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Messages - TWG Bowser

So all in all this leaves us with two options:

Luigi and Pikachu, both largely because they've been inactive and not very helpful to the human team.
I'm in the chat if you want to discuss things.
Well I'm guessing Link succeeded in saving Termina.

It's a real shame, that place was creepy.
Actually, DK when is the next time you think you'll be online. I want to get some sort of dialogue open between us.
Quote from: TWG DK on May 05, 2013, 02:21:41 PMTrue, but why would anyone else not gain from it every bit as much?
We all would've, I'm sure. But considering they wanted it from you, they were already forming an opinion to be either confirmed or denied.
Fox said don't vote, yes. I however, will not be here before the end of the phase. I'll take your cue and just say I'm busy and leave it at that.

Waluigi could've gained from it primarily because he suspected you based on the fact that you didn't reply in time to Samus, and had promised him to do so.

You have 30 minutes to convince me that you are not a wolf and somebody else is. I'm in the chat, ready and willing to play.
Your highlighted quotes only prove that you don't want to believe that Samus is a human, and you haven't provided much evidence for her being a wolf other than her voting for DK as a last ditch effort to stay alive.

Plenty of people vote with little to no reason behind it. Saying that Samus is a wolf because she voted for a prominent player only means she didn't trust him. Also, she did voice her reasons against DK:

QuoteTWG Bowser: I'll come back later.
TWG Bowser: I have important thing to do.
TWG Samus: Important thing to do
TWG Samus: when the phase ends in less than an hour
TWG Samus: Hes ignoring me :/
TWG Samus: Waluigi, I'm not so sure i can say DK is as fabulous as you anymore
TWG Samus: are both of you really dissapearing
TWG Samus: waluigi i am dissapoint
TWG Waluigi: I apologize, I was momentarily taken.
TWG Waluigi: And there's no ping here.
TWG Waluigi: Anyhow, time to go out of character and just type normally.
TWG Waluigi: What evidence is there of your humanity???
TWG Samus: I just made a really big post
TWG Samus: :P
TWG Samus: and there is none
TWG Samus: Honestly, I would suspect myself if I wasnt myself
TWG Samus: I did push for a Falcon lynch, which I regret now
TWG Samus: But the reasons that DK and Yoshi are pointing out arent the reasons to suspect me
TWG Waluigi: Yeah, I agree.
TWG Waluigi: I'm suspicious of DK because he suspects you.
TWG Waluigi: His reasoning seems too off to be a legitimate suspicion.
TWG Waluigi: Oh, you even mentioned that a bit in your post.
TWG Waluigi: A+
TWG Samus: Woo
TWG Samus: Im getting good at twg
TWG Samus: Im tired now
TWG Samus: and hes not answering
TWG Samus: and its making me maddd
TWG Waluigi: :o
TWG Waluigi: u cawt mii
TWG Waluigi: :(
TWG Samus: but seriously im going to be really pissed if i get lynched
TWG Samus: youre the only one who is thinking logically
TWG Samus: and everyone suspects you for god knows why
TWG Samus: ahh i gotta go
TWG Waluigi: Byeee.
TWG Samus joined the chat 2 days ago
TWG Samus: omg twg is very frustrating
TWG Samus: i just
TWG Samus: ajsomicfwepuifimasojyv
TWG Samus: Waluigi
TWG Samus: win this for me
TWG Samus: ok buddy?
TWG Samus: Im going to flip on dk in the post game XD
TWG Samus joined the chat 2 days ago
TWG Samus joined the chat 2 days ago
TWG Samus: yay im dead

The wonderful thing about chatzy is that it saves everything from the moment the room is created. Source.
Quote from: TWG Link on May 05, 2013, 12:34:54 PM3: That's not the only reason why I'm convinced that TWG Samus was a wolf.
Ok, I'm listening.
You all seem to be eager to lynch me because of my apathy. Don't mistake apathy for evil, however. I have been rather busy recently, but now I'll give you all the benefit of my great wisdom.

TWG Yoshi - You gave the idea that the wolves may not have been very active and were not paying attention when choosing their wolfings. This may have made sense earlier but it doesn't really work now. Kirby's wolfing doesn't tell us anything because he never did anything before being wolfed. Mario saw some increased activity briefly before being wolfed. Waluigi, who was rather vocal, has been wolfed last night. I'm very convinced you are human, as throughout all of it you trying to approach this as logically as possible.

TWG Link - You seem to be convinced that Samus was a wolf, because of her last ditch effort to lynch another player. This makes no sense, whatsoever. You're say if she were, in fact, a human, she would've voted for a wolf, because humans don't vote for each other. Any player who doesn't want to die will try anything to keep themselves alive. The fact she voted for DK doesn't prove she's a human or a wolf; it just proves she didn't want to die.

