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Messages - BlackDragonSlayer

Also, glad to hear your great grandmother is doing better!!!
Quote from: Oricorio on June 29, 2024, 04:16:17 PMWell, could be a gambit I guess. Anyone receive a similar message?
I received a similar message from TZP as well. I let Xiao know that someone claimed wolf to me and I was planning to string them along, and attempted to do so. I was planning to do an info drop sub-5 minutes before the end of the phase, as I've often taken to doing, in order to avoid potential wolf collaboration. But I suppose that option is already unnecessary with you revealing TZP's ruse.
Quote from: Nana1Popo2 on June 28, 2024, 04:50:59 PMWhen the game concludes i will likely inquire as to how you all do it when it comes to earning your place as town, because i feel like i havent contributed much (no outside PMs, no one else claiming). Definitely different from other TWG ive played in the past.

I have so little to go off this game, because it feels like nothing has happened for me haha. Perhaps this is why i dont play too often, idk. x)
It can be difficult in small games or in games where there isn't a lot of information early. I think the biggest thing to keep in mind is knowing what buttons to push and how to stimulate discussion from very little (sometimes making a big reach is necessary to get people talking). Especially in NSMTWG, there can be ebbs and flows in phases where it feels like not much is happening, but then a lot happens all at once.

QuoteOh also the meta-gaming side where you compare players to other games as a sort of citation, is very much out of my wheelhouse because i play this game for how it is; should i be reading that far into people?
Trying to predict players based on past actions can be a bit unreliable at times (people change, sometimes day to day depending on what's going on in their lives at the time), but sometimes it's necessary (especially in something like Mafia Universe's Mafia Championship where most players haven't played with the other players before). Overall it's just about playing with the same people over and over again and getting a sense for how they act in certain situation—or playing enough to where you have a general idea how the average person might act in certain situations.

Quote from: Nana1Popo2 on June 28, 2024, 04:59:39 PMWelcome back to TWG to me x)
Good luck y'all
Sorry for the lynch but I hope you return to future TWGs :'(
Voting for N1P2 to break the KitB.
I'm gonna be hella lazy in regards to TZP and just say that his posts have been dense with analysis and bringing in new perspectives. Even if he is a wolf I am extremely hesitant to want to lynch him today because I feel like that energy could be genuinely helpful into actually lynching one of the wolves, which could give us more wiggle room.

In a more broad sense, it's entirely possible that, like in the assassin game, the wolves could be treating this game as wolf vs. wolf with the humans as a distraction and tool to eliminate the other wolf. With the possibility (albeit slim from what I can gather) of the two wolves winning together, I figure they'd treat it more as an option if things turn out that way rather than something they're deliberately aiming for in the first place.
Quote from: Nana1Popo2 on June 25, 2024, 10:04:27 PMHi! I am here and quickly reading through everything.
This is unlike me but I did forget multiple times I was playing this game (my fault, is not an excuse; especially a "i havent been paying attention so dont count me as sus" excuse)..

It is late where I am, and I work open shift until about 4 hrs before the phase change (ugh). I will do my absolute best to reply throughout the day tomorrow!!
Quote from: Nana1Popo2 on June 27, 2024, 02:41:49 PMMaybe my flaw is I wait too long, because i want what i have to say to have substance and not just word vomit.
Taking these two posts into context together, I could definitely get the impression that N1P2 is just being a bit scatterbrained (happens to us all at some point) and semi-inactive but trying to catch up and contribute. In the suspicion list though, it's a bit weird how N1P2 specifically speculates that Oricorio might be a seer; just feels a bit out of place.

Quote from: Nana1Popo2 on June 26, 2024, 05:42:28 PMIs your vote for the sake of starting a vote count because none of us have voted?
To be frank, I did think TZP's analysis was oddly creatively-specific, but perhaps that's because they have more experience in TWG than I do... Does that warrant a vote already? Not that experience matters all the time, nor do I like to think outside the game (it gets confusing to me), but seeing that BDS posted about previous THC game history, idk.
Seems hesitant toward Xiao's vote of TZP but backs Xiao's TZP vote later based on a hunch. While I get the uncertainty this early in a game like this, it almost feels more like trying to solidly steer the lynch away from himself by providing a tempting target (possibly for the other wolf to jump on and potentially get called out on later). If N1P2 is a wolf I could definitely see him wanting and trying to get rid of the other wolf early.

