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Messages - TWG Pikachu

Quote from: TWG Link on October 02, 2013, 09:45:05 PMIf possible, I would like to hear input from TWG Pikachu.  I understand that this is not the best suspicion (frankly, I find it a poor one for a Day 2 lynch!), but I think it is better than the quibbling going on between TWG Luigi and TWG Kirby (and based on how they have been arguing, I am inclined to think that they may both be Human, because both of them seem rather sincere in their reasoning).
somewhat humanity points here
Leans (in no particular order)

Luigi- reasons explained above
Yoshi- most active player at the time (in my biased opinion) so a pass from

No read
DK- really need a read on you

Ness- 5ish posts... and no real substance, followed by a crunch on my post after my (initial read after) substitution, I really cant tell your intentions yet... so you get a pass for now.

Fox- I really aint picking anything up from him until recently (and nothing really adding... but thats a somewhat biased opinion)
Falcon- Why Mario day 1???
Link- THAT DUMBTELLING !!!???!!!

at this point of time TWG Link, Dumb telling really isnt something I want to deal with tomorrow

Quote from: TWG Ness on October 05, 2013, 08:26:15 PMyeah i dont think anyone playing is particularly new (hope this doesnt bite me back in the postgame)
^regardless, It seems too easy to play dumb in an anomynous game. And Im looking out for people playing dumb
Quote from: TWG Ness on October 05, 2013, 08:26:15 PMEven if a wolf could've broken the KitB with a vote for one of the players, I doubt that they would have, since it would be pretty obvious they wanted that person dead
pretty obvious??? do you need a full conviction of someone being a wolf to place a vote??? The vote could easily been hidden, especially in this scenario with 8/12 votes being placed.

Quote from: TWG Ness on October 05, 2013, 08:26:15 PMCan you explain your reasoning for these three?

Bowser wolfing-Again, given the fact that luigi being green makes sense for the lynch, and how much heat luigi got from Bowser, I would say this is more of a framing than a silencing (framing luigi than silincing bowser
Kirby lynch- I doubt kirby (as a wolf) would break down and vote self out of frustration, just a personal feel though
Samus wolfing, again, If luigi wanted to kill samus, he would have done it a while ago while he could have.

I need to read into it a bit more... but I am more than confident of luigi being green.

Quote from: TWG Ness on October 05, 2013, 08:26:15 PMFox hasn't been active for the most part. At least he threw an idea out there this phase.
Hmmm... this bit of "soft defending", yet he's been active enough to pop in say hi and leave a few thoughts (yet no votes (and it looks like its going to happen again???)

Also Ness, Why is it... of all the so many posts (is it 6?) you've had this game... why you had to ramble on my ramble on instead of doing additional work???

I'll get a lean list of what I have atm out.
some points that stand out

after N1 no kill
Quote from: TWG Luigi on September 28, 2013, 08:39:14 AMThe thing that bothers me, though, is that only Ness didn't post, which implies that there was a wolf who did post and yet still didn't wolf.  And I'd probably suspect me of doing that most.

I personally dont like this reasoning, there are 2 wolves... to think that the partner didnt shoot regardless of wether the other is inactive... Its not impossible, But I find it weird that its the first thing that comes to mind

Quote from: TWG Link on September 28, 2013, 08:49:05 AMI am new to this game still but I think the two possibilities we should be thinking about are that the Wolves could be inactive (since I guess they could have posted but forgot to send in a PM to wolf someone?) or they could be pretending to be inactive by not wolfing anyone.  I think that we should try to talk about these options.  I think the first one might be a good one to start with because we cannot tell well who would be clever enough to do the second one since our identities are all hidden.

interesting playing the "Im new card", and immediatley comes up with this... Maybe Im overthinking things... Might have a look at this later...

Quote from: TWG Ness on September 28, 2013, 07:21:29 PMSorry for not posting, I was a little busy today! I didn't post last night since it was Night 1 and I didn't really have much to say or do.

The only reason I logged in in the first place was to check if the password was right/if I could remember it easily. I can't. Plus I could've read the thread on my actual account instead, so I'm not sure what your point is.
That doesn't really help us, since we don't know who you are and what your usual playing styles are.

Isnt this a possible wolf strategy????

Quote from: TWG Falcon on September 28, 2013, 10:52:36 PMHey everyone! I just finish my night class in english now i can speak very well!

Anyway, I'm not sure who to vote for. Obviously, Ness and any other inactives are hella sketchy, but the way Bowser is relentlessly attacking everyone is a bit off-putting.
um, Relentlessly attacking isnt always a wolfish trait

Quote from: TWG Falcon on September 29, 2013, 01:21:01 PMThere is one player we seem to be overlooking here. One that posted once and has yet to post again.

