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Messages - TWG Waluigi

Wahahaha, Pikachu, the accusations were merely a facade! Falcon and I concocted a plan to incite people to become active through accusations and, thanks to yours truly, it worked with wonders!

Now, for my flawless suspicion list:
1. TWG Falcon - His KitB was kind of foolish! Not only did he show very human traits throughout the Phase but he was also being very helpful! This of course doesn't mean that he was definitely human but the point still stands that if he was, we would have greatly benefited.
2. TWG Mario - Inactive and wolfed.
3. TWG Waluigi - I cannot tell a lie. I am amazing. I'm not merely a human but a superhuman!
4. TWG Yoshi - Hasn't said anything useful as far as I'm aware. He's claimed that it's because nothing significant has occurred, but that's clearly not true, especially at this point!
5. TWG Link - Despite increasing suspicions of him last Phase, I'm thinking that he may be human. For one thing, I don't recall anyone actively trying to support him and I suspect that if he had wolf partners, they would have at least said something minor in his defense. I feel, also, that if he were a wolf, he would be less inclined to warrant such a large degree of attention to himself. His defense for voting me when he did last Phase are contradictory at times and lack foresight, which I think is normal of a human. Of course, Waluigi will remain wary of him, nevertheless.
6. TWG Pikachu - Haven't seen much of him either but would like to see more of him before making any judgements.
7. TWG Samus - Seems to be attempting to think things through from short chats I've had with him. He's also made an effort to be a bit active. Will need to chat with him more before reaching any solid conclusions though.
8. TWG Fox - I've chatted with him a bit and he seems to be acting a bit strangely but I don't majorly suspect him compared with other players.
9. TWG Bowser - He hasn't made any out-of-character or otherwise useful posts as far as I'm aware.
10. TWG Kirby - Wolfed.
11. TWG DK - Was initially inactive but has been insightful as of late. Impressively, Waluigi is not entirely sure of his role identity!
12. TWG Luigi - Only recently joined the fray. He's shown to be attentive, considering that he recognised that Falcon was supposed to be KitBed and not Samus.
I so desperately wonder the identity of TWG DK.
Waaah, Waluigi apologises for his timing.  He was busy saving the world for the hours he expected to be free.

Despite his wariness of him, Waluigi feels that Falcon has proven himself to appear human and has been doing much for the human cause. In consequence, due to both lack of time and concurrence in suspicion, I shall also vote for TWG Mario.  He has been both inactive and has not added much to the game. In a manhunt, I would suspect the wolves to try to stay quiet or be inactive in order to avoid the spotlight and risk being lynched.  It is not the best lynch, but it is the lynch I currently agree with most out of the options.
Wahahaha, Waluigi shall now step into the fray!

I will begin with my suspicion of the Egg Headed Dinosaur, DUMBOSHI.
To begin, you've posted to reflect a great deal of activity Night 1, only to disappear Day 1. In addition, your posts have all lacked a great amount of substance, many of them being posts that do not pertain to the game! Even at the beginning of Day 1, Yoshi simply voted for a Player that didn't exist! And later on, she decided to vote for Donkey Kong for an in-character reason!

This brings me to my next suspicion; Pikachu! Not only is the rodent inactive, but he also has made few posts of substance. Not to mention that the electric rat voted for Donkey Kong alongside Yoshi for no given reason!  What's the deal?

And while we're accusing yellow people, we may as well accuse another green person, that being the Egghead, Luigi! If my perfect memory serves correct, you only posted once in the topic! And you added nothing to the game.

And there is my flawless logic. You can thank me later for catching the three Wolves so quickly.
Quote from: TWG Link on April 28, 2013, 01:10:27 PM1: Waluigi is EVIL

QuoteTWG Samus does have a point, however:
QuoteIf we're going to lynch people for having fun in character, then nothing is going to be accomplished.
Waluigi thinks you are being hypocritical.

Perhaps, since you had such poor reasons for voting for someone so amazing as myself, you can then explain why you chose to bandwagon a vote on me?
Silly TWG Falcon! That "I was planning to suggest it myself but decided to wait for others" was in response to TWG Fox's posting of the Tinychat link to avoid people detecting the true identities of the Players through automated IPs! I was merely testing the Players to witness whether any of you were smart enough to figure out the usefulness of the Tinychat!

And although I find that senseless accusations remain senseless (even if they're less senseless than other accusations), I will overlook it for now since you claim for it to be stirring the pot.
Wahahahaha, you Players' intellects are much below than my genius. Watch as the Great Waluigi tactfully takes apart your petty arguments!

Quote from: TWG Falcon on April 28, 2013, 01:37:41 AMWaluigi because, even if the "Imma gonna win" post was made in jest, I'm not sure it was totally innocuous.  Humans would be more likely to say "we" because we're on a team, while wolves play more of an individual game. 

Even Verm, nominated for best wolf in the NSM Superlatives, has made this mistake.  It's a nearly identical scenario, and Verm was a wolf that game.
Wahahaha, what simple minded logic! If I ignore your total lack of understanding of basic statistics and correlation, perhaps I could give you some leeway but I'm convinced that your evidence is very contrived! Your argument is full of holes before I even made my defense, wahaha. For example, any experienced TWGer would recognise the futility of analyzing semantics in great depth without further substantiating evidence.  In addition, the idea that Wolves are more individual is completely false for expert Wolves.  The opposite of what you said is actually true due to the fact that Humans are not aware of whom to trust.  Wolves work together as a group, why do you think they know each other?
Plus, have you never played a Mario game? Seriously, the "Imma gonna win" is my catchphrase! Wario stole it from me, fools!
Based on your reasoning, I feel that you're a poor Wolf attempting to lead a lynch with artificial reasoning but as I'm the Great Waluigi, I shall offer some generosity and allow you to post a defense.

[quote[It's the best I've got right now, though I'm also curious as to why Link was disappointed that Waluigi wasn't wolfed.  He's been active for Night 1, and he did compliment how you looked in purple.[/quote]
Wahaha, the logic here is simple (as in, I'm going to give my best guess), TWG Link was attempting to place a red herring on me as he planned to accuse me later on!
TWG Link, perhaps you should explain these "reasons" if you're to be taken more seriously, wahahaha.

TWG Fox, excellent use of the Tinychat! I was planning to suggest it myself but decided to wait for others to think of the idea. I was beginning to think you peons may have not been capable of deducting its uses but perhaps you have some intellect in you!
Quote from: TWG Yoshi on April 26, 2013, 08:32:00 PM
Just kidding, I'm a Motherf*ckin'

Waaah, just listen to me, Waluigi the Great, and we will be victorious against the dumb Inferior Brother Wolves!

And yes you are wise, Yoshi.  Waaah, perhaps I was wrong about y- I MEAN - yes I was correct in testing your loyalty. You are a smart Yoshi and your actions will be rewarded. Wahahahaha.
Join the cool side, Yoshi. The one with wicked purple and epic coolness. Wahahahahahaha.
Waaah, look who decided to show up. DUMBuigi. And his sidekick with bad taste in color. STUPIDoshi.
Wahahaha, none of you can replace the great Waluigi! However I will allow you all to bear witness to my presence if you are worthy to replace an inferior member of this team.
Wahahaha, excellent Link! You are looking fancy and well dressed!  The color suits you nicely!
Link you should think about changing your wardrobe. You would look much better in purple, wahahaha.
Waaah, Imma gonna win!