Feels a little jumpy but could just be real life interference making it hard to post and get in a good headspace to properly sort through the game.

Interested to see if N1P2 ends up changing his vote later as he said he might. For the time being though, I am inclined to change my vote to N1P2 if nothing else changes.
No spoilers necessary for Xiao, as this will be super abridged.

Xiao tends to make a lot of short, concise posts, often stating an opinion that (seemingly, or mildly at least) goes against the grain. Even Xiao's suspicion list follows that formula despite seeming like more of a wallpost at first glance. I'd like to think my Xiao radar has been fairly accurate thus far, but as we haven't seen wolf Xiao yet, I can't say I've ever had the chance to be wrong about Xiao in recent games (there's always a first! :P ). Overall seems fairly natural and typical for Xiao. Xiao also does seem concerned about the seers becoming wolf targets (but, as was mentioned by Oricorio early in the game, would a wolf want to kill the seer that's not a threat to them?).

Unfortunately other than that there's not a lot to say. Generally human.

One more thing though now that I'm going over Xiao's posts a second time. This post was in response to speculation as to why THC might have been wolfed.
Quote from: XiaoMigros on June 26, 2024, 03:21:52 PMI disagree with that analysis, I don't think it makes sense for wolves to target the less active towns under the current circumstances.
What's your take on why each wolf may have picked THC independently?
Quote from: SpecsFlyer17 on June 25, 2024, 02:07:52 PMMy issue what that is it makes the seer role way easier to fake. If a wolf (or even a human) fakeclaims a vanilla seer, both seers can chalk it up to it being the other seer.
If someone fakeclaims a color seer, the real seer will know that it's fake.
Whether or not to reveal the seers at some point (or even how to go about it) was definitely a contentious issue earlier in the game, and it's good to see that Specs at least appeared to be concerned about people fakeclaiming seer.

Many of Specs' posts from here until the next quote are about either the seers claiming or THC wolfing.

Quote from: SpecsFlyer17 on June 27, 2024, 03:24:16 PMN1P2: Your most recent post about taking a backseat is either genuine or a really sly attempt to play the emotional card to reduce suspicion. I wouldn't put it past a clever wolf to say something like that to appear innocent and deter anyone from voting for them. Just speculation.

N1P2 for now. Going to reread the discussion about THCs wolfing in the morning.
Specs' vote on N1P2 was the first vote on N1P2, so points for actually pushing what at the time didn't seem like something that would be a popular lynch.

Quote from: SpecsFlyer17 on June 28, 2024, 06:47:46 AMA wolf may also have taken a simpler approach going for the same result: wolf someone somewhat inactive, or at least not making splashes that could be dissected. THC actually had some solid posts N1. On the other hand, N1P2 only had an off-topic fun opening post N1. N1P2 would have been the easy target for this theory, but he was spared. Therefore, I think wolf!N1P2 fits this theory the best- wolfing the most inactive player in hopes that they won't be lynched D1.
Builds on that suspicion in the context of why a wolf might have picked THC. It's an interesting point—N1P2 and THC both getting their votes reduced to 0.5 would've been a valid strategy for wolves if they were hoping to reduce the votes of people likely to live until late game, and N1P2 being one of the wolves makes it less likely for him to have been picked, which in turn makes it more likely for THC to be double picked and thus wolfed.

