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Messages - SuperMarina

Forum Games / Re: The NSM Guess-That-Melody Quiz!
February 21, 2018, 05:39:02 PM
The reveal of all of these hurts. I have failed you. I played so many of these games.
I'm rather stuck between choices. Going with majority vote here, not just for the sake of it, Dudeman. The evidence provided by FireArrow is enough to convince me, if not by most of what I've seen him say myself. It's unfortunately a coincidence that most of the evidence I would provide is already supplied by FireArrow. My apologies to those who have me on their inactive/suspicion list for lack of posts. School is catching up, but I'll improve for these next few phases. However, my point still stands that FireArrow has covered more, if not, all of the majority evidence I was going to pull. Next day phase, let's get down to business to defeat the Huns.. The two card flips we'll have may help narrow it down for all of us, so in accordance, I'm readying my suspicion list.

For what's been said in argument against them, my thoughts align, and I haven't exactly had time to voice them, whether to support or argue. The general argument of whether inactivity equates to wolves us a tad stretched to me, but I keep hearing it repeated and repeated that inactivity shouldn't be factored out. Of course, to me, it's almost a sign of wolves to lynchvote for inactive players, but Raeko has zero counters here, hasn't spoken since the day phase started. From an outward perspective, I like those who play to contribute, and so far, it's been limited.
In my defense, I've been active.
There just isn't, at least to me, enough to talk about.

Aside from the whole Monika plan, which I've already agreed upon, but the matter is finding them, whether by wits or seer. There's a Sayori too, which throws a wrench into the plans for the seer at least.

What is this? DDLC?
Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on February 17, 2018, 03:58:15 PMthe Traitor probably shouldn't just carelessly throw themselves away).
I suppose so, though I can't wrap my head around that kind of mindset.
Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on February 17, 2018, 03:00:06 PMwot

you're saying that humans should stick to the background
how about no

You totally took it out of context. I mentioned that the traitor-type humans are the ones who stick to the background. Their win is reliant on the wolves, and their duty as human becomes almost innate. Sure, I didn't elaborate down to the finely of a point, but you seemed to have ignored the context.
Tbh, to settle any worries. I had my two cents on the way prior conversation, yet passed out before I could post. Here it is, to put your nerves at ease.

Quote from: davy on February 16, 2018, 01:02:34 PMYou are forgetting one role: Khajiit. It is super benificial for Khajiit to know who the confirmed humans are so he won't send his items to a wolf.

Just catching up in detail, not too focused on the back-forth debate, just more so key points.
It'd be pretty important for the Khajiit to know who's human, but we can't know for certain who is who, not without card flips (meaning death and revival, like you all have discussed) or someone to come forth as seer and point fingers. Both are almost equally risky since it reveals roles to the wolves, and it's worth note that alliances will also prove to be a risk, especially if one wolf even manages to gain favor with bandwagon.

Picking your friends wisely is key, but my suspicions lie truly with those who have hardly contributed. Those who usually stick to the background are either, in my eyes, a human without worry, possibly the traitor, or the wolves in general. I'd be more interested in finding our seer, and I don't think we should have a plan for when they should claim, going back to what I said about prematurely role reveals. Wolves might get a jump early. BDS seems sus to me. Usually those to make a first impression with an accusation and a vote put me on edge for wolfiness, but with all reasoning considered, Raeko also seems to fit on that list. Still too early in the day phase to come to a solid conclusion and a vote from me, but those are my thoughts.
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG C Sign-Ups
February 14, 2018, 05:21:55 AM
Hey, whoa. Still in
Art / Re: SuperMarina's Mediocre Art Chain
February 12, 2018, 08:24:37 AM
Okay, the poll ended with Yes as majority (I voted for God no to spite myself). I'll find time today to post something cringy.

Have a second Sylveon.

Quote from: on February 12, 2018, 08:04:44 AMwhen I stood up and counted while everyone else played, he finally believed me. He was so upset, he threw his score back over his head.

 n i c e

Proving the teacher wrong is probably one of the best/worst feelings in school.
Art / Re: SuperMarina's Mediocre Art Chain
February 09, 2018, 11:28:36 AM
I love fluff, k
Who doesn't love fluff
Art / Re: SuperMarina's Mediocre Art Chain
February 09, 2018, 05:24:15 AM
It's an Umbreon!
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG C Sign-Ups
February 08, 2018, 05:47:14 AM
In. Glad I could be here for 100.