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Messages - Mephistopheles

FSM-Reapr and davy have broken their contracts, they have been removed from the game.

The rest of you may continue as normal.
TWG XLIII: My Name is Mephistopheles

15 Players:
1 Master Wolf (green)
3 Wolves (red)
Faust - Seer* (blue)
Gretchen - Guardian* (blue)
9 Humans (green)

*There's a 50/50 chance for seering and guardings to be effective. A coin flip will occur (best two out of three) between the two and the winner's power will work. The loser will be told (s)he lost the coin flip when they'd normally get results.

1. Hercules
2. SocialFox
3. gzgregory
4. FSM-Reapr
5. davy
6. Waddle Bro
7. The Boy Who Cried Wolf
8. SlowPokemon
9. BlackDragonSlayer
10. blueflower999
11. Dude
12. Bird
13. the_last_sheikah
14. Bubbles 7689
15. shadowkirby

Waddle Bro has lost his bet, his soul is now forfeit, he was Green.
It is now Day 3, Day 3 ends 1:00 AM CST (7:00 AM GMT) Sunday, Nov. 14

My Offices are still open, you may strike deals as you wish.

Please be aware that I reserve the right to stop taking deals, however if I do I will continue working on any approaches received before this point.
Bird - Miller
The Phase has been Extended. Night 3 now ends 1:00 AM CST (7:00 AM GMT) Friday, Nov 15.

I went to Houston earlier today and got home far later than planned. Continue play as normal.
SocialFox - Master Wolf
SocialFox, I'm only going to tell you this once:

Stop posting if you are dead.

Only wolfing victims are allowed a death post. Since you you were lynched, you have no right to speak up. This is a clearly posted rule. Posting about about game information after your death is not legal, this is your last warning.
The Boy Who Cried Wolf
TWG XLIII: My Name is Mephistopheles

15 Players:
1 Master Wolf (green)
3 Wolves (red)
Faust - Seer* (blue)
Gretchen - Guardian* (blue)
9 Humans (green)

*There's a 50/50 chance for seering and guardings to be effective. A coin flip will occur (best two out of three) between the two and the winner's power will work. The loser will be told (s)he lost the coin flip when they'd normally get results.

1. vermilionvermin
2. SocialFox
3. gzgregory
4. FSM-Reapr
5. davy
6. Waddle Bro - 1x Phantom
7. The Boy Who Cried Wolf
8. SlowPokemon - 2x Phantoms
9. BlackDragonSlayer
10. blueflower999
11. Dude
12. Bird
13. the_last_sheikah
14. Bubbles 7689
15. shadowkirby - 1x Phantom

Bubbles7689 has lost her bet, her soul is now forfeit, she was Green.
It is now Night 3, Night 3 ends 1:00 AM CST (7:00 AM GMT) Thursday, Nov. 15

My Offices are still open, you may strike deals as you wish.

Please be aware that I reserve the right to stop taking deals, however if I do I will continue working on any approaches received before this point.
Quote from: SlowPokemon on November 12, 2012, 07:19:45 PMWell fuck. This girl apparently liked me at the same time I liked her about a month ago, but told me she liked someone else at the time because she was certain I didn't feel the same way.

There is a God, and somewhere he is laughing.
Who said He had anything to do with it?
Help! / Re: Music Theory Q/A
November 12, 2012, 05:11:08 PM
Top one, you must always show each beat clearly.
My bad BDS was Red. Fixed the original post.
TWG XLIII: My Name is Mephistopheles

15 Players:
1 Master Wolf (green)
3 Wolves (red)
Faust - Seer* (blue)
Gretchen - Guardian* (blue)
9 Humans (green)

*There's a 50/50 chance for seering and guardings to be effective. A coin flip will occur (best two out of three) between the two and the winner's power will work. The loser will be told (s)he lost the coin flip when they'd normally get results.

1. Hercules
2. SocialFox
3. gzgregory
4. FSM-Reapr
5. davy
6. Waddle Bro
7. The Boy Who Cried Wolf
8. SlowPokemon
9. BlackDragonSlayer
10. blueflower999
11. Dude
12. Bird
13. the_last_sheikah
14. Bubbles 7689
15. shadowkirby

BlackDragonSlayer has lost his bet, his soul is now forfeit, he was Red.
It is now Day 2, Day 2 ends 1:00 AM CST (7:00 AM GMT) Wednesday, Nov. 14

My Offices are still open, you may strike deals as you wish.

Please be aware that I reserve the right to stop taking deals, however if I do I will continue working on any approaches received before this point.
Waddle Bro found the following players to be red:

Bubbles 7689
Phase ends 7:00 AM GMT, Monday Nov 12.