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Messages - TWG Fox

Tadaa bak with a computor

Quote from: TWG DK on May 05, 2013, 01:51:30 PMQuote from: TWG Bowser on Today at 12:45:26 PM
You then "lose evidence" as calimed here:
This now gives you the liberty to argue with whatever you wish outside of any immediately checkable context.

This is utter foolishness.  If you are wise in the ways of Simple Machines Forums, O great and powerful Bowser, please teach me to double-layer quote.  I will be happy to re-post that, this time with the double quotes.
well first you need to learn how to quote a single post

Holy shit I must have been insanely tired for forgetting this. I noticed a picture on my desktop a second ago. I seem to have had to use this evidence before now, but I guess it's better later than never.

These pictures are photographic evidence that DK was online 3 minutes after the phase ended. This very likely means he was waiting for the phase to end and not respond on purpose.


Quote from: TWG Link on May 05, 2013, 02:07:48 PMYou know you just going in circles when my previous quote can still answer your question:I could easily use the same "Belief Bias" argument on you and cause us to get absolutely nowhere. ^-^
My argument is no more "holey" than yours, especially since yours is based around the "100% chance" that TWG Samus was a human.
I've got you now, bitch.

My argument can just as easily be pulled off Samus as a wolf. In the scenario I mentioned, Samus is a human, but she's the only one who knows that she's a human. The others have no idea. And this means no one else could say is she a human or not. Only Samus can.
Quote from: TWG Link on May 05, 2013, 01:01:28 PMYou're completely missing the point: All it is (at least in "normal" situations) would be killing another human (another productive human).
i couldn't find the simple wikipedia link for you so this will have to do

You need to make room in your head for the thought that Samus could've been a human. This is the reason why you don't get the logic. Your point doesn't match the reality, since you can't confirm that the "another human" is a human!

Killing a what seems to be a helpful human but could just as easily be a wolf is a better option than giving up and let a yourself, a confirmed human die. Besides, who says Samus could have not been as helpful as DK, maybe even more? You need to face the fact that your beliefs have holes in them!
Quote from: TWG Fox on May 05, 2013, 12:46:14 PMPsychologically from what I've seen on the thread, you seem to be under the impression that you believe DK is a human without a doubt being a wolf or that Samus was a wolf without a chance being a human.
Quote from: TWG Link on May 05, 2013, 12:34:54 PMBlindly lashing out at another player when you're going to die isn't helping the human team at all.
Actually, it is if a human is in danger to get lynched. If a human is lynched instead of a human it doesn't help. But if a wolf is lynched instead of a human it helps. Psychologically from what I've seen on the thread, you seem to be under the impression that you believe DK is a human without a doubt being a wolf.
Guys didn't I tell you not to vote yet

meh, I'm with Bowser.

To be honest, I was pretty much bluffing when I said I'd be voting for you, Bowser if you wouldn't come up with a defense. I just wanted you to get active, which seems to have worked perfectly! At this point I feel it's much better to lynch someone who you have actual reasons to vote for instead of an inactive.

I'm currently on phone so I don't feel like making humongous posts, if you catch my act. I'll do them later, in a few hours hopefully.

Conclusion: Bowser is cool. He is the only one who understands logic.
Quote from: TWG Link on May 04, 2013, 04:33:30 PMI'm just saying that, if you're human, trying to lynch another human just to save yourself isn't a smart idea.
You're missing my entire point. D:

There's no confirmation that the "another human" is really a human. It's better to lynch a possible wolf than a confirmed human from the confirmed human's perspective. (by confirmed human I mean a player who knows that (s)he's a human)
Quote from: TWG Link on May 04, 2013, 03:05:57 PMBut that's my point: TWG Samus, at least from what I believe, was/is more likely to be a wolf (though it's still possible that they're both wolves), meaning that the vote would have a different purpose.
For a human, it would be absolutely useless to cast a vote so late in the phase...
I'm talking about her perspective, she knows if she's a human or not! Actually, even if she was a wolf, she should've fight until the very end, like she did!
It wouldn't be useless, it's just unlikely, but still possible. There's a major difference between those two! I could have suddenly come online and voted for DK! It's still a chance! What you're saying is that in an unlikely situation, you should just give up. No. We fight until the very end and kill those bastards who call themself wolves! YEAH!
"yeah it's better I die instead of that unconfirmed guy he could be more useful to the human team"

My simple point is that it's better that a possible wolf dies instead of you, a human. You'd only hurt your team if you'd give up and let a possible wolf live!
whoops I meant lynched

If you're a human, you should be doing anything that's possible to keep you alive. In a manhunt, anyone else dying is better than you dying. It's not suspicious.
Sorry for being inactive yesterday, I was busy most of the Night and when I came online, I was too tired to say anything.

I highly recommend we don't place votes until we are certain who are we going to lynch today. If a human places their vote/safety on a human and there are three wolves alive, they could voterush us.

I can't say I would have supported the Samus lynch, since I doubt the player behind TWG Samus would have supported wolfing TWG Mario in his first game so early.

