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Messages - Olimar12345

The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG CXV Host Sign Ups
August 07, 2023, 02:31:38 PM
BDS your game sounds really fun O:
Gg everyone! THC, you should award someone the "nothing special" award!!
Workin on it already
Eh, TZP. Ig it doesn't matter much since I'm pretty much guaranteed dead but if I live Xiao can wait.
Quote from: TheZeldaPianist275 on August 03, 2023, 08:01:14 PMI'm keeping my vote on Olimar, that wasn't a defense with much substance to it at all. I think my points stand.

Lol well your argument wasn't that strong so idk what you're fishing for here
Look at me in my phone at work, tisk tisk. THC, is there dead chat allowed? Not that the game will last much longer after mislynching me d:
oh my god i am just now realizing this is a sequel to this game lmaooo

anyway, here's a good ol' fashion sus list (in order from most to least):

sus lean
1. Xiao (yes, that's a vote switch right there): reading through the thread again, Xiao has made 4 posts. 18 was a basic N1 check-in, and 42 seemed too much like forcing a neutral reply, which I already mentioned. 53 was a basic question, making these mostly unsubstantial from someone who says they're not new to the game (igi, its still early game but eh, its getting old). But with post 56 we get more "mayby but maybe not's" coupled with a seemingly bandwagon-y sus of me with the unexplained "a few of his comments did strike me as a little off." To me they're either very unexperienced and just trying to make conversation (which contradicts their comment about having played this before) or they're trying to stay super neutral by tiptoing like a wolfy, wolf-wolf!
2. TZP: well he did admit that his prodding me was to get activity from me (though not taking the bait somehow made me sus oops). It makes sense though, so that's why I unvoted you. Though I have my eyes on you...
3. 36: No N1 post oof but igi life is a thing. Your PM confirming post looks good imo, but your second post (48) slightly ruffles my jimmies with that wolfing comment, even with the later half being a big vanilla.. Idk with only 2 posts you lean a tad neutral as well.

human lean
1. Olimar: I don't suspect myself because im not a wolf!
2. E. Gadd: Already mentioned here and here.
3. A# Minor: N1 posts seemed pretty genuine and appear more new-to-game, human-esque to me. I would imagine a new player being more careful as a first-time wolf, so I'm going to trust my gut for now on that one.

no lean
1. Kaiveran: Lots of content so much content yes this is good mhm mhm. Hard for me to make out your role one way or the other yet, but soonnn
Quote from: TheZeldaPianist275 on August 03, 2023, 12:26:06 PMI actually feel better about lynching him now than I did at the start of the day, though, partially because if he was human, I think the lynch would have gained more traction, with the wolves seeing an opportunity to push for a mislynch.

Possibly, but with as weak of a sus as that was I think it would out more wolves than it would help wolves d: One mislynch is survivable for us hoomans, but if it means outing a wolf that could be detrimental to them.

Quote from: TheZeldaPianist275 on August 03, 2023, 12:26:06 PMAlso, this [link] is just kind of a strange thing to say. I don't think it makes E. Gadd necessarily Olimar's wolf partner--that would be preschool-tier wolf gameplay for Olimar--but it's still odd, and comes across a bit like someone trying to square his knowledge of the game with the publicly available knowledge about the game.

idk what to say about this lol. imo you're reading waaay to far into that one.
Hi its meeeeeeeee

Quote from: XiaoMigros on August 02, 2023, 11:41:34 PMI'm not sure if I agree with the idea that there's at least one experienced wolf. As Olimar already mentioned, BDS as a moderator and an active member could simply have been a random choice. That said, it's definitely not unlikely that there is at least one experienced wolf, given by the number of players alone.

Not sure I jive with this bit here. It comes across too "maybe it was random maybe it wasn't" to me, not to mention wolfing someone because they're a mod/active member is a reason and would make it not a random choice XD

Quote from: Kaiveran on August 02, 2023, 11:50:55 PMWell, E. Gadd and BDS himself where trying to keep the activity up N1, and they both gave reasons for it. Is there a particular reason you didn't see fit to participate much in that discussion?

No reason, I don't think I was even on my pc much then. Night 1's are usually slow and in the past here haven't been eventful /shrug

Quote from: Kaiveran on August 02, 2023, 11:50:55 PMOk, like, I think E. Gadd has been decently towny thus far, but this sudden convergence on "E. Gadd is off the table" makes me think that at least one of 36 and Olimar have TMI.

If you're referring to my human-vibes from E. Gadd in that quote, I had taken E. Gadd's activity prior to that into consideration before I posted that reply. It was more like, "oh he seems pretty active and posting helpfully, and now this other person confirmed something they did so ok"

Quote from: Kaiveran on August 02, 2023, 11:58:32 PMOlimar, why aren't you voting ZeldaPianist right now?
(serious question)
Because I would definitely like to hear a bit more from all the parties you mentioned before I commit to a vote, though!

jokes aside, ig as of posting this that's the most sus thing I've seen yet so sure TZP ynot (sry lovely)

Still catching up with the latest replies, more soon
Hello, World 36-1! Thanks for confirming that reach-out. E. Gadd is probably a safe pass for the lynch.
rip BDS, you poor soul. TWG finally returns and its just like before: instant BDS wolfing XD "it's day time, fools"

Sadly BDS night 1 wolfing is a pretty safe call for the wolves. His sheer abundance in this side of the forums would paint a pretty obvious target on his head. But I do agree that it would most likely have been due to at least one of the wolves having been around to know that.

Quote from: TheZeldaPianist275 on August 02, 2023, 02:34:11 PMas someone who has been playing TWG here for a number of years but has only posted to say "I'm posting".

heh well it's only night 1 so what else is there to talk about?

Actually, an argument of "suspect the veterans" would be a pretty smart play from a wolf too, especially when we know at least one of them most likely is also a veteran player.
omg its happening: NSM TWG is back!

This is also my "reporting in that I'm here" post, so hi
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG CXIV Sign-ups
July 25, 2023, 01:29:22 PM
Since it appears to be full, could I be in as an alternate if someone drops out?
Bump! Been busy lately. Here's a much overdue update of new sheets. 26 new ones:

[GCN] – Animal Crossing
-10:00 P.M.

[GCN] – The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
-Dragon Roost Island
-Farewell Hyrule King
-Outset Island
-The Fairy Queen
-The Great Sea
-Title Theme
-Wind Waker Songs
-Wind Waker Songs (Baton)
-Windfall Island

[MUL] – The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
-Agitha's Castle
-Battle (Second Half)

[N64] – Mario Party 2
-Western Land

[PC] – Buddy Simulator 1984
-A House with a Heart
-A Lonely Place
-Dejo Bravisa!
-Left or Right
-Our Brave Hero
-The North
-Toot's Tavern
-Welcome Home
-Whewe Is Gwandma?
-You Got It, Boss

[SW] – Pikmin 3 Deluxe
-After Hours Mode

[SW] – Pikmin 4
-Trailer Theme

The following sheets have been removed:

[GCN] – The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
-Ballad of Gales
-Command Melody (Baton)
-Earth God's Lyric
-Song of Passing
-Wind God's Aria
-Wind's Requiem

They have been consolidated into the two compilation arrangements "Wind Waker Songs" and "Wind Waker Songs (Baton)."

Download them here:
I don't see why not