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Messages - TWG Link

Anybody know what color Yugi was? He only posted once, which makes me surprised that he was vigi'd.
Quote from: TWG Kirby on June 13, 2014, 12:15:08 AMAs stated before by yoshi you demonstrate no reason for us to give us your claims other than to gain power in the game by having information, because the manipulation of information is how this game is going to be won.
Quote from: TWG Link on June 12, 2014, 07:47:23 PMSee:
If you don't trust my claim, claim yourself. It's imperative we get our team together. You don't have to trust me for us to do that.
If you don't trust my claim, claim yourself. It's imperative we get our team together. You don't have to trust me for us to do that.
I've gotten zero claims. I don't know how I can be any more clear, but I'll try to lay this out for you guys.

This game will be won by half of the people playing it, since each team has four players, and there are eight players in the game. That means that if one team has an edge on day one, the four players on that team can abandon their other teams and control the votes as well as the rest of the game. Night 1 is the most important phase in faction games.

If we don't meet up, we won't know who to vigi. We won't know who needs to be guarded, or who needs to be seered. If the orange team is going to stand a chance at all, you need to claim to me immediately.
I haven't claimed a specific orange role, only the orange alignment. I'm not willing to share my role with the thread. If another orange wants to forge an alliance from the thread, they can do so, but the fact of the matter is we won't stand a chance unless we find each other, so please claim to me.
I dunno why it would be so hard to believe. I have to be some color, don't I?
Okay, okay. I'm actually orange. Can't believe that the one role I decide to false claim ends up belonging to verm.

Anyway, let's get our team together.
Quote from: Olimar12345 on June 11, 2014, 11:36:27 AMI'm part of the Red team.
Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on June 11, 2014, 04:10:40 PMI AM THE RED VIGI. GUARD ME. I'm claiming very early so my team will be nice and organized by the end of the game.

Also, Fank should be killed off ASAP. :P All he's trying to do is spread confusion amongst all the other teams, which is not a good thing if he's not on your team.
Nice and organized, huh?
I'm the Green Vigi.

The sooner we get our team together, the sooner we'll be able to work out plans. Also please guard me.
I am going to vote for TWG Pikachu.

Reading through the topic, TWG Pikachi has not contributed much at all to the discussion but seems to have been relatively active.  He/She had posted minutes after the topic was updated, and as I expect for the Wolves to be active, I think that the circumstantial evidence adds on to the suspicion.

If possible, I would like to hear input from TWG Pikachu.  I understand that this is not the best suspicion (frankly, I find it a poor one for a Day 2 lynch!), but I think it is better than the quibbling going on between TWG Luigi and TWG Kirby (and based on how they have been arguing, I am inclined to think that they may both be Human, because both of them seem rather sincere in their reasoning).
My Internet connection has improved and I think that it will not cause any more problems.

In consequence of the problems it has caused before, I have not yet formulated many suspicions, but I will say that I concur about TWG Luigi being my top suspicion.  I will try to rectify this soon, however.

At this point in the game, I am beginning to believe that the Wolves are not inactive; all Players had a chance to send in a wolfing.  If there were at least one active Wolf, that Wolf would not want to purposely miss the wolfing because it would bring suspicion to the inactive Partner(s).

I still think we should host a timing for us to chat.  Is 5AM CEST (10PM EST) good for everyone?
I am currently having Internet connection issues so I am sorry if I am inactive as a result.  I will try to have the problems fixed as soon as possible.
I will safety on TWG Falcon for the time being.

I think we should meet in the chat to discuss things some time today.  I want to hear what people like TWG Mario, Fox, Pikachu, and Samus have to say because they have yet to do so if I am correct.

I am thinking of the possibility that the Wolves might have wolfed no one and then went to the sidelines to hope that we would go after active Players but I am not sure how likely that is.

I am a bit suspicious of TWG Luigi because of his response to the wolfing ("The thing that bothers me, though, is that only Ness didn't post, which implies that there was a wolf who did post and yet still didn't wolf.  And I'd probably suspect me of doing that most.") which seems a bit unnecessary to me and something a Wolf might try to do to look more Human.  I also agree with TWG DK about his 'clear list' being suspicious.

I am unsure of TWG Bowser because I feel that his logic about things like Ness's activity are definitely off, but I do not know whether that is a Wolf trying to protect a Wolf or a Human using mistaken logic.  I think he may be getting too into his character that it effects his gamestyle but I am unsure.

I will be free at around 10PM CEST today.  I think that is 3PM EDT.  So I will be in the chat at that time.
I am new to this game still but I think the two possibilities we should be thinking about are that the Wolves could be inactive (since I guess they could have posted but forgot to send in a PM to wolf someone?) or they could be pretending to be inactive by not wolfing anyone.  I think that we should try to talk about these options.  I think the first one might be a good one to start with because we cannot tell well who would be clever enough to do the second one since our identities are all hidden.

Is there a chat to go to?  Because I am fine with something like a server chat but I am afraid that some of you might be able to tell who is who from IP Addresses or something similar.  It would not be troublesome for me since I do not think anyone knows me but it might cause trouble for everyone else maybe.
iHola chicas muy femininas!
iY Kiyotaka Ishimaru, quién es fantástico!