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Messages - MaestroUGC

All hospitals have a waiting room...playing simple elevator music.
Quote from: Seeker on August 13, 2009, 05:10:42 PMWhen MaestroUGC says virtuoso, he means virtuoso. Owww.....

But, I will preserve! First page, full speed by the end of the month! Grr....
I appluad you for your efforts; but if it's too much for you then I advise you wait until your abilities catch up. I've made the same mistake before.[
A PM, that way I can review it and post it, and I'll gaive anyone who plays their credit.
Feedback / Re: UGCMaestro's "Virtuoso" Arrangements...
August 12, 2009, 06:40:36 PM
This is just going in either like my music or not.
Feedback / Re: UGCMaestro's "Virtuoso" Arrangements...
August 12, 2009, 12:17:18 PM
I think that's a challenge...
I tried that, but it seemed really cliche and least to me. Besides interpretation is left up to the players.
Ooh, I missed that in my review...I'll fix it. Thanks.
Hop Hop Donut Lifts from Yoshi's Island.

Up next - Duke Palace from Majora's Mask in the future...hopefully soon.
Feedback / Re: UGCMaestro's "Virtuoso" Arrangements...
August 11, 2009, 08:23:32 PM
Man, I seem to be appearing everywhere on this forum...and no hard feelings.
I respect your minimal preferences...but three notes is pushing it. At least it's not 4'33" disrespects to John Cage. But I want to pose a question to those who support my music.

Would any of you be willing to record my arrangements?

As I previously stated I can barely play my arrangements, and I know a few of you can. Would you simply film yourself playing?

I post all of my arrangements and my own compositions on YouTube, and they are simply audio files with a title screen. An actual performance will add color to my library.

Please get back to me on this...Hop Hop Donut Lifts will be completed soon, I promise.
So is this issue resolved? The last thing I want is my thread to be filled with hatred towards each other over my music.
Feedback / Re: A thank you to everyone of NSM.
August 08, 2009, 12:47:54 PM
I thought I was supposed to go to concerts with you...?
Wow, I had no idea I caused this much controversey...I thank you all for your support and criticism.

I feel as though I need to address some of the issues brought up here:

1) The "Virtuoso" tag-Let me make it perfectly clear: I am not a virtuoso by any means. How can I write these arrangements you may now be asking? I know the limitations of people and the piano. I may be a mediocre player, but I've studied the piano and pianists for years now, I have seen the impossible (Opus Clavicembalisticum) and I have never tried to go above that.

2) My incentive-I do indeed wish to add more to these popular theme of video games. In fact it first started as a challenge by my friends, "I bet you can't make the tetris theme sound better on the piano (made after a snide comment on a friend of mine's playing of the piece in question (we were joking around)). "You're on..." People loved the arrangement so I made more. Then I decided to join NSM and submit my arrangements...and here we are today.

3) My arrogance-Yes, I do have a certain degree of arrogance; but what musician doesn't. One of my choir directors said a few years ago "Show me a musician who isn't arraogant, and I'll show you a man who has no ability." Let's face it, we are all arrogant, some more so than others. Empathica has a little arrogance for making his statement, and I thank him for his criticism.

I have no problems if you don't like my arrangements or my own compositions, I won't hold it against you. It won't stop me from writing. I figure as long as one person enjoys it, I'm doing something right.

As for the requests:
Dire Dire Docks-A fantastic choice, it will be done.
Song of Storms-I'll get back to you on that.
As far as the Super Smash Bros. Series is concerned, I will only arrange one of those themes if I it has enough support. I won't do something that isn't supported. Don't worry, I'm sure the Final Destination will get its due (hint hint).

So I don't ignore people's requests without justification, I will only arrange a piece if it meets one of these two qulaification:
1) I really like the piece
2) It is supported by atleast five people here on this site (other than those who requested it).

There's that arrogance again, thank you for support.

--Maestro UGC--
NOTICE: Due to some events I forgot were happening, my summer ended on monday. This means I will have significantly less time to work on my arrangements. This will only be temporary as I will sson adjust to my new schedule and will begin to update somewhat regularly. I will, however, make one final update with the Yoshi's Island theme before going on a short hiatus. I thank you for your patronage and ask that you wait.

In fact, I ask that you make suggestions of theme you want me to arrange. I'm looking for 20 themes to close out my carrer as the "Virtuoso Arranger." I will let you know if I will arrange it or it is planned to be in the next set of ten.
Site News / Re: Update, Monday 3rd of August 2009
August 04, 2009, 04:11:08 PM
Thanks for the shout-out, although I feel bad because it has some bad timing. My summer, and by proxy my free time, ended a few days ago and put nearly all of my arrangements on halt. I appreciate what you did, but I feel as though you wasted your breath as I can't deliver for the time being.