Overall, also sort of mixed. If Specs is a wolf he definitely seems to be gunning for the other wolf right out of the gate. If that's the case, his genuine interest in wolf hunting could work in our favor. On the other hand, if he's a human, it almost feels like he's trying to make himself a target for the wolves with some "unintentional" slips and misunderstandings he's made, that make it looks as if he's trying to hide something (and at the same time, those statements can make humans scratch their heads a bit, like how TZP picked apart Specs' posts).
Going in order of playerlist, starting with Oricorio.
Quote from: Oricorio on June 24, 2024, 08:56:26 PMAs I can tell, there are two main strategies the wolves can use: a wolf-wolf alliance and a wolf-Seer "alliance". The first is obvious, the wolves find each other via PM and coordinate their actions, leaving town little recourse but to act completely as a unit with even one defection potentially making the game unwinnable. Of course, that strategy would require a lot of risk for the wolves to initiate, so it's more likely we'll see the second strategy. As the seers are only a threat to one wolf each, it's advantageous for a wolf to find the seer that isn't a threat to them and use their results to control the narrative. In order to counter such a strategy, the two Seers need to be 100% coordinated. Of course, a wolf can be the seer, which carries its own problems.
This point seems innocuous enough, but if you wanna look at it under intense scrutiny, this could be wolfseer Oricorio trying to set the stage for an alliance with a human seer.

Quote from: Oricorio on June 25, 2024, 10:31:29 PMYeah, I received nothing so far. Part of me discussing a w-w alliance earlier was to see if anyone was bold enough to approach me in PMs, but no one took the bait. We probably will need some behind the scenes cooperation to outmaneuver the wolves.
This context makes the above look a bit more favorable, however. Oricorio did comparable PM shenanigans in the alliance game so it wouldn't surprise me if he, as a human, tried to do a lite-version this time around.

...then again, wolf Oricorio could have been attempting the exact same thing.

Quote from: Oricorio on June 25, 2024, 05:10:15 PMTHC is a strange target for the wolves to arrive at independently. This likely suggests that wolves are cooperating (that, or THC did something like claim seer to both wolves). At least we know that all our votes are worth the same.
On one hand, this post feels like a natural gut reaction (I was kinda surprised both wolves would pick THC at first), but after exploring all the possibilities I feel like it's still a bit weird to say that it's strange for both wolves could arrive at THC as their target independently. As I mentioned earlier, wolves could entirely have had different logic for picking THC, which still would've ended the same way.

Quote from: Oricorio on June 25, 2024, 10:31:29 PMThere has to be a reason why THC was double-targeted, and it doesn't seem to have anything to do with their posts in the thread, as it's basically just mechanical stuff that had to be taken back after clarifications from the host. Based on past games, t!THC is mainly a threat to wolves from their alliances with other players (TZP in Grinch and MSF in True Love), so maybe that's part of the reason? Might want to look at TZP and Specs a little closer
Quote from: Oricorio on June 27, 2024, 11:49:04 PMI'll clarify a couple of my points: it is unlikely that the targeting of THC was a random decision, and since we have information like that we should take advantage. Little had happened by that point, it's not as if THC had pushed major suspicions that would give people an incentive to off him, so it's mainly past games that we have to go off of. We do have a bit more to work with now in terms of reads, but I don't think you can particularly fault me for an uncofident case when we had little to work with.
However, later on Oricorio himself does go into the possibilities of why both wolves could have independently picked THC.

Quote from: Oricorio on June 28, 2024, 12:05:03 AMIt's interesting that everyone is hedging on BDS; for better or worse people usually have strong opinions on his alignment. His posts here haven't really stood out to me either.
I'm curious why Oricorio didn't mention the fact that TZP seems to be going heavy human read on me. I'm interested to see what he has to say about that; but overall, I do agree that it feels people have generally been hedging on me (though I can't blame them, as I myself have had a lot of uncertainty thus far too).