TWG Mario

Unless I missed something, Mario posted once at the start of the game and has not come back yet. That would easily explain the missing wolfing. While I am admittedly loath to use such an accusation based on my defense of Ness earlier, it is only the first day and we have nothing to go off of yet.
There are two pieces to the pie, one person being inactive DOES NOT MEAN... that they HAD to make the shot...
of course, someone can be carrying...

quick thought on
the TWG mario lynch.
to be all honest, it was horrible, absolutley horrible. the fact that it went 3 way coinflip with samus and luigi AND that mario hadnt said a damm thing, no way to tell the mario flip imo. but luigi is looking green, If he wanted to save himself he would have either had person x or the scum buddeh vote samus.

Bowser wolfng, based on early interactions, seemingly more to indicate that luigi is green. (no pun intended)

Kirby lynch, doesnt make sense in 10v2 to Self destruct (again no pun intended). need to read a bit more...

Samus wolfing. need to read a bit more, but it looks like luigi is green

Quick thoughts on possible wolves;
captain falcon doesnt look all that promising to be honest. mainly that vote on TWG mario, but definetly needs a read
fox, all bark and no bite??? you havent casted a vote, you have been relatively active as well...
QuoteTwgFox: Probably 17:35
TwgFox: Falcon still strikes me as odd though. 17:35
TwgFox: This is probably nothing, but reviewing his posts I have come to thesethree conclusions: 17:38
TwgFox: Falcon was more active at the start of the game. What better way to look human than start the game actively posting. 17:40
TwgFox: 2. He made a pretty bad suspicion post, but rightaround the time everyone else was making one. Seemed like he was more focused on trying yo 17:42
TwgFox: To fit in than anything 17:42
TwgFox: 3. His activity has declined. Now that everyone is caught up in kirby and luigi nonsense, he sinks back into the shadows. 17:44
TwgFox: Like I said though, this is highly speculatory. Thesesre
Its a decent idea...  but... I really doubt that you are going to follow on it...
exhibit A)
Quote from: TWG Fox on September 30, 2013, 09:14:57 PMHonestly, I didn't vote because I don't have any suspicions yet. I just don't know.

I haven't gotten the chance to get on the chat and discuss things yet. Maybe I'll have a chance tomorrow.
(somewhat granted.)
and we have this little gem
Quote from: TWG Fox on September 30, 2013, 08:14:21 PMLol, well you've got my vote. :P

thoughts for no wolfing n1.
F4 is easier for uncertainty and chaos than F3 (in terms of the wolves)
more thoughts later when I reread the thread in a different light.
Where am I?
Am I dreaming this
I feel a pleasnt breeze
I hear a voice from somewhere
I wonder who it is?

I've turned into a Pikachu...
Why... I dont remember anything...

So, You want me to join a rescue team, saving the pokehumans from wolves? sure I'll join that

(in the process of rereading the thread... will post some thoughts after the reread.)
Pikachu... Pika pi. Chu... Pika. Piiiiikachu! Pika...chu.

(Sorry I haven't posted in a bit... It won't happen again. In the meantime, we have to decide who to vote for, and I think TWG Luigi seems quite suspicious. He keeps making contadictory arguments and besides that his activity in the game seems a bit too eager if you ask me! Therefore, I'll vote...TWG Luigi.)
Quote from: TWG Luigi on September 28, 2013, 08:51:58 AMCan we all start talking like BlackDragonSlayer?  Knowing who he was in the last game made guessing pretty boring; we wouldn't want to take away all the fun, would we? :P  That is, of course, assuming I'm not BlackDragonSlayer trying to pull some very clever shenanigans that will hide my identity...

Pika? Pika... Chu!

(Why would we do that? One BlackDragonSlayer is far more than enough... I'm sorry, that was mean!)
Pikaaaa... Pikapi. :(

(This doesn't fare well... Inactive wolves don't seem like a good sign. :()
Pika...chu? Chu....

(Why are you referencing Dangan Ronpa... when it makes it obvious that you're Yugi? Some people don't think very much...)
Pika pika! Pikachuuu! Piiiiiikachu!

(I can't wait to play with you all! The energy I have is simply electric! Let's get those wolves!)
Fox and Link, stop arguing please! It's true that both of you are obviously trying hard to help the human team (or at least appearing to try hard...), but arguing back and forth like this isn't going to solve anything.

It's probable that both of you are humans just because you're debating so much to back up your own strategies and are showing genuine interest in the human team.

Who does that leave then? Bowser and Luigi. I sort of feel that Bowser has been trying hard for the human team all throughout this game as well. Which leaves Luigi, who would be my candidate for this lynch. Thoughts?
Wow, everyone's making enormous posts. Unfortunately, that was never my sort of thing.

Luigi, you're supposed to not know who DK is! Drawing suspicions for who you think a player is isn't what we're supposed to be doing. The entire purpose of this game is to look at players with fresh eyes and not know who they are so that past games can't be used against them.

With that in mind, I don't see the logic in being suspicious of DK for being helpful. If anything, you should be more so of me for being unhelpful! Weegee
(Will do/try)
Quote from: TWG Yoshi on May 02, 2013, 01:18:40 PMPikachu for now due to inactivity.
(Did you miss the post that I just made?)
(i've made 3 posts before this, excuse you)