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Messages - TWG Kirby

The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG XC: Spliter Personalities
August 09, 2016, 09:33:24 PM

Let's all love each other, avoid conflict...

...and lynch the most random guy possible in this game.

TWG Link

The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG XC: Spliter Personalities
August 01, 2016, 09:14:40 AM
Quote from: TWG Mario on July 31, 2016, 05:14:42 AMIt's called chagrin. Someone's apparently not too happy about things not having gone their way and they can't deal with that without dragging EVERYBODY AND THEIR DOG into the mess. And let this be a lesson here, kiddos: the best way to deal with defeat ISN'T to lash out at other people completely unrelated to your feud. That's how wars start. That's also how people go blind and lose all their teeth. Not that I mind some bloody conflict, I mean; if you want to tango with me, you aren't going to look too pretty when you come out of it.

Now now, I'm not innocent or anything- there's certainly blood on my hands- but there's obviously someone else you want more. And that goes for more than one of you. Here's the point of the lesson: GROW up, confront your emotions, and thrash some people you don't like; but remember kiddos, don't kick the people you don't want kicking back at you! And I kick back PRETTY HARD.

pinkball really wants mario dead though.
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG XC: Spliter Personalities
August 01, 2016, 09:13:23 AM
pinkball has returned. firearrow is an enemy of us all.

Quote from: TWG Mario on July 26, 2016, 04:59:45 PMThis is quite a tempting situation here that I stumble across! Do I go for my old enemy, KING KOOPA, or for the prospective alliance leader? Do I value more to take vengeance against an old grudge or quash a new threat? Or perhaps both could be considered prospective alliance leaders, no? That dilapidated old turtle might not be much of a threat to me personally... then again, though I've done away with him and his LITTLE minions time and time again he seems to return AGAIN AND AGAIN for more. I wonder if he'll ever give up? I dribble at the mouth thinking of all the possibilities that unfold before me and shake at the bones with excitement for the opportunity of such bloodshed; chances like this do not present themselves every single day, you know.

Ooh ooh ooh, the choices, the choices, the choices! I cannot lament at my final decision no matter which way I end up leaning. Either way, there will be blood shed.

also, while chef kirby admits that you're good with what you speak, he will always hold on to the belief that he is more evil than you.

you're not evil. you're just a flappin' ghost trying to spook people. look beyond the roundness and the wide smile. pinkball is here to hammer you into oblivion and cook you alive. and then swallow you by protocol. and then gain your powers of being absolutely useless, with the exception of your power of words.

after i kill you your power of words shall be robbed from you forever.
Quote from: TWG Samus on July 26, 2016, 05:18:29 PMThis seems intentional...

pinkball completely approves with this. you may have a turnip.
Quote from: TWG Yoshi on July 26, 2016, 06:42:09 AMYou should try dynablades eggs. Theyre much tasier ^^

ah, i'm sorry for missing the point.

i want your eggs.

(unless you're a pink too, in which case we'll go eat others' eggs)
Quote from: TWG Yoshi on July 26, 2016, 06:16:55 AMBut you wouldnt kill me would you? :c

killing people isn't satisfying. cooking people sure is though.

the king told me about yoshi eggs, by the way. i'm not eyeing you at all.
Quote from: E. Gadd Industries on July 26, 2016, 04:08:08 AMTWG Yoshi, could you please explain your choice of wording?

chef kirby demands you do. the water in the pot is nice and boiling hot.
pinkball did not forget to vote. pinkball was watching.

BDS. reds must die.

did you know pinkball can cook? you're going to be cooked alive.
Quote from: TWG Pikachu on July 25, 2016, 02:36:56 PMDONT PIKA ME! CHU-SE SOMEONE ELSE!

pinkball is disgusted and desires to suck you inside real bad

kirby is going to add to the chaos. go claim Team Pink
pinkball says hi! here to save the day again!  ;D
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG 71: Masquerade
September 11, 2014, 04:36:13 AM
So I'm not allowed to have the same opinion as someone else, or follow their ideas?

