
Rest in pepperoni, Mario Mario, 1981 - 2021
He will be missed by all, except for me! WARIO, NUMBER ONE!

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Messages - ASH501ST

Gaming / Re: Favorite VG Song of ALL TIME!
August 31, 2011, 07:06:45 PM
Jeez, I have like 100 but here is one I really like:
Nintendo / The legend of zelda symphony.
August 31, 2011, 07:03:04 PM
Who here is sad that they wont get to go (like me) and who here is really lucky and gets to go (not like me)
Quote from: Bespinben on August 24, 2011, 03:28:10 AMWho needs 4-player split screen when you could have 1 whole screen with 4 players smashing each other to bits in the most ultimate video-game crossover ever?  *COUGH*Super Smash Bros.*COUGH*

haha, super smash bros is a really great game, but back in the day when I first got my N64 I got golden eye with it...I didn't get super smash bros until much later, unfortunatly.

Quote from: MassiveMayhem on August 24, 2011, 08:08:16 AMI was playing that the other day.  I'm stuck on that Aztec level.  It's DRIVING ME NUTS!!!! It's SO DAMN HARD. Even on agent.

The game is really hard.  I had so much trouble with that game when I was little. but its so good, that was like the first fps game I ever played.
Did anyone mention golden eye 007?  That game was great!!!!  I had so much fun with my friends on that game, it was one of the only games I had that could do 4 player split screen.  It was so much fun.
Hay, arrangers of ninsheetmusic.  I have recently been playing this game, and the music in it is pretty good.  So here is a list of requests, if anyone could arrange any of these songs it would be greatly appreciated ;)



Name Entry-

Trunk Ante-




Farewell and Thank you-

End Credits-

Sorry its such a big list of songs.  But if you find one you would like to arrange, it would be great ;)
Tony Hawk, I remember that game...its been years sense I have played it.
Request / Re: Luigi's Mansion - Piano request
August 22, 2011, 11:58:15 AM
Good stuff, man ;)
Request / Re: Luigi's Mansion - Piano request
August 19, 2011, 11:32:53 PM
OH MY GOSH MAN!!!! I have requested these songs like a dozen times I want someone to arrange them to.  I would do it for you, but for the same reason I didn't do it my self I'm not very good at arranging music, so I can't do it...but I would love it if someone would arrange these songs
Aww man I forgot about this request sorry about that man.....I'm not really the best arranger :|
Super Smash Bros. is a great game
I have never played a kirby game before. and OoT FTW
I have a bunch that I like
super mario 64
star fox 64
pokemon stadium
army men air combat
the legend of zelda ocarina of time and majoras mask
banjo kazooie
doctor mario 64
donkey kong 64

Get-N-or get out
Microsoft / Re: Halo: REACH - Forge Ideas
July 16, 2011, 12:21:19 PM
Its also on xbox
BOSS-You guys have to learn that I'm a lot scarier then you are!
StarWars Republic Commando

Also, Jill-What is it? and Barry-You almost became a Jill sandwitch! haha that never gets old
Resident Evil (original)
Off-Topic / Re: Pet peeves!
July 16, 2011, 12:15:00 PM
It bugs me when my little brother wants me to help in in a video game, once or twice is ok but he wants me to practicly beat the whole game for him.  And then once he beats it, he plays it again and asks for my help in the same places again.