
Rest in pepperoni, Mario Mario, 1981 - 2021
He will be missed by all, except for me! WARIO, NUMBER ONE!

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Messages - TWG Mario

Awww, what's the matter now? Taking yourself too seriously? Because I can't wait to turn ALL THOSE FROWNS UPSIDE DOWN.
They think it's difficult, but they don't really know what it's like. Me? I think it's easy. It was easy the first time, it was easy the next, and it's been easy ever since. All it takes is a little... push. So, yes, please claim your colors. Let's make things... fun. :)
Some may try flattery to succeed, but in the end, fate is inevitable, especially when fate manifests itself in the form of destruction from the hand of a madman.
Cold, writhing in the darkness, alone. They do not know what is about to hit them; no, they cannot understand, cannot COMPREHEND. In the shadows lurks an unspeakable evil, waiting, longing, twisting with an eagerness unrivaled by any that came before. One may think that such an innocuous person, nothing more than a MERE blue collar worker, could ever be capable of such horrible deeds. Some see him as a hero, but others, others have truly come to understand the horrors that are held in the mind of this madman. For years and years he has plagued the Koopa Kingdom as the so-called protector of the Mushroom Kingdom, pursuing its denizens far and wide, with one simple, thinly concealed goal in mind: GENOCIDE. He might put on an amicable face in public, but this is but a veil. An attempt to repress the ugly truth until he can get what he came here for. His thirst for blood will be met with the crunching of innumerable shells underfoot, the BURNING of whatever else gets in his way, and the unrelenting destruction of every brick of the castles of King Koopa. But his thirst is unquenchable. It will not stop there. And once everyone realizes the truth, it will be too late.

I'm fine with a Bowser lynch.  The guy's made my life a living hell. ;)
Does anyone know what alignment Yugi's alt is?  I think this is significant information.
It seems strange that you'd want to reveal which alternate accounts are sided with you.  I doubt you'll back up that threat.
Whoa whoa whoa.  The orange alliance leader knows that a dead player is in a faction other than his own?

Sounds to me like TWG Link needs to go today.
Or if I have to bold it fank
Revivers are more dangerous than vigis.  If we lynch a vigi then they just come back to life the next phase.  If we lynch a reviver they don't.  fank
How do we know we can trust any of these people?
its a me bitches
Me ready to play
Damn it!! Well good luck humans, rooting for you guys.