Okay then.
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG 71: Masquerade
September 10, 2014, 10:29:53 PM
Quote from: TWG Haruhi Suzumiya on September 10, 2014, 08:07:53 PMWant to post a log?
Everything posted in the chat in the last 24 hours
TWG Pikachu joined the chat 29 hours ago
TWG Pikachu: yay.
TWG Pikachu: Also there was no yellow so like was next best~
TWG Pikachu: Pink
TWG Pikachu: Damnit
TWG Pikachu: Also what is Kirby's point
TWG Pikachu: I don't get it
TWG Pikachu joined the chat 28 hours ago
TWG Pikachu: Oops
TWG Pikachu: Lol clicked out
TWG Pikachu: Actually I should go to bed
TWG Pikachu: frown
TWG Pikachu: I might safety on kirby rn
TWG Pikachu: Nvm I have a day
TWG Pikachu: Lol
TWG Pikachu: Byeeeee
VroomVroom: back
TWG Falcon joined the chat 26 hours ago
TWG Falcon: back
TWG Falcon: in case you all missed me
TWG Falcon joined the chat 25 hours ago
TWG Falcon was timed out 23 hours ago
TWG Falcon joined the chat 23 hours ago
TWG Falcon joined the chat 21 hours ago
TWG Tingle joined the chat 20 hours ago
TWG Tingle: look
TWG Tingle: a green little man
TWG Tingle: poke him with sticks
TWG Tingle: There's chat history in this one?!?
TWG Tingle: Lets use this more often!
TWG Tingle: Back soon!
TWG Tingle joined the chat 19 hours ago
TWG Tingle: nothing?
TWG Tingle: D:
TWG Tingle: tongue
TWG Tingle: I am not sure how I feel about this tounge emote.
TWG Falcon joined the chat 16 hours ago
TWG Falcon: ..
Vermverm joined the chat 15 hours ago
Vermverm: Darn, nobody here
Vermverm: if only I had had internet earlier
Vermverm joined the chat 15 hours ago
Vermverm joined the chat 15 hours ago
VroomVroom joined the chat 13 hours ago
VermillionDollars joined the chat 12 hours ago
Vermilla joined the chat 9 hours ago
TWG Falcon joined the chat 7 hours ago
TWG Falcon: ...
TWG Falcon: think about it,
TWG Falcon: chat backdates
TWG Falcon: I'm going to be adding thoughts why no ones here.
TWG Falcon: so that people can readup on my thoughts.
TWG Falcon: Thoughts
TWG Falcon: Ness- Deadbeat weight
TWG Falcon: VD- Mr leader
TWG Pikachu joined the chat 5 hours ago
TWG Pikachu: It really stinks that people didn't talk more during night 1
TWG Pikachu: We might have been able to get a better reading on people frown
TWG Pikachu: Bah.
TWG Pikachu: Oh well too late now.
TWG Falcon joined the chat 4 hours ago
TWG Falcon: hi
VroomVroom joined the chat 3 hours ago
VroomVroom: Wassup
VroomVroom: I like your idea about leaving thoughts here, good point
VroomVroom: brb gathering thoughts
TWG Samus joined the chat 3 hours ago
TWG Samus: Not many people here?
TWG Falcon: hey VD/samus
VroomVroom: Hi sam
TWG Samus: who is vroomvroom
TWG Falcon: not many people here, but all hte right ones
VroomVroom: So
VroomVroom: I know who both of you are
TWG Falcon: you know whats scary...
VroomVroom: and Samus, since I do know who you are, you've started to act human after my accusations, fortunately for you.
TWG Falcon: e lack of "frivolous posts"
VroomVroom: that's because mashi may or may not be dead
TWG Samus: </3
VroomVroom: Lol you slipped up bigtime today and I was online to notice.
TWG Falcon: there's only one death.
VroomVroom: You solidified my guesses for identities
VroomVroom: and in doing so you somewhat cleared yourself
TWG Samus: You saw my post?
VroomVroom: Yep >big grin
TWG Samus: Arrr...
VroomVroom: evil smiley
VroomVroom: anyway, you have a habit of getting very angry as a human.
TWG Samus: tongue
VroomVroom: So I'm hoping that you haven't suddenly learned to replicate it
VroomVroom: usually as a wolf you're more calculating than "really you're so dumb for going after me like that how desperate are you"
Ness joined the chat 3 hours ago
TWG Falcon: ... look who finally decided to turn up
VroomVroom: The prodigal son arrives?
