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Messages - Toby

Also BDS a lot of your initial points against me day 3 was that I was wolfy because I was seemingly trying to dig out information from N1P2 or find out the Chosen One

I knew all the info anyway and who the Chosen One was from day 1 - I was just playing like I didn't know stuff and didn't expect anyone to believe I would be so obvious about asking for more info if I was actually a wolf.
Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on December 09, 2023, 03:25:23 PMThis is very surprising to me. The biggest reason I doubted Toby as a wolf is because I thought Toby was too competent of a wolf to allow that slip. I'm guessing TZP made the post?
I suggested mid night 1 that regardless of our seer result to try and be more towny from the get go why not just claim we have a blue result but didn't want to reveal it. I guess neither of us read the point on the human seer that closely and it was TZP that made the post. I guess it was just unexpected that the human seer worked different from the wolf seer.

Otherwise we were going to say that math was green and hope the other seer double check and then see him red.
Also Specs and Oricorio I hope you don't feel disheartened by being lynched knowing now it was pushed heavily by both wolves!

The Oricorio lynch was definitely poor. Not only because of the green seering but I think it would have been much safer to not be greedy and try lynch 2 wolves in 2 days. It would have made sense to try go for someone who couldn't have been Specs parter, to try and guarantee 1 wolf being lynched as much as possible
Quote from: Oricorio on December 09, 2023, 03:03:21 PMAlso we probably shouldn't overthink things like the Toby slip

You could say that but I also mimicked THC's posts hard and even only went on  Waluigi whenever I saw THC went online on the forum.

I probably should have tried to stick a random slip in that looked like someone else too

But basically it just as easily could have been a fake slip than a real slip.

I did plan to post as Waluigi in topic acting as if I was someone else who didn't realise they were logged in as Waluigi and not their main - but with how sus Waluigi was so fast I didn't bother. I tried to use Waluigi being sus as an advantage where I could

I did have a tactic day 3 to play a bit chaotic and say things that would make people try think surely he wouldn't be acting like this as a wolf - rather than doing things that just read as human

It was appearing to backfire a lot

I was also drinking most of friday and severely hungover today so that didn't help lol
That was a fun game

I made plenty of mistakes but I also think I made plenty of great plays

Really really fun gg all and was great having TZP as wolf partner despite him willing to ditch me any second !!
rip humans i guess
its offensive you think I would slip up like that as a wolf

Reading back his posts it's not sitting right with me. Even the initial call out of Waluigi could be pre meditated

And most of his defence has been well if I was a wolf I would have done this instead, which I'm not buying
If there's still 2 wolves u better be ready to unvote if a sus one comes in
Why are u taking so long to vote me BDS if you already have ur mind made up

Are u waiting around to wolf rush anything else
THC is a wildcard after all
Quote from: TheZeldaPianist275 on December 09, 2023, 01:25:08 PMIt's not sudden BDS
As far as not having any thoughts on THC, to be more clear, I don't think anything that THC has done or said is anywhere as noteworthy or suspicious as other events right now, and is kind of unremarkable in that way. I'm open to considering him next day phase but I'm far more concerned with the Math/Toby options right now

THC literally said he had been reading but didn't have anything to say

And also had no fear about just randomly coming in and voting someone without expressing before hand they were going that way

Don't you think those events are remarkable?

It's almost like he knew there couldn't be a wolf rush or didn't fear it
Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on December 09, 2023, 12:51:03 PMToby has actively misrepresented this quote of mine twice despite me already explaining it after the first "misunderstanding":Based on context clues (especially the word "which") I think it's fairly reasonable to understand that, despite the awkward wording, the meaning of this sentence is "Toby pushed for N1P2 to reveal which TWG account was the legit seer."

Toby seems to have taken it to mean "Toby pushed for N1P2 to reveal the identity of TWG Luigi, the legit seer."

And he did it again despite me explaining it.Under the "not true" section here. It is definitely true that Toby asked N1P2 to reveal which TWG account was the legit seer.

Yeah I did misunderstand what you meant by it due to the awkward wording. I thought you were saying I was pushing N1P2 to reveal the identity of the player behind Luigi

The second time I quoted it was in response to you asking me to quote what I was referencing as 'not true' I could have clarified that it was since cleared up.

I wouldn't say I was actively misrepresenting - I fair enough misunderstood your angle the first time, and the second time was in response to you wanting to know what I had labelled as not true.


Im leaning between BDS/math but going to take a look at TZPs posts again to see if anything sticks out to me. THC has been odd this phase and especially by having no fear with placing the first vote I wonder if that was an indication of alignment. THC also feels like a safe choice that if there are 2 wolves alive he could be paired with anyone.

Im slightly leaning BDS over math but will re read his posts and PMs with N1P2 again
Also if it helps I figure I'll share a PM I had with N1P2 regarding Waluigi
QuoteHey, I was going to ask in topic but I didn't want the wolves to consider it if they haven't already - but I'm wondering if you'd be able to read into the times that TWG Waluigi PM'd you?
QuoteNot sure if it could tell anything but but some users are in completely different time zones to others on the forum so it's worth a try

All i know is they messaged me at 5am my time (im in arizona / mst)
I think they are either a very early riser or an east coaster or more (ori and thc are sus of this respectively)

if we can use the PM time that Waluigi was sending PM's then Oricorio, THC, and myself actually fit into being awake 5am PST time. Waluigi could have just like set an alarm during the night to throw N1P2 off, or 1/2 of the wolves are likely to be Oricorio or THC (or myself I guess). I'm not sure if it applies to anyone else not mentioned