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Messages - TWG Samus

The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG CI: Hydradoodle
March 13, 2018, 03:08:24 PM
There's been enough discussion around Waluigi that I'm willing to drop my vote...for now. He's still in hot water but I'd agree that inactivity is a better strategy for wolves on day 1 rather than what Waluigi has been doing. For that reason, I am changing my vote to TWG Ness for his relatively hands-off approach to this phase.
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG CI: Hydradoodle
March 13, 2018, 12:19:27 PM
I'm not entirely comfortable with lynching someone just for being inactive, but I agree with Pikachu that it's far more suspicious in a game with multiple heads than under normal circumstances.[/pink]
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG CI: Hydradoodle
March 12, 2018, 09:02:37 PM
Also, if it was not clear, I will be assuming the color purple to distinguish myself from the head that posts in pink.
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG CI: Hydradoodle
March 12, 2018, 09:00:11 PM
Quote from: TWG Luigi on March 12, 2018, 04:16:41 PMI dunno. Could be a "hiding in plain sight" kind of thing, or just trying too hard to fit in.
Waluigi's an easy lynch, I mean, but that doesn't mean it's a bad lynch. Unhelpful players can be just as bad as wolves, especially if all they do is end up disorienting all the other players and distracting from actual wolf hunting.
You have a valid point here. Lynching a bad human for the sake of them not helping the humans still will not help us in the long run, as it puts the wolves closer to parity. As it stands, I am keeping my vote on Waluigi, however, I am interested in pursuing a different vote and will be looking into other posts, especially as the phase progresses and more people post.
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG CI: Hydradoodle
March 12, 2018, 03:50:04 PM
Ick, that came out lighter than I wanted. I'll bold it too so it's more visible.
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG CI: Hydradoodle
March 12, 2018, 03:49:22 PM
I'll be running as player pink from now on.

I really don't like the way TWG Waluigi isn't taking this phase seriously. Aside from that, I really don't like how the WAH half is barely explaining their reasoning and really not contributing anything of substance. The other half seems too anxious and accusatory to defend, really.
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG CI: Hydradoodle
March 12, 2018, 01:37:00 PM
Quote from: TWG Luigi on March 12, 2018, 01:32:19 PMI mean I'm not trying to figure out who other people are, I'm trying to figure out my reads on people more clearly. I could suspect an account for behaving strangely, but I don't know if that strangeness is because two different opinions are coming from it, or because they're in a panic or are making slip ups. Plus it allows us to look at things like,' ok person 1 of that account is acting strangely, but from clearly being able to identify all of person 2's posts, I can't say they've done anything un human like at all'.
Ah, I see, that makes sense. Sporadic behavior can be analyzed better by knowing if it's two separate opinions or one person trying to cover their tracks, which is separate from wolves being able to recognize if an account has experience and skill behind it. I'd be okay with this.
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG CI: Hydradoodle
March 12, 2018, 09:51:13 AM
Waluigi, you seem simultaneously apathetic and jumpy to me. You're anxious for the night phase and think this phase doesn't matter much (but it should, since we need to coordinate before the wolves have a chance to start putting a dent in the human numbers), and yet you accuse Link of wolf-like behavior simply for trying to coordinate with his head. That doesn't make any sense; what part of coordinating with your other head is a bad thing?

Luigi, about this:
Quote from: TWG Luigi on March 12, 2018, 08:45:09 AMPlayer's experience levels and twg intellect will eventually be revealed through their posts anyway whether or not each person behind the accounts are being shown as individuals or not, I'm sure the wolves will still manage to see what accounts pose as threats to them or not.
It seems like here you're suggesting that it doesn't matter whether heads identify themselves or not; people will still be able to figure out to a general degree who other people are. So, would you still rather have heads be identified?
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG CI: Hydradoodle
March 11, 2018, 07:19:26 PM
I'm afraid I don't understand your reasoning. I don't see how individual writing styles prevent a single account from still being a wolf. An account is an account, you can't say it's only a half two people both contributing posts won't change the wolfiness of those posts.
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG CI: Hydradoodle
March 11, 2018, 07:05:13 PM
I unfortunately do not have a catchphrase.
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG CI: Hydradoodle
March 11, 2018, 04:02:16 PM
This should be fun.
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG XC: Spliter Personalities
August 07, 2016, 01:26:44 PM
im sorry...i couldnt get online in time....i was going to change my vote...i guess it doesnt matter..
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG XC: Spliter Personalities
August 06, 2016, 03:37:43 PM
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG XC: Spliter Personalities
August 06, 2016, 03:36:44 PM
but if your purple then you dont want anyone from purple team to die either...we cant listen to you..
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG XC: Spliter Personalities
August 06, 2016, 01:13:50 PM
IM NOT ORANGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!