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Messages - TWG Link

iHola chicas!
Quote from: TWG Bowser on May 12, 2013, 02:30:31 PMBut you never displayed anything to the contrary, so what are we left to think?

Luigi, are you there? The time is upon us. I must go and I won't return until after the game's end. Please choose wisely, I shall see you all in the post game.
I never displayed anything of the sort in the first place, so there need be nothing to the contrary. Complex logic, yes, but not unintelligence.

And, as a final note, realize that your wolf combination does not make any sense. Falcon almost wanted to lynch me before I got into chat with him, and I could have easily avoided DK's lynch by agreeing with him against you and Fox and having him and I vote for somebody else.
I think we've overwhelmed poor TWG Luigi... :(
But you, good sir, are directly insulting my basic level of intelligence by implying that I am am completely thickheaded and not able to use any sort of reasoning at any point of the game, which I can assure you otherwise.
ALSO (so that I don't keep forgetting things), if I had wolfed Luigi, I would've at least had an argument against Fox, rather than "absentminded commentary," so-to-say.
Also, I never said there was a "safe option," just one option that's slightly better than the other, a "slightly safer option."
Quote from: TWG Bowser on May 12, 2013, 02:08:01 PMNo, your logic doesn't make sense. And now you're just pulling at random things hoping I'll give up. I never said you were acting nonsensical, again your words, I'm saying your actions make you look like a wolf. There is no "safe option" at this point for you, you were one the losing end of the slope. You tried to make a last ditch attempt to win but failed before you even began.

You're the one who keeps bringing the argument back up, not me.
You do say that my actions make me look like a wolf, but only a dumb and nonsensical wolf who doesn't do anything that would be sane for a wolf to do.

You're the one who keeps responding, just as much as I.
AND another thing!!

My logic at least makes sense, compared to your accusations of me acting completely nonsensical when there would be a less risky and slightly safer option available.
Quote from: TWG Bowser on May 12, 2013, 01:35:45 PMI don't use backwards logic, that's your department. I wouldn't wolf Fox, I'd have left him alive and let you two fight it out. You knew you'd lose against Fox if it came down to this (especially considering that we have more against you than there is against me) so you got rid of him to give yourself a chance. And in all of this, you've only been trying to prove you aren't a wolf. You haven't provided one piece of evidence pointing to me being a wolf, instead just relying on 'If not me, then Bowser."

Are you done now?
If I'd lose against Fox, I'd lose even harder against you and Luigi; it's the screenshots which helped me partially, actually, opening you up as a suspect. Without the screenshots, though, there would be more of a chance of an accusation against Fox than an accusation against nobody.
Also, if you actually read what I said, you'll see that it's not just "If not me, then Bowser," thought that is a factor, because, compared to me, you've done little in the game until the DK lynch (and that was one of the only major things).

Only if you are. :-X
Quote from: TWG Bowser on May 12, 2013, 01:22:38 PMNot really, the idea of lynching you is not unfounded. And odds are good that Fox would've preferred to lynch you if it came down to it.
Quote from: TWG Luigi on May 12, 2013, 01:52:38 AMAnd don't argue, it's annoying and makes it harder for me to judge..
But anyway... it would give me no worse chances that if I wolfed Fox, since then I'd merely open myself up to accusation.
I can't see why YOU would think to wolf Fox, though, since you'd know that I'd go after Fox over you, if both of you were alive. You'd have no such guarantee with Luigi (unless you were wanting the backwards logic to confuse the other player(s) still alive).
Essentially (I keep forgetting to add things in my posts):
It would be better to wolf Luigi and have a 50% chance of winning, than wolf Fox and have a 0% chance of winning.
Quote from: TWG Bowser on May 12, 2013, 01:10:45 PMOf course Fox would've beat you, since I made no secret in the fact that people can't follow your logic, but they can follow Fox's. However makes the better argument wins.

Luigi, you need to make a decision. We're just going to go on like this until the end of the phase, and I don't have the luxury of being able to do that.
But Fox would have no significant reasons against me without looking like he's trying to off me just because I'm suspicious of him. Wolfing Fox, however, would provide me no reasons to accuse anybody else without seeming unreasonable and inconsistent.
tl;dr (although this itself is rather long, sorry)

Very few of Bowser's claims make any sense; he says that I make little sense, yet doesn't care to even understand my reasoning ("To [sic] most important tool a Wolf has is the guise of ignorance") (then again, very few people care anyway...). Saying that my defense "relies" on TWG Fox's wolfing/my suspicion of him is ridiculous, for a few reasons, including (but not limited to) the fact that I brought up several other points other than this; the claim that Fox would've won over me in a lynching is rather unfounded (but is something that provides a possible reason for Bowser to wolf Fox, although it's a lot riskier than merely wolfing Luigi), especially because of my suspicions about Fox and reasons I had against him. As I said, if I had wolfed Fox, I would've had nobody else to accuse (since going after another inactive at this point without much significant incriminating facts would be extremely foolish for a human to do), and myself come into suspicion, even without Fox's screenshots. In fact, Fox's screenshots probably saved me from being the only one being accused (the accusation of me probably being something Bowser relied on).

