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Messages - Mephistopheles

TWG XLIII: My Name is Mephistopheles

15 Players:
1 Master Wolf (green)
3 Wolves (red)
Faust - Seer* (blue)
Gretchen - Guardian* (blue)
9 Humans (green)

*There's a 50/50 chance for seering and guardings to be effective. A coin flip will occur (best two out of three) between the two and the winner's power will work. The loser will be told (s)he lost the coin flip when they'd normally get results.

1. Hercules
2. SocialFox
3. gzgregory
4. FSM-Reapr
5. davy
6. Waddle Bro
7. The Boy Who Cried Wolf
8. SlowPokemon
9. BlackDragonSlayer
10. blueflower999
11. Dude
12. Bird
13. the_last_sheikah
14. Bubbles 7689
15. shadowkirby

SocialFox has lost his bet, his soul is now forfeit, he was green.
It is now Night 2, Night 2 ends 1:00 AM CST Monday, Nov. 12

My Offices are still open, you may strike deals as you wish.

Please be aware that I reserve the right to stop taking deals, however if I do I will continue working on any approaches received before this point.
Reminder: Phase ends in 2 hours
Bird has started flipping cards.

Cardflips will now occur, starting with the next death of the game.
Notice: I seem to be missing parts of PM conversations, please make sure you've cc'd me in all PMs related to the game.

Thank you,
-The Management
Ok, I believe I responded to all of you. If I didn't reply to a deal you proposed, just resend the message to me.
I'm off to work, if I didn't respond to you I didn't have time.

I'll get you as soon as I can.
I would ask you to stop discussing TWG in a medium outside of the thread or chat, as I have no way to monitor whether or not you are discussing deals, which is cheating.

I'm going to bed before the sun comes up, please be aware that I might not get back to your PMs for another 7 hours.
Just a reminder, you must follow through and accept the deals as described, otherwise they will not go through.
TWG XLIII: My Name is Mephistopheles

15 Players:
1 Master Wolf (green)
3 Wolves (red)
Faust - Seer* (blue)
Gretchen - Guardian* (blue)
9 Humans (green)

*There's a 50/50 chance for seering and guardings to be effective. A coin flip will occur (best two out of three) between the two and the winner's power will work. The loser will be told (s)he lost the coin flip when they'd normally get results.

1. Hercules
2. SocialFox
3. gzgregory
4. FSM-Reapr
5. davy
6. Waddle Bro
7. The Boy Who Cried Wolf
8. SlowPokemon
9. BlackDragonSlayer
10. blueflower999
11. Dude
12. Bird
13. the_last_sheikah
14. Bubbles 7689
15. shadowkirby

Dude has been taken to Dis, his soul is now forfeit
It is now Day 1, Day 1 ends 2:00AM Sunday, Nov.11

My Offices are now open, you may strike deals as you wish.

I work late, so that's way the phase ends so late. No, I will not adjust it for any reason.
Once more for clarification:

The wolves do not know each other, first PM recieved wins.

If in the event that either the seer or guardian don't send in a PM, the coin flip will still occur.

Any PMs sent to MaestroUGC will be ignored during the course of the game.

There are no deals accepted right now, I will make a post proper when the office is open.

Thank you,
-The Management
Nope, even if one of the two didn't use their power, I would still do the coin flip.
Apparently I fogrot to address this:

The wolves do not know each other., this means that I'll only accpet the first wolfing I recieve.
It is now Night 1, Night 1 ends 12:00AM CST, Friday Nov. 9

There are NO deals on Night 1.

I'll update this with the other time zones, just give me which ones you need.