Overall opinion, mixed.
I keep trying to put together a suspicion list, but aside from Xiao and TZP I feel like I keep flopping back and forth on the remaining three players, so it's hard for me to rank them in a definitive order (in a game this small and with two wolves it's definitely hard to get a grip on things when looking outside of a specific context). In lieu of that, over the course of the next few hours I will attempt an "abridged-TZP" approach so I can hopefully get more of my thoughts together, both for myself and for others.
well that quote got bungled
[quote author=TheZeldaPianist275 link=msg=442905 date=1719606684
What stands out to me about this more than anything else is the sentence at the start. I've only played one game with Ice Climbers, but that game he decidedly did NOT take a passenger seat role--he worked overtime for alliances and information and Davy gave him the "rising star" award in the postgame. So I have no idea what you're talking about here.
I do want to hear more from @Nana1Popo2 regarding this, though.
Also, after a PM convo with someone (I'll leave it up to them if they wanna say anything more) I'm going to place a vote on Oricorio for the time being, though I am willing to change it later. Of all the players in the game, I'd say Oricorio is the one I feel most uncertain on. It's not really a hard suspicion on Oricorio but more a process of elimination on who I don't want to lynch today.
Quote from: TheZeldaPianist275 on June 28, 2024, 12:37:40 PMXiao:
After reading this over, I'm not sure if it's enough to change my read on Xiao.
Quote from: SpecsFlyer17 on June 27, 2024, 03:24:16 PMBDS: Honestly not a lot of reads here from me. Curious why Oricorio moved up on his suspicion list.
It's more process of elimination than strictly suspicion on Oricorio. As I touched at, I feel like Xiao and TZP are more on the human end of things, N1P2's more of a blank, and I already mentioned why I have my eye on you.

QuoteN1P2: Your most recent post about taking a backseat is either genuine or a really sly attempt to play the emotional card to reduce suspicion. I wouldn't put it past a clever wolf to say something like that to appear innocent and deter anyone from voting for them. Just speculation.
Interesting point as well. I did find it a bit weird how he popped in right after I brought up wanting to hear more from him, but I just chalked it up to him feeling more comfortable in a lurking role than someone making wallposts all the time. In other words, he's been around this whole time but unsure about how to step in.

Quote from: TheZeldaPianist275 on June 27, 2024, 03:27:18 PMIt's a somewhat bold claim to say, in such a small game, that losing a human is a more than fair trade for a more informed D1.
To build on this mention, I feel like a wolf would likely prefer to have two half-votes running around, even if they don't know who one of those was.

QuoteThis doesn't make sense to me, though. I don't think I've ever before heard the logic of "Player X wolfed player Y in a previous game so he's likely to do that again." Process of elimination doesn't really make sense in this context?
Fair, and like it said it was a weak thread, but in a game like this where we don't have a lot to work with I figured it didn't hurt to give it a look and see if it dredged up any results. In the past, at least pre-revival, I feel like similar logic has been employed before (e.g. "player X as a wolf might be more likely to wolf player Y because player Y is good at picking up on wolf!player X"), but I may just be misremembering.

QuoteAlso fyi, I used for the first wolfing in the first revival game sort of on a whim since it had been several years since I played, and I have not used it since.
Good to know :P

QuoteI missed this earlier, sorry to ignore. I think this is one plausible reason for sure, but I think that (if we're continuing with the assumption that the goal of this wolfing was to disguise the vote manipulation rather than to kill a player immediately) sowing confusion in the voting during the day was probably the primary draw, since it can be *really* tough to predict who's going to get lynched--how many games in the last year have had day phases where someone gets offed and it's a complete surprise because it happened in the last 20 minutes of the phase? I don't mean this in a negative way at all, but it would be consistent with things you and Oricorio have said in the past to both assume that you were the target of a halved vote, and it's possible a wolf could have picked THC instead to keep everyone on their toes.
The key thing to remember is that it only takes one wolf having that logic for THC to have died; the other wolf could entirely have had a different set of logic for picking THC. I like the reasoning though.

QuoteCan you say more about Specs and Oricorio? I actually disagree that Xiao's behavior has been standard (first player to clock a vote? I'll get to that in a later post) and I'm curious why the other two are higher up your list.
Already touched on above, especially re:Oricorio, but between you and Specs (the two weak threads I identified earlier) I feel like you've been more human of the two. Definitely interested to see what you have to say about Xiao though, and we'll see if it changes my mind at all.