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Messages - TWG Kirby

The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG 71: Masquerade
September 09, 2014, 10:02:28 PM
TWG Ness, on the grounds that "we're probably lynching inactives today and he's only posted once."
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG 71: Masquerade
September 09, 2014, 03:49:52 PM
Oh, so cardflip can't be trusted during the night.

Well I still think that Waluigi was human. Playing the leader role and getting wolved would be pointless.
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG 71: Masquerade
September 08, 2014, 10:54:45 PM
Looking at the thread, I'm more inclined to believe that Waluigi was simply a normal night 1 wolfing rather than the wolf disguiser. Waluigi was trying to take a leadership position, and suggested ideas for the humans to follow. Being "wolfed" would have been detrimental to this position, and wouldn't have made much sense from a wolf standpoint.
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG 71: Masquerade
September 08, 2014, 09:58:22 PM
Wait, Night was only 24 hours?

The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG 71: Masquerade
September 07, 2014, 10:29:43 PM
Start the game already.
as I said before, It's basically red vs orange, I've got my money on orange to win this battle.
Quote from: Bird on June 15, 2014, 05:52:23 PMAlso, weren't you going on about how you could get the green reviver to do what you wanted? Just get him to revive you! I don't see how this is really much of a setback, really.

Unless you were lying!

yes I could, but does it really matter now?
Quote from: Bird on June 15, 2014, 05:45:27 PMRude!

Are you forgetting that I was the one who almost stopped your lynch? Don't blame me for getting lynched, if I hadn't acted all crazy and threatened everyone, you would have died anyway! It's not my fault everybody decided to lynch my favorite spiky turtle so late in the phase.

Fortunately, I think everybody knew that that stuff by this point anyway.

You know how revealing this is? that you arent able to "cut some slack" to stop the "all powerful red"

Bird is the Blue guard
Link I suspect is the Orange vig (who else could have shot verm?) Either That or TST is full orange
with olimar being full red, AND if olimar is full red, Luigi is the reviver

otherwise ...
Red/Orange are mixed

don't know BDS's role...

let the gambits begin
Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on June 15, 2014, 04:34:43 PMIf no revivers are dead, things will keep going around in circles. :P
yeah, things will keep going in circles, but revivers are needed to break the mold...

and since the mold has been broken, Im putting money on the strongest team (right now) to win.
oh wait...
TWG Fact of the day:

Revivers are only dangerous to the most powerful team.

something for you to chew on.
(And look at BDS again xD)
The following is a list of teams strengths, and what each team has access too. That I know of

2 vigs (1 dead)
1 guard
1 seer
1 viver
1 unknown

2 vigs
2 guards
1 seer
1 viver

1 vig (1 dead)
2 guards
1 seer
2 vivers (1 dead)

1 vig (1 dead)
1 seer
2 guards
1 viver (1 dead)
and 1 unknown

I have little knowledge as to who has what orange roles

but orange are probably the strongest team out there IF my theory of the teams being even is wrong (lel verm, you left for numbers xD)




I am honestly this close, to revealing what I know in the thread.

That is NOT how you make friends

Or you really are scared of me :/

Im prolly a dead man tonight, unless bird decides otherwise.

Yeah, I'll post my thoughts on the situation and where I feel the teams are.

And plan any other action I feel necesarry

(lets be honest, I always undermine reviver roles)