My suspicions atm(guys look, I made it in order!):

BAWSAH - You haven't done anything to help the human team, I feel. I really want to hear your thoughts and suspicions. If you don't, I'll vote for you. You really don't want to cause the loss of the humans if you don't feel like making a list. At this point, you pretty much have to.

PikaBITCH - I don't buy your reason to your inactiveness. Also I want your hear your thoughts and suspicions. Just like Bowser's. Convince me.


Dumbey Kong - Thank Waluigi, his reasons against you are pretty convincing. I think wolfing a first-time player would seems like something you could do.
Also this
Quote from: TWG DK on May 02, 2013, 07:14:35 PMIf anyone is interested in my answers to her questions, I would be happy to acquiesce and respond to her rebuttal just as if she were still alive.
Quote from: TWG Link on May 02, 2013, 07:23:59 PMI think that might be helpful...
I feel like you didn't want to do this while Waluigi was still alive. He could've made more accusations against you based on that defense. That's what I would have done, if I was a wolf.
Too bad I'm a fox.

Quote from: TWG Link on May 02, 2013, 07:10:25 PM.__.

That vote on TWG DK was awfully suspicious.
Actually, it wasn't. It's a typical manhunt move. If you're a human, you should do anything to prevent you from being wolfed, since anyone else is better option for being lynched than you.
Quote from: TWG Link on May 02, 2013, 02:00:09 PMThey're not very complex words...
I failed England

Quote from: TWG Link on May 02, 2013, 02:00:09 PMWell, I see him as somebody who's inactive "out-of-habit," as in a player who usually posts a few times in the game, or is lynched merely for being inactive.
Well I can't convince you.

Quote from: TWG Link on May 02, 2013, 02:00:09 PMYou were implying that he had less of a chance of being a wolf... your words exactly:
I wasn't implying anything on purpose at least!
I have no idea what the fuck did I just click but it seems it posted while I was still writing that

Quote from: TWG Fox on May 02, 2013, 05:44:11 AMAlthough I think I will vote for Yoshi, if he doesn't come up with a defense or any kind of shiz that could convince me not to vote him. Say something that would actually relate to the game! (Bowser you too)

And whoops I forgot to respond to the "only suspicion I've expressed". Well, there's this guy FSM. I heard he beat the cancer and that taught me live one day at a time. Man that FSM is super sexy and handsome. I'd love to have sex with that guy. Hez so hawt and smart
Have you seen those muscles? Grrrrrr.
well excuse me princess for not using words like artificiality or contrived

Quote from: TWG Link on May 01, 2013, 01:51:48 PMAlso, reasons behind my accusation of TWG Fox:
Before TWG Falcon was lynched, your only significant posts were the below, both about the cardflip:However, after TWG Falcon died, you seem to be pushing the TWG Pikachu lynch (which is pretty much your only suspicion that you've expressed), even though, to me, TWG Pikachu seems like a player who is naturally inactive (making only two posts, if I am not mistaken?).
the super awesome and forever sexy man foxy cleopatra responds I see Pikachu as a normally active player. I don't exactly buy his reason to his inactiveness.

You also mentioned TWG Mario, and how you thought he was a human (rather, you said that he was wasn't any more suspicious than somebody like TWG DK), which seems rather contrived (as in, giving a sense of artificiality), given that TWG Mario was wolfed. Also, your post was replying to DK's post... DK himself earlier mentioned the... what was it... seizure man strategy (which I would say applies more to DK than to you at this point, however)??
The real socialfox accepts your request for an audience I never said TWG Mario was a human. I just disagreed with the reasons the other people found him suspicious. I saw TWG Mario neutrally suspicious. I didn't think he had done anything that I'd see pointing that he's a wolf and also nothing to prove his humanity.

Although I think I will vote for Yoshi, if he doesn't come up with a defense or any .
Quote from: TWG Fox on May 01, 2013, 09:18:14 PMWell, if he puts Pikachu the second lowest in his suspicion list and you add my suspicions, I think there's more shiz pointing at Pikachu than Link. There's still a good amount of stuff pointing at Link's humanity. That's why I'm voting for him.

*Pikachu, I meant
Quote from: TWG DK on May 01, 2013, 01:43:28 PMMy good friend, whilst I see what you mean about Pikachu, I am still more behind a Link lynch.  Let us weigh these two options.  Why would you choose Pikachu over Link?
Well, if he puts Pikachu the second lowest in his suspicion list and you add my suspicions, I think there's more shiz pointing at Pikachu than Link. There's still a good amount of stuff pointing at Link's humanity. That's why I'm voting for him.
Quote from: TWG Pikachu on May 01, 2013, 01:46:52 PM(I apologize for my inactivity. Switching between 2 accounts is starting to irritate me, so that's why I haven't been posting very much!
I don't see how typing a few letters/numbers can be so irritating. Looking at your posts before this phase, I say you logged in only twice to make both of those posts. Although this could mean that you've logged in more times, to discuss with your wolf partners, send in wolfing PMs, etc.

TWG Link, I'll respond to your suspicions after I have more time to check wtf most of those words mean. Next time making an accusation, try to speak English plz.

Also Walugi mah bro, I can confirm that you're awesome. :3 One of the most awesome people I know!
Although I'd love to see your list in order, like most wolfish on top. You know the drill!