Additionally, Bowser himself has also done little to help the human team, only contributing to the lynch of DK, whom I feel, oddly enough, was not a wolf, because I don't believe that DK would be foolish enough to wolf Waluigi, as Waluigi's death would be an instant indication against DK. As I said about the Pikachu vs. Luigi lynching, it wouldn't matter for Bowser which one of them was lynched.
Also: this is what our duel reminds me of. ;D
3: I never said that you said that; I was rephrasing the term I used. And, no; your assumption is false: I did it because I felt as if I had a point to prove, especially about TWG Samus. Being a fool /= "picking up slack for the whole wolf team."

5: I believe that I was the one who pointed out that he was driving suspicions to other people.
1a. But if he were a wolf, and faking the screenshot, he wouldn't be online. If he were the only one who was validated by the screenshot, that would be awfully suspicious (remember that this is theoretical).
1b: That's my point: nobody else could verify it if he only took a screenshot of his own profile to clear only himself. Which is why, IF he had been a wolf, he would've taken Luigi's as well... to prove his authenticity.

2: YES. That's exactly what I said; if you had voted for Pikachu instead of Luigi, it would've appeared out of place based on what you had said previously.
But I'd have no significant reasons to go after Luigi or you, since Fox was my primary suspicion (remember what I said). At that point, after an inactive had already been lynched, I doubted that Luigi would be the wolf. It would appear out of place if I voted for either one of you- yet, you two would have reasons against ME, and I couldn't prove that anybody else would be a wolf.
Even if Fox hadn't posted the screenshots, I wouldn't have been able to go after either of you without appearing extremely wolfish.

Unless I get on one more time, this will probably be my last post tonight.
3: Let me rephrase that: "Crazily drawing attention to myself through repeated discussions, which many feel to be unnecessary."

5: I didn't think that Falcon did much to be considered a wolf, especially so early... remember that only two people voted for Falcon...
1: But what reason would he have to be offline, especially when:
a. He's posting a screenshot for information that could potentially be helpful.
b. Assuming nobody checked his profile and took a screenshot right before he got online, it would be completely unverifiable. This is assuming, off course, that he was a wolf, which he's not.

Quote from: TWG Link on May 11, 2013, 08:07:49 PM2: ??? It wouldn't make sense for you to vote for Pikachu when you had already given reasons why you were voting for Luigi.
I also think that you're STALLING.
Aaaaaaand, if I wolfed Fox, it would give me nobody to accuse as a wolf, and nothing to defend my humanity with. See the logic in that action? I don't!!!
3: See; that's my point. If I were a wolf, it would be so foolish in the long run to act crazily suspicious throughout the entire game. The "discussion" with TWG Falcon was just the beginning, but still a part.

5: Falcon, not Waluigi (you're thinking of the suspicion list where I said "not sure between him and Waluigi" near the beginning of Day Two). Because DK was one of the people who got Falcon lynched. If DK is a wolf, Falcon is not, and the other way around. They both can't be wolves.
1: Because you and I posted after the phase ended, so obviously, we were online; he couldn't have cleared us. Assuming him to be a wolf at the time, if he only cleared himself, he would leave too wide a group (3 out of the 4 players at the time), which I think would make it quite clear that he was just trying to push suspicion away from himself... not to mention the fact that Luigi wasn't exactly too active at that point either, which makes him easier to clear... off course, that's assuming that Fox was a wolf, which he wasn't.

2: But I wasn't talking about Fox at that point. I was talking about you. But, if you insist: it's obvious that his WOLFING would vindicate him, but I was still suspicious of him before that point. I don't see what you're trying to say, aside from the obvious.
It would be highly illogical to lynch another inactive especially after we just lynched one. Recall how I said, after the end of Day Four:
Quote from: TWG Link on May 09, 2013, 07:52:45 PMAt least we know that there's only one wolf left. TWG Fox, perhaps??

Though, if you had voted (assuming the KiTB went in our favor), we could be 100% certain.
And you said:
Quote from: TWG Bowser on May 09, 2013, 07:57:18 PMYeah, well let's try to bring this to a swift end.
Which slightly implies that you're saying: "Yeah, Fox could be a wolf," while not directly stating anything but a general agreement.