VroomVroom: It's okay I know who you are too. you might be a wolf right now.
Ness: heh
Ness: sorry about being nonexistant
Ness: but i didnt know the phase ends tomorrow so i have plenty of time
TWG Samus: I'll be back later; I have to eat right now.
VroomVroom: I KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!!!
VroomVroom: So, idea number 1:
Ness: well its probably not that hard to guess
Ness: im terrible at pretending to be someone else and im pretty distinct i guess
VroomVroom: Waluigi was mashi being frivolous, gets lynched
Ness: wait
Ness: who are you
VroomVroom: No I know who Samus is
VroomVroom: and you
VroomVroom: and falcon
VroomVroom: and Haruhi Swsianglkreg
VroomVroom: and Kirby
Ness: haruhi is easy
VroomVroom: and Pikachu
Ness: i think
VroomVroom: Oh?
Ness: but whats your twg name mr vroom vroom?
VroomVroom: VermillionDollars
VroomVroom: Idea number 2:
VroomVroom: and bear with me here this is a stretch.
VroomVroom: It all depends on if you think mashi would go WAH WAH WAH
TWG Falcon: mashi types in caps?
Ness: no
Ness: mashi wouldnt
VroomVroom: then that would mean waluigi was disguised
Ness: but why are you worrying about whos who?
Ness: oh wait
VroomVroom: easier to find tells and leans
Ness: uh im going to actually read the thread
VroomVroom: for example BDS gets characteristically angry as a human
TWG Falcon: Ness, its some form of guising code
TWG Falcon: certain people write certain ways
VroomVroom: now that I know who everyone is
VroomVroom: I can pick up on disguises in the future
VroomVroom: SO
VroomVroom: If mashi wouldn't go WAH WAH WAH
VroomVroom: who would?
VroomVroom: I would think most likely maelstrom. or TST.
TWG Falco joined the chat 3 hours ago
VroomVroom: However, TST was quick to ask a question about the plan where nobody else was.
VroomVroom: Good evidence that TST has always been TST.
TWG Falcon joined the chat 3 hours ago
TWG Falcon: :/
VroomVroom: lol
Ness: verm im just disappointed you dont know hot to spell suzumiya
TWG Falcon: maybe its on purpose?
VroomVroom: So that leaves the alt accounts Haruhi Swnegaioban, Kirby, Pika and Samus
VroomVroom: yugi you're cleared for being yugi night 1
VroomVroom: pika is definitely still human
VroomVroom: hard for me to get a lean on kirby
VroomVroom: which leaves Haruhi Snabavareil
VroomVroom: So option 2,
VroomVroom: in my mind,
TWG Falcon: kirby and haruhi seem to be playing off each other
VroomVroom: Maelstrom. is a wolf partnered with a much more knowledgeable player
VroomVroom: perhaps kirby
VroomVroom: at any rate
VroomVroom: maelstrom WAS Waluigi
VroomVroom: and proposed the plan
TWG Falcon: maybe
VroomVroom: again this would require a stronger player than mael
TWG Falcon: ...
TWG Falcon: ^
VroomVroom: because WAH WAH WAH is definitely something mael would do
TWG Falcon: mael I would read more as tingle
VroomVroom: Nah.
TWG Falcon: can see a lot of mael in his posts.
VroomVroom: So anyway, maelstrom. disguises as Haruhi Spaeandkfah
VroomVroom: which is unlikely
VroomVroom: and /options
VroomVroom: thoughts/
VroomVroom: ?
Ness: im not following
Ness: is that hypothetical or do you think thats what happened?
VroomVroom: my 2 most likely options
VroomVroom: option 1 is more plausible
VroomVroom: but if you don't think mashi would WAH WAH WAH we need to find alternatives
Ness: but a wolf cant disguise unless its the one they killed
VroomVroom: Falcon have you figured out who I am yet? tongue
TWG Falcon: Maybe he's holding out to the frivolous on purpose
VroomVroom: So give me your thoughts on tingle
TWG Falcon: No.
Ness: oh wow
Ness: i didnt even know there was a player list in the beginning
TWG Falcon: Anyway...
Ness: with the original nsm names
TWG Falcon: I have a hunch tingle is mael
TWG Falcon: and that mael is human.
VroomVroom: ...