TWG Fox - You seem to be trying to untangle the arguments presented before you, and have been arguing with Link over something or other the entire game. However, your arguments are never over anything really useful, instead fighting over semantics. I'm more convinced that you are a human, over Link, because you seem to be playing and fighting with a human mentality, rather than Link, who just seems to be eager to pick fights.

TWG Pikachu - You have proven to be an inactive player, through and through. At this point we are beyond lynching inactive players because the wolves are clearly paying attention and acting accordingly.

TWG Luigi - You have been equally inactive but have made attempts to try and actually play. You haven't contributed anything of substance and seem to be flying under the radar. I'm leaning towards your humanity, but only barely. At any rate, I don't want to lynch you either, because, as I've already said, we are beyond lynching inactive players.

TWG DK - You are an ape that is full of eloquence, a plethora of words all signifying nothing.
Quote from: TWG DK on May 04, 2013, 06:06:03 PMWhat could I possibly stand to gain from refraining from posting while Waluigi was still alive?  The rest of you are perfectly capable of forming rebuttals to my suspicions of Samus.  Waluigi was not the only literate player here.
You say that we are all capable of forming rebuttals, but you wait until after both people who really wanted it have died. The two people who would stand to gain the most from your argument, whether it be accepting your humanity or fighting your wolfism.

You then proceed to argue "as if she still lived" in an attempt to give yourself some credence. You do this to make it seem like your argument is genuine to what you claim it to be. You then "lose evidence" as calimed here:
Quote from: TWG DK on May 04, 2013, 06:06:03 PMplease forgive my not posting them here; I know not how to quote within a quote.

This now gives you the liberty to argue with whatever you wish outside of any immediately checkable context.

Quote from: TWG DK on May 04, 2013, 06:06:03 PM2. "I would vote for Yoshi but he just got in the game and I'd like to see more from him"
 I understand your reasoning for this.  It is depressing when one is wolfed night one, or in this case, when one joins a game partway through, only to be lynched.  However, you understand that this statement did not help your case at all.  It seemed like a weak reason for not lynching someone, someone who could be a partner wolf.

How does this incriminate either Samus or Yoshi? This argument itself is rather weak, as most humans would generally want to see more from inactive or replacement players to confirm or deny their suspicions. I believe that Samus acted like a human until the very end, and it is doubtful that Yoshi is a wolf, given both incarnations of the green donkey. This just seems like an attempt to incriminate two players at once by providing a tenuous (1.Very weak) link between the two.

Quote from: TWG DK on May 04, 2013, 06:06:03 PMFox, I also agree with Link that the vote on me was reasonably suspicious of the great bounty hunter.  She had absolutely no suspicions of me; at least, none that she voiced.  While I see your point that if she had been a human, she would have more reason to lynch someone else who might possibly be a wolf than allow herself to be lynched, she who knew her humanity was confirmed.  This is true, but why not then vote against someone who had more of a case against them like Bowser or Luigi?  As Link stated, it seemed just spiteful.

Spiteful, maybe; but given that she specifically asked you for an argument and you didn't provide one when asked, and certainly not until after an unrelated party, who asked you to do the same, had died, seems to point to the fact that you are really avoiding any real arguments. The fact that you and Link seem to agree with each other over some really flimsy evidence leads me to believe that both of you are wolves. You hide under the guise of a great speaker, which lends itself well to establishing a sense of authority without really having to prove it. Big words impress ignorant people, which makes it easier for you to lead weaker lynches against other players, as less attentive players would follow you without really following your argument.

Quote from: TWG DK on May 04, 2013, 06:06:03 PMI deeply apologize for this.  I am aware of my awful timing.  After this game, when my true identity is revealed, I will explain exactly what is consuming so much of my time to make my activity here so erratic.
This is also a nice touch, because it gives you the liberty of never having to respond to any real arguments or criticisms against you in a timely fashion, letting you get away with murder and justifying it after the fact.

I am also convinced that we have gotten a wolf. If 3 wolves were still alive, all of them would just need to pick a player to lynch today, and post some decent evidence against them. All they'd need is one more vote and the game would by won by the following night. It is doubtful that Samus was a wolf, which leads me to believe that Falcon was.

Oh, great! Hopefully this next one will be less annoying. Besides, there was way too much green around here. My money's on a red one to replace him.
OK, I'm totally lost here. What's going on? All I see is a bunch of people just point fingers at each other.
Falcon died? At least he didn't start groping Samus. Seriously, the guy was a real creep.

Because he won't shut up and leave me alone! I haven't forgotten what happened 25 years ago, you dumb green donkey!
I'm gone for 8 hours and now I have to sort out this mess?


It's giving me a headache.