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Messages - TWG Link

Quote from: TWG Luigi on June 14, 2014, 03:58:25 PMWell that took you long enough. Fank, bitches.
TWG Luigi is Olimar.

(What can I say... I'm a man of my word.)
Quote from: Olimar12345 on June 14, 2014, 03:19:59 PMOkay, fine. Fank.
Olimar is TWG Luigi.
Oh come on, BDS. Is losing Olimar that bad? He'll just be revived next phase. I could have led a lynch on the red reviver.
Maelstrom., may I ask why you want to lynch fank? It doesn't make sense for somebody like you. Neither of your accounts are red, so why do you choose to aid the lynch that red has been pushing?
You have twelve hours to change your votes.
Well let me extend that threat to include votes on me. You guys are playing with fire.
Quote from: Olimar12345 on June 13, 2014, 11:17:08 PMLol I guess if killing off one of us is red folk will make you happy so be it. Orange still has four people and no one is giving two shits about that fact.

And Link, get this: I LIED to you when you tried to claim red guardian to me via pm, because it was so obvious that you were full of shit. (I also wanted to see how you'd react).  Our team isn't even fully assembled yet, but you sure as hell started to freak out when I told you we were. Then I seered you ORANGE and thus confirmed your shenanigans.

So, by lynching me, you're putting the orange team (Links team) on top.
Well, fellow oranges, if it wasn't clear already, it is now. I'm legitimately orange. Although my role is still kept a secret (thank god), another team has confirmed my color. Typically another team wouldn't want to do that, but I think Olimar wanted to gloat about figuring out my false red claim.

So please, let me know who you are via PM!
The players sided with me will be smart enough to join a red lynch.
Uh, yeah? The one claim I got was the seer, and he seered Yugi blue. I don't know why that's lynch-worthy.

You know better than anyone else that I know exactly who you are, so if I were you, I'd tread lightly.
Lemme sweeten the deal:

24 hours from now, I will reveal the alt account of anybody whose vote isn't on a red player. I'm not bluffing, and will back up these claims. Additionally, any further votes on fank and I will immediately reveal your alternate account.
Let me make an analogy for all of you. Suppose you're playing Super Smash Bros. with 3 other players. Stock mode, since if this is to be comparable to TWG, people need to be able to die. Now, if one player has a clear lead over everyone else, what's the best strategy to win? The obvious answer is that everybody should go for the person in first place. If you want second place, beating up people in last is fine, but you'll never win that way. If you want to win, you and the other players need to target the person in first place.

The same is true in this game. Yugi was blue, meaning the blue team is down a player, verm was green meaning the green team was down a player, and I've received a single claim, meaning my team can't do shit right now anyway. Meanwhile, the entire red team is already organized, and are orchestrating lynches. The lynch this phase needs to be red. It's a no-brainer for any green/orange/blue players.

Olimar12345 for now, although I'm pretty sure I'm close to finding the red reviver anyway.
I don't care who we lynch yet,  but I'm still figuring stuff out and would prefer it if the phase didn't end early through an insta.
Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on June 13, 2014, 04:33:35 PMYou know I'm in control of one vigi, but you don't know who I killed, or if I even killed somebody. The only vigi choice I find surprising is Yugi. Also, vigi'ing the "leader" wouldn't be smart because they'll likely be guarded, as I assume I was, making the vigi useless.
I think you contradict yourself here. Let's look at the attacks tonight:

1. Me - Leader of Orange.
2. Fank - Leader of Blue.
3. Verm - Leader of Green.
4. Yugi - Unaffiliated.

If you don't think attacking a leader is smart, then the only conclusion is that you attacked Yugi. Any reason why?
Quote from: Olimar12345 on June 13, 2014, 09:45:05 AMIt isn't obvious?
No. He posted two words in the thread so far, so I can't see how it would possibly be obvious what color he was.
also ty orange guard