TWG Falcon: I need to see more to confirm that hunch.
VroomVroom: (using your lingo here, caught up)
TWG Falcon: hence the resure
VroomVroom: ...
VroomVroom: like what I'm doing with samus
TWG Falcon: ^ya
VroomVroom: alright.
VroomVroom: with that logic
TWG Falcon: posts that seem to demonstrate that tingle is mael.
VroomVroom: Tingle being mael.
TWG Falcon:
VroomVroom: he'll sort of have a couple arguments but wouldn't be able to come up with anything super strong, based off of past games.
TWG Falcon: .. this doesnt make sense.
TWG Falcon: with that argument.
TWG Falcon: of tingle being mael, maybe its just character that I'm not used to
TWG Falcon: (and we have a way for mashi to be waluigi
TWG Falcon: this analysis is mael worthy... though there are a few others that could fall into it too...
TWG Falcon: otherwise, I have a strong sense that Tingle/Samus could be buddies
VroomVroom: alright
VroomVroom: as near as I can tell with NSM's terrible search feature,
VroomVroom: maelstrom. has never used <3 in any of his posts.
TWG Falcon: ok...
TWG Falcon: there goes that theory...
TWG Falcon Pushes on Tingle wagon
VroomVroom: I just voted for tingle to up the pressure anyhow.
VroomVroom: So falcon, how human are you?
VroomVroom: you still need to clear yourself to me
TWG Falcon: And vice versa wink
VroomVroom: Oh brother tongue
VroomVroom: Once you've cleared yourself I can pretty much lead the humans, with a backup safety
TWG Falcon: even though if I do clear myself, Am I really going to be trustworthy all of a sudden?
TWG Falcon: besides even If I am crafty, I have tendacies
TWG Falcon: I always put myself into a hole as a wolf.
TWG Falcon: (too many clears/not enough lynches)
TWG Falcon: so that is something I can only say, will be seen over time.
VroomVroom: I claim mason.
TWG Samus joined the chat 2 hours ago
TWG Samus: Going back to read.
TWG Falcon: now that is a revelation
TWG Samus: Hm.
VroomVroom: SO I just claim mason and the biggest thing anyone says is "revelation"
VroomVroom: no plan or anything?
TWG Falcon: ...
TWG Falcon: the guy whos supposed to make up the plan wonders why there is no plan in place?
Ness joined the chat 96 minutes ago
Ness: so is everyone done talking then?
Ness: im making a post now but i have to go soon
TWG Falcon: if you have something new to pike up.
TWG Falcon: its boring repeating the same thing every so often
Ness: TWG Falcon: Thoughts TWG Falcon: Ness- Deadbeat weight
Ness: D:
TWG Falcon: well, you are as good as a deadbeight in my opinion ness, not really contributed anything
TWG Samus was timed out 46 minutes ago
TWG Kirby joined the chat 45 seconds ago
TWG Kirby: Hey guys I can talk now --oh nobody's here
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG 71: Masquerade
September 10, 2014, 10:17:18 PM
Quote from: TWG Ness on September 10, 2014, 09:05:20 PMas the other two have given at least one thought out post each
Quote from: TWG Kirby on September 08, 2014, 10:54:45 PMLooking at the thread, I'm more inclined to believe that Waluigi was simply a normal night 1 wolfing rather than the wolf disguiser. Waluigi was trying to take a leadership position, and suggested ideas for the humans to follow. Being "wolfed" would have been detrimental to this position, and wouldn't have made much sense from a wolf standpoint.
Quote from: TWG Kirby on September 09, 2014, 03:49:52 PMOh, so cardflip can't be trusted during the night.

Well I still think that Waluigi was human. Playing the leader role and getting wolved would be pointless.
Quote from: TWG Kirby on September 09, 2014, 10:02:28 PMTWG Ness, on the grounds that "we're probably lynching inactives today and he's only posted once."
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG 71: Masquerade
September 10, 2014, 03:38:30 AM
Also Happy Birthday Liggy!