trust you anymore.

I don't trust Luigi to be totally human, it's equally possible that he's just a very bad wolf or is new to this. You however have not done anything to convince me of his wolf-ness or your own humanity. And honestly, if you're going to throw a fit like that I'd rather have you removed anyway because it really takes away the fun of playing.
If you think I'm "throwing a tantrum," then you're not understanding what I'm doing. At all.
And another thing I should mention!

I'm not voting for myself just because I want to guilt you into changing your votes; I legitimately want to see what you'll do after I'm lynched and how, by your reasoning, 2 + 2 = 5 (in a nutshell, I want to see how or if you'll keep marching behind Luigi like a line of clockwork solders; I want to make a point to you, hopefully helping you more when I'm dead than when I'm alive, if that makes sense)!

So, yes, I am genuinely asking you to lynch me.
Quote from: TWG Falcon on October 02, 2013, 08:34:58 PMThat being said, I also agree with Samus' above post. Kirby is, in my opinion, taking something that Luigi said out of context and running with it. To concentrate all of your energy on one possible lynch target is rather wolfish, speaking from personal experience. (In past games, mind you)
I disagree with this. If you know one wolf, many times, you can use that to help you make a judgement on other people (when combined with their own actions). Given how generally inactive people have been so far, it would be surprising to me that anyone would even have multiple (and I mean multiple) strong suspicions.

Quote from: TWG Yoshi on October 02, 2013, 09:28:53 PMKirby, however, does seem to be relentlessly attacking Luigi, and only Luigi. At least Luigi is trying to think of who fits his profile, however flawed his reasoning may be. Kirby just seems to have it out for Luigi, and I can't see why at this point.
About the underlined: So it just flew past you that I'm doing that too? As I said in my suspicion list, though, the most active people in this game so far are Luigi, you, and I, and I don't find you suspicious, or for that matter, many of the inactives.

QuoteI'm honestly torn between my choices, but I think for today my vote will go on TWG Kirby, if only to see what Luigi does for the next phase.
You know what, I want to see what Luigi does too. And I also want to see what all you do too!

TWG Kirby

After thinking about this, I believe this would be the best lynch because hopefully it would knock some sense into all of you. Good day!

Quote from: TWG Luigi on October 02, 2013, 10:05:02 PMKirby's vote for me, by my understanding, largely rested on me suspecting inactives, which is something Falcon himself did.
You just don't get it, do you!
Quote from: TWG Luigi on October 02, 2013, 02:05:24 PMOr DK.  See above, but he also placed the first vote on me.
The fact that he changed his vote from you, and for what I consider to be such little reasoning, might not clear him, but there still is the fact that he didn't vote for Mario like you did (but that could've been used so that suspicion wouldn't be placed on both of you, although there's still the risk of you being lynched because of the KitB).

Also, I've considered the possibility that Falcon might be your partner, but you don't expect anybody to believe you with suspicion being directed toward you! If people think you're a wolf, then Falcon can't be, and vice-versa! And he was the only other person to vote for Mario, which would explain why nobody else tried to save you from a KitB.
I'm not saying this makes 100% sense, but it makes a lot more sense that what you've been saying (and excuse me if I don't just make the assumption that the wolves are always silly inactives, though I apologize if they are ::))!

Quote from: TWG Samus on October 02, 2013, 02:21:33 PMI don't exactly agree with Kirby. Just because he insists that it was an accident doesn't necessarily mean he's a wolf. My initial reaction was that it was an accident as well, even though the current evidence seems to suggest otherwise.
It's not just that he's insisting that it was an accident, but that he's basing all or mostly all his suspicions off of that assumption (even after other proof suggests otherwise, as you pointed out), which, as a wolf could be used to distract the humans.

That being said:
TWG Luigi
Quote from: TWG Luigi on October 01, 2013, 10:54:32 PMIf you're going to miss the wolfing on purpose with the plan to vote inactives, you're going to demonstrate that you aren't one of the inactives.  Night 1 spam is one way to do that.
The thing is, there's a little thing in your profile that says "Last Active," which can be, well, used to show WHEN YOU WERE LAST ACTIVE. Night 1 spam (at least to a certain degree) is something that is often seen as something normal, but, as I HAVE mentioned before, usually doesn't or shouldn't continue on any longer than that; later night phases might be more quiet.
Spamming is quite frivolous to do as a wolf with a genius plan (I am complimenting the wolves on the idea), when you can either:
1: Post once or twice through the night just to show you're active.
2: Post a few times contributively to show you're active.
3: Not post at all, but during the day phase express that you were in fact active and read the thread.

QuoteAgain, you could try to construe this against me by saying that I thought I'd look more human by arguing against the theory that leads to me being human.  But that's an unnecessary risk.  Sure, I might come off as more human.  But there's also the chance I come off as less human.  When the status quo already makes me look human, there's no reason for wolf-me to take that risk.
The chance that you'd come off as less human is a lot less likely.

Also, your little groups mean nothing. See this quote:
Quote from: TWG Kirby on September 29, 2013, 07:23:55 PMYou are acting like what you've done, and are doing now, completely clears you!
Of course you'd be trying to suspect/be suspected (or should I put those words in quotes?) by your partner to decrease overall suspicion on both of you! If anything, the only group that is clear, and even then not with really strong evidence, is the group that could've saved you from a KitB.

QuoteLink posted like 30 minutes before the Night 1 ended.  I doubt his internet was an issue.
Having had trouble with internet in the past, may I point out that having trouble with internet often entails sudden disconnection to the internet?
Then again, you do have a point. If Link wasn't having enough trouble with his internet to justify not sending a PM, that means that if he were a wolf, he'd have no reason to accidentally miss the wolfing, WHICH MEANS THAT THERE'S NOTHING TO SUPPORT THE ACCIDENTAL NO WOLFING.