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Messages - chipmunk884

sorry, got the two gavin's confused for a second.  and by "court record" do you mean a website, or did you just pull it out of your magic panties.
NVM i found the site and have a surprise for you in the PS section.

PS did you see my new sig that i just put on?  It is my first attempt at a signature in photoshop instead of gimp, so it isn't my best, but it is still decent.

^ "Student who forgot to study for finals on the day of his test" end quote
lol nice.  where did you get the pic?  If there are more, i want them...  klavier is so annoying in how he will never even come close to confessing anything.
I thought that the end to apollo justice was very good.  you find out about so much stuff in the mason system like that apollo and trucy are siblings with their mother being lamiroir.  Also that klavier was behind the whole thing.  and that shadi smith was really apollo and trucy's real father.  post any more comments here that you want if you have finished apollo justice.
it's amazing how my topic on nintendo power turned into a religious topic about whether or not h e double hockey sticks is a swear word or not (btw i think it is and i'm not aloud to say it in my house, along with all of the other swears).  Try to stay on topic from now on.
Nintendo / Re: Pokemon Platinum :D (Some Spoilers)
June 13, 2008, 03:54:36 PM
i'm surprised that you didn't mention the addition of all of the regi's into the game (regirock, registeel, regice).  Also, there appears to be a new castle and their is definitely a place called torn world above spear pillar that heavily utilizes the game's 3d isometric engine.
Off-Topic / Finally got my new TI Nspire!
June 08, 2008, 04:24:13 AM
I know that this may sound nerdy/geeky, but I am so happy that i finally got my new ti nspire!  It is way awesomer than my old ti 89 titanium, but it unfortunately doesn't have the cas, but most likely i will be able to put programs onto the 84 silver edition keyboard that comes with it so that it works like a cas.  If you guys have no idea what i'm talking about, go to and you can see why the ti nspire is so awesome!
Nintendo / Nintendo Power Surprise (No Spoilers)
May 31, 2008, 05:20:03 AM
Yesterday, i received my new copy of nintendo power v230 and to my surprise, i got another magazine with 20 posters in it!  Even though they don't do the monthly magazine, you now get 20 double sided posters anually.  I'm happy, because my walls are now 100% covered with nintendo posters.
Thank you so much for converting Kid Icarus Underworld into 12/8 for me, PianoMan.  I have updated my first post, and added your name under the arrangers in the sheet.  I would have never had enough time or patience to correctly convert it.  It took me like half an hour to to a half page piece, so obviously you spent a lot of time working on it, and i greatly appreciate it.
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Nintendo / Re: Question about NDS Apollo Justice
May 28, 2008, 04:22:59 AM
So far, there has been a little comedy in the second case during investigation, because i just recovered trucy's panties.  And then, i found out that they are magic panties... lol  now i need to work on finding mr eldoon's stand back.  btw, did you know that eldoon spelled backwards is noodle, just like his business.
Nintendo / Re: Question about NDS Apollo Justice
May 27, 2008, 04:09:04 AM
Shadowninja, i finally got the game last night, and i love it!  I was only able to beat the prologue case, and i thought it was very long.  It took my like 3 hours to complete.

Highlight below text to read spoiler comments:
I was very surprised that Mr. Gavin was the murderer.  I really though for most of the case that it was olga, so i was very surprised at the last testimony.
Gaming / Re: Rubik's Cube
May 22, 2008, 04:08:18 AM
My new cubes just arrived today, so now i have a 2x2, 3x3 4x4, and 5x5.  I can do the 2x2 in 25 seconds, 3x3 in 1 minute, and 4x4 in 5 minutes.
Nintendo / Re: SSBB: Lucas Guide pleez!!
May 19, 2008, 04:32:51 AM
Try this link:  even though it is for ness, i'm guessing that a lot of the strategies also apply towards lucas.
Nintendo / Re: Question about NDS Apollo Justice
May 14, 2008, 01:42:18 PM
so this means 20+ hours right?  Cause 20 hours will usually last me long enough to want to get it.  I usually don't get really short games (10 hours or less).
Nintendo / Question about NDS Apollo Justice
May 14, 2008, 04:20:53 AM
I recently tried the demo from nintendo channel for this game, and i love it!  however, i wanted to know how long these games actually last, because there are only like 6 cases in the game.  The demo lasted about 30 minutes for me.  Could anyone post how long it took them to complete all the cases?  I want to know how long I would get to play this game for, because if it isn't that long, i might not get it.
pseudo, now that i finally unlocked funky kong, i completely agree that he, along with dry bones, are the best characters in the game.  However, I don't know how to unlock his most commonly used kart, which i think is the phantom (with purple and red on it).  Does anyone know how to unlock it?