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Messages - TWG Fox

Quote from: TWG DK on May 01, 2013, 05:50:31 AMMy dear Fox and Samus, at this moment I am of the opinion that there is in fact more importance to that suspicious suspicion list than may first meet the eye.
I think I see what you mean. Although I'm still behind Pikachu lynching.
Quote from: TWG Link on April 30, 2013, 07:29:35 PM1. TWG Fox: It seems as if TWG Fox has been lying rather low (e.g. doing things that can't necessarily be classified as suspicious, but seem to be in an attempt to hide). Also, voted for Falcon, if you count that as a reason.
Laying off low? Are you serious?! I've posted my suspicions and been focused on the game purely, instead of joking around. What the fuck.
As much as I'd like to vote you now for this awful list, I'll still go for Pikachu like I said last night.
Quote from: TWG DK on April 30, 2013, 01:36:41 PMRight now, my number one suspicion is Mario, who further incriminates himself with every post.  I would appreciate feedback on this sentiment.
I think I've found out the identity of TWG Mario and if that's correct, it is indeed his first time playing.

This morning, my alter ego saw this person who was the only one online besides my alter ego. I turned my back for a second, and in the 4 minutes when I was gone, TWG Mario made this post
Quote from: TWG Mario on April 29, 2013, 08:14:13 PMWow!! Good thing you doubled checked!  we got rid of Falcon!!
and his NSM variant was online when I came back. I didn't see anyone else.

Although his posts seem suspicious to some people, I myself don't consider TWG Mario any more suspicious than, for example, you DK. Most people seem suspicious in their first games and I wasn't an exception.

I consider PikaBITCH as my top suspicion at the moment.
PikaBITCH hasn't done anything remarkable in the entire game. He only made a joke vote against DK, that's it. I consider him as a player who has played TWG before, meaning he's doing this on purpose. Like Waluigi said before, in a manhunt like this, I'd think the best strategy for the wolves would stay under radar. Since I'm under the impression that Falcon was a wolf, out of Mario and Pikachu, I don't think he'd lead a lynch against his own partner.
I'll most likely vote for Pikachu next day.
QuoteTWG Falcon: because then the cardflip is kind of useless
TWG Yoshi: oh.
TWG Falcon: yup
TWG Yoshi: Since when is there card flip??
TWG Yoshi: i didn't read the rules much.
TWG Bowser: I've never been good at card games.
TWG Falcon: I thought there was always cardflip
TWG Yoshi: You know, this whole Haruhi suzumiya thing was kinda lost as soon as we got our secret identities.
TWG Yoshi: We should just rename it smash bros or something.
TWG Bowser: What secret identities?
TWG Yoshi: Touché.
TWG Bowser: I am Bowser, King of the Koopas!
TWG Yoshi: I don't know what you're talking aboutZ
TWG Falcon: okay
TWG Falcon: in host sign-ups it says there's a cardflip
TWG Falcon: doesn't say that anywhere else
TWG Yoshi: why would we have secret identities? I'm Yoshi.
TWG Yoshi: why would we have secret identities? I'm Yoshi.
TWG Falcon: "After every death, there will be a cardflip revealing the deceased's true role."

Quote from: TWG Falcon on April 29, 2013, 11:55:23 AMForum ate my last post.  Fox, I mentioned cardflip as a given in the chat I had with yoshi and bowser.  It's one of the bolded parts of the chat.  Neither yoshi nor bowser knew, and I thought that if they didn't a lot of other people didn't know either.  I think I might have discussed cardflip with Waluigi but not all of that chat saved so I'm not sure.
Actually, Yoshi's sentence "Since when is there card flip??", means that he was under the impression that there is no cardflip. And I didn't see Bowser saying anything about not knowing there's cardflip or not. Although I'm convinced that you were unaware of the lack of flippin' cards, I'm still kinda suspicious of you, considering all the Waluigi voting shiz and giving a defense that gives me explanations that I don't see are correct.
Quote from: SlowPokemon on April 27, 2013, 08:07:00 PMNight One is over. TWG Kirby is dead. It is now Day One. Day One ends Monday, April 29, 2013, at 10:00 PM EST.

1. TWG Falcon
2. TWG Mario
3. TWG Waluigi
4. TWG Yoshi
5. TWG Link
6. TWG Pikachu
7. TWG Samus
8. TWG Fox
9. TWG Bowser
10. TWG Kirby
11. TWG DK
12. TWG Luigi
obvious as fuck
Quote from: TWG Falcon on April 28, 2013, 10:31:15 PMWait, is there still cardflip?  There should still be cardflip.
Well as you can clearly see from the update, there isn't. I don't see why you'd ask such a question that has so obvious answer, except trying to seem humanish. It just strikes me as kinda thing what a wolf would say, since there's no way the host would change the game's mechanics Day 1.

ninja'd x5 because I started this post this morning and then I had to leave and I finished this now.
Actually my dear Bowser, Waluigi's moustache is black.

you know, like you after you burn to a crisp when you fall to lava from that bridge
in a nutshell: people overthink votes
Actually I voted right after I woke up and went online. I didn't wait for anything.

Considering my vote was the second put over Waluigi and that I spend most of my days online, I thought I could change my vote if it would look like I should. After Waluigi's defense I did. It only requires a few seconds of my time to type a name and bold it. I don't see what harm could only one vote do, considering it's the second/first one given. It's so simple to change it! That's why I don't consider thinking who I vote so important, since it can always be changed if I want to.

Currently I have no idea which one of you(you or Link) I should vote, so for the time being I'll keep my vote on you.

ninja'd  x3

A+++, Kirby.
I'm sold.

lead us oh our great leader waluigi, show us the w...

fuck it

Also we can use Tinychat for the chat problem.

password: concertoisawesome

waluigi because catchphrase stealer
I seem to have changed bodies with some kind of a...furry. Ew... Hm. Wait a second, I am already a talking cat! :O