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Messages - Clanker37

Nintendo / Re: General Pokémon
September 11, 2015, 08:29:35 PM
Yea, but catching a Charizard with a great ball? Good luck you knobhead.
Uhmm...Why did you change the key to G major/C Lydian?

Kirkhope hardly ever uses modes rather, he sticks to major and minor keys, so it is unlikely, given the context of the song, that this is in C Lydian. I think given the compositional and atmospheric style of the piece, that it is in C major. Kirkhope keeps his music melodically simple, so I think its more likely he intended C major over Lydian.

I can see how you thought it needed C Lydian, with no F's in the theme and occasional F#'s, however this is due to the chord changes Kirkhope employs. Banjo-Kazooie was written using the chord progression I - #IV since it sounds "kooky." (Analyse "Mumbo's Mountain's" main theme to see this). "Treasure Trove Cove" also does this during its B and C sections. Kirkhope also uses a I - bVI progression he uses in other songs, (e.g "Grunty Industries.") in the main melody. In this case, rather than an F#, it should be a Gb, given the change in chords.

Sorry if I got all technical on you, but this is a key signature we're talking about. Nothing could be of more importance.
*Comes onto NSM*

I wonder what beautiful thoughts and events are happening today?

*Sees this thread*

*Slowly backs away*

Quote from: SlowPokemon on August 28, 2015, 09:17:17 PMRanty rant rant
Preach it sister!
Suggest to send him to talk to someone? Earlier this year, I was a exceedingly stressed and it made me have some anxiety issues. My mum took me to see a person, who I don't know if she was a psychiatrist or psychologist, but she was employed to talk to people in who are in difficult situations. Luckily, through mum's work, it was free.  Literally one meeting and it's alleviated most of the issues.

Of course, this is entirely different, but is there a college provided person through student services? Can you get someone to talk to them through work? Do you have a friend of a friend of a friend who can do something? Is he religious and can turn to a religious leader? Perhaps even
Quote from: braixen1264 on August 16, 2015, 10:50:39 PMjust talking to him
may help. 

Although that's just my two cents. Mental health issues are never fun nor easy to deal with. You have my deepest sympathy.
Off-Topic / Re: Official "I'm Away Topic"
June 27, 2015, 10:08:14 PM
Just popping in to tell you I'm off to New Zealand and Hawaii soon after. So prepare yourselves America. I'm coming. Hahaha, I'm not going to do anything to you. I'll be lucky if I even talk there...
Music / Re: Hexameron - An Invitation, an Adventure
June 27, 2015, 09:58:01 PM
I'm the same as Nebbles, except will probably start much later. Like school and stuff etc. I would hazard a guess as the earliest I can get started is December hahaha...

If you can't wait for me, just ignore my signing up. I don't even have time open Finale at the moment, sorry...
Site News / Re: Update, Tuesday 23rd of June 2015
June 24, 2015, 12:30:57 AM
I would like to congratulate you two in the traditional Australian way.


Hurray for you guys!
Hurray at last!
Hurray for you guys!
You're a horse's arse.
^That happened to me, except instead of extending the deadline, the teacher just went "Yes! Less marking!" and took off marks from everyone else. Many a teary-eyed, lazy teenager that day.
June 10, 2015, 01:48:23 AM
Oh cool, the B/RRT Continent. I wonder if that would allow them to erroneously link ORAS and B/RRT via meteor?

Love me some Gruen.
So here's a thing. So a while back I had become good friends with a girl in my year. It was cool, I helped her with Physics and she helped me with Maths. It was a good friendship for both of us. I took her to the ball. No biggy to be honest. It was nice to be with someone and not alone. We danced and had a nice time.

However, then she decided to pronounce her love for me. Tell me that I was tall and crap. I didn't want to lie, so I told her that I didn't reciprocate her feelings. Didn't seem to be too bad (it was over Skype typing, so I don't know whether she broke down, or was enraged etc.). But then the study sessions stopped. We just sorta drifted apart, which made me sad, since I'd lost a valuable friend. But I just went "Well, that's life" and moved on.

BUT THEN, this morning another girl decided to send me this:

x^2 + (y- (thirdroot(x^2)))^2 = 1

Which, as you all would know, is a graph for a love heart.

Furthermore, while I was in India, this graph girl's friend told me that graph girl liked me. At the time I was like "lol no," but now I'm like "Fuck."

Of course, being as smooth as I am, I immediately asked whether graph girl needed y in terms of x, before I realised what the graph is.

Now for all you clueless people wondering "and this is a problem?" please understand my homosexuality. Also, the fact that I'm not out at school (due to mostly laziness and slightly homophobic friends).

This is  really upsetting for me. Especially considering that I have semester one exams in a week. And shit just likes hitting the fan.

So there's my story. Idk what to do. Probably will ignore it until it comes up again.

tldr: Girls be loving me, while I be loving men.

In other news, has anyone else's post editty things gone missing? Like the tool which makes you post images or change font and stuff? I would post an image, but...
Oh lord, an orchestrated score? OH LORDY. HAVE MERCY ON MY SOUL. GOOD LORDY ME.
Quote from: Bespinben on May 03, 2015, 02:27:05 AM1.2 million euros now achieved...
I think you mean pounds...

I know I shouldn't think this, but...

Wouldn't it suck if the game was terrible?

This is the best thing ever. I'm so excited for this. SOOOO MUUUCCHHH.
Help! / Re: Music Theory Q/A
April 19, 2015, 02:33:35 AM
Quote from: JDMEK5 on September 18, 2012, 05:30:34 PM3/8, 6/8, and 12/8 time - This would most likely be your jazz beats. 3/8 indicates 3 eighths to a measure, 6/8 indicates 6 eighth notes to a measure, etc.
Pulse goes similar to 3/4; {Strong, weak, weak}, (optional bar line) {medium, weak, weak}, (optional bar line) {medium-strong, weak, weak}, {medium, weak, weak}*.
Sample Piece: Super Mario 3D Land - Jazzy Overworld
I'm sorry, but I must protest. Jazzy Overworld is not 12/8. It is in 4/4 with swung quavers. Jazz, particularly big band swing (which is the style of this piece) rarely uses 12/8. Furthermore, the current arrangement of Jazzy Overworld currently on the site (by fingerz) is in 4/4 with swung quavers. Some VG piece which do use 12/8 and 6/8 include:


Anyways, Craggy Coast includes 5/4 and 6/4.