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Messages - Dudeman

3/21/19 Purin (n.)- a Japanese monster known for its ability to float, sing, and kill you with a well-timed Rest. SKReeeeeEEEEEEEE
Site News / Re: Update, Thursday 21st of March 2019
March 20, 2019, 11:10:55 PM
w00t w00t upd00t
Okay, finally getting around to this. Before the three notes in question, I did notice something else:
- m.1-4: The dyads in the RH are actually triads. The bottom notes to the chords are F, E, E, D, D, D.
Now, for the moment of truth:
- m.4 RH, beat 3: The Bb is a Bb.
- m.13 LH, beat 4.5: The Bb is a Bb.
- m. 16 LH, beat 3.25: The Db is a Dn.
Quote from: Dudeman on March 05, 2019, 07:20:58 PMI would try finding a way to add the background chords into the B section (m. 17 forward); it sounds really empty without them. Adding a layer into the RH seems doable.
I'd still take a look at this. It sounds pretty boring without the syncopated chords.
Nintendo / Re: Pokemon Showdown!
March 13, 2019, 03:36:09 PM
Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on March 13, 2019, 03:32:00 PMA better question is why do you even use Shedinja?
Quote from: cashwarrior1 on March 13, 2019, 02:55:44 PMevery time I use Shedinja people forfeit
I think I found the answer
Site News / Re: New art for the main site?
March 13, 2019, 01:17:39 PM
Who says we're keeping the old house? ;)
These, I believe:
Quote from: Libera on February 26, 2019, 03:45:57 PM-The fourth note of bar 4 sounds like an A to me rather than a Bb.
-The Bn near the end of bar 13 should be a Bb (descending harmonic minor scale again).
-I think the left hand Dn in bar 16 should be a Db.
Hi, this is a placeholder post to let you know that I'm willing to run the piece through channel separators to help with identifying the notes in question, but I can't until this evening. Stay tuned!
ha, classic andy [seinfeld theme]
Quote from: Splatoon Inkling on March 11, 2019, 06:35:49 PMOk listen, my whole point is that I'm just hoping for a third Mario galaxy. They have a series of mario bros. mario kart, and etc...
The difference is that Mario Galaxy and its sequel technically already belong to the "series" of "3D Mario games" (64, Sunshine, Galaxy 1&2, Odyssey, and arguably 3D World). Galaxy is an outlier in that it got a direct followup because the devs kept getting more ideas.
I apologize for my aggressive tone, I notice I've been a lot more sarcastic and flippant than usual during the past week or so and I'm not sure why that is. These are bideo blames, why am I getting heated about this :P
Quote from: mikey on March 11, 2019, 12:50:50 PMmaybe what I mean is that galaxy 2 is a galaxy sequel and not a SM64 sequel and that's why it's so different
Phrasing it that way actually makes a lot more sense. I can see what you're getting at more clearly.
...Triforce Heroes is nowhere near being a sequel to ALBW in the same way that Galaxy 2 is to Galaxy 1. TFH is focused on three-person multiplayer, with costumes as a gimmick, with a story that functions mostly as a spin-off to the Zelda universe. The only ties it has to ALBW are the art style. That's it. ALBW in and of itself is more of a sequel to ALttP (in fact, it's called Triforce of the Gods 2 in Japan). It features traditional Zelda gameplay with dungeons across a large overworld and item-based progression (if more freeform than its predecessors).
Galaxy 2 is literally an expansion to Galaxy 1. The core gameplay and engine are exactly the same. This is an apples-and-oranges comparison you're making. TFH is not comparable to ALBW in the same way that Galaxy 2 is to Galaxy 1. Try again.
Quote from: mikey on March 10, 2019, 09:09:26 PMIt never felt like a worthy successor to me. Odyssey feels more like a galaxy sequel than galaxy 2 did honestly
Galaxy 2 and 3d world don't really fit in with the rest of the 3d Marios in my opinion
It doesn't mean they're not good games but galaxy 2 sharing a name with galaxy I would consider a mistake

I consider the other 3 3d Mario games to be effective sequels to 64
...I don't see how you can consider Mario Odyssey closer to Galaxy 1 than Galaxy 2 is to Galaxy 1, since the Galaxy games literally run on the same engine and feature the exact same core gameplay and movement options. That's...that's really baffling, actually. I think you're thinking too much in terms of the structure of the level selects, maybe? Galaxy 2 is on a world map and its levels have checkpoint flags, but otherwise it and Galaxy 1 have levels that are constructed in very similar fashions. I'm gonna need you to be more specific on how Galaxy 2 is so much more different from Galaxy 1 that Odyssey is more of a follow-up to Galaxy 1 than the game that is literally its sequel.
Don't mind him, Mikey has contrary opinions about everything.
Forum Games / Re: The NSM Guess-That-Melody Quiz!
March 10, 2019, 11:10:45 AM
lol I even said II was Pokémon but I couldn't recognize it :P