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Messages - chipmunk884

Nintendo / Re: How to hack SSBB
June 23, 2008, 05:45:17 PM
even though this probably won't work, see if you could do something like johny lee did with his head tracking and many other wii hacks.  If that was possible, it would be the safest way to get your ganondorf pikachu.  otherwise, you should just get another wii console and mod that one with all of your ssbb hacks.
they aren't bull crap ( i don't like swearing), because i've seen it been done before.  my brother is going to try doing it tommorow, so i'll be able to see whether or not it is bull crap or not.  and also, please don't swear in any topics i make, because i would get grounded if my parents saw me looking at a forum with people swearing.
Go to solaceon ruins and battle 100 unowns and win all of the battles.  then, go to the bottom floor and read the enscription.  finally, your next battle will be against a celebi from levels 17-23.  To get jirachi, go to iron island and into the cave where you get lucario.  head down the right stair case, win 100 battles, and your next battle should be jirachi.  with celebi, a nest ball is basically like a master ball when catching it, and both of these methods aren't 100% confirmed, but will most likely work.
Nintendo / Re: I want a mew
June 22, 2008, 11:10:33 AM
yes, i do.  i'll have any legendary from kanto to hoen that you will give me.  I have all of the legendaries (except for shaymin and arceus) for sinnoh, so don't bother with those.  and could you post when you can do the trade on tuesday or wednesday, cause i will most likely forget by then.  and thanks so much for helping me!!!!!!
Nintendo / Re: I want a mew
June 22, 2008, 10:53:19 AM
if you are still trying to find leaf green, see if you have any legendary from silver/gold like lugia, ho-oh, celebi, raiku, ect.  I know this is asking for a lot, but i really need them, cause i don't have fire red/leaf green, so i can't get a lot of legendary pokemon.
Nintendo / Re: I want a mew
June 22, 2008, 10:33:06 AM
If you can get a jirachi, then i'd love it, and i'll be waiting here for your reply as to if you got the jirachi and if you're on wifi.  and thx so much, and i would appreciate it even more if you had an extra mewtwo to trade.  i know i shouldn't be asking for so many free pokemon, but it is the only way that i'll ever get them.
Nintendo / Re: I want a mew
June 22, 2008, 10:27:03 AM
i definitely want the phione, and if you have more than one jirachi, then i'd love to have one.  i'm reconnecting to wifi now for the phione, and thanks so much for helping me with my pokedex!
Nintendo / Re: I want a mew
June 22, 2008, 10:23:22 AM
do you have a manaphy or phione?  cause i could quit out of wifi, get more pokemon to trade, and come back to get a jirachi or manaphy.  and i don't think that i have any pokemon that you don't so i wouldn't be able to give you a new pokemon. 
Nintendo / Re: I want a mew
June 22, 2008, 10:20:11 AM
do you have anything like a jirachi or shaymin that you hacked that you could give me?  i really want to complete my pokedex, and can't because i never got to go to the jirachi event for ruby/sapphire.  and thx so much for the mew
Nintendo / Re: I want a mew
June 22, 2008, 10:16:29 AM
could you trade me an arceus too, if it won't mess up my game?  please?
Nintendo / Re: I want a mew
June 22, 2008, 10:12:01 AM
requim, i've registered you, so whenever you're ready, post a reply and hopefully we can get the trade going.
Nintendo / I want a mew
June 22, 2008, 07:22:34 AM
I remembered that a while ago there was a person who was offering 5 mews to trade to people through pokemon diamond and pearl.  Well know, me and my brother are playing pokemon ranch and will only be able to get 1 mew and 1 phione, so i won't be able to get the mew.  I was wondering if anyone would trade me a mew, and i don't care if it was hacked, as long as it won't screw up my game.  Also, if anyone has a jirachi or mewtwo and is willing to trade, post here.  Here is my friend code:
3952 3484 4697
Piano Arrangements / Re: Chipmunk884's Arrangements
June 18, 2008, 02:45:00 PM
G-Han, has this type of thing ever happened before where someone arranges a piece from a midi and after submitting, finds out that another person posted their version on another site?  It seems like it could easily happen, and it would be very hard to find out if another site already has the piece that you are working on.
shadoninja, it was theodore, not alvin, from alvin and the chipmunks, because i'm super obsesed with chipmunks, especially theodore.  And i just changed it to a much improved signature with apollo justice in it.  I was able to understand much more from the tutorial that i was reading, so i think that it is a lot (or a little) better than the chipmunk one.  post what you think of my new sig.
Piano Arrangements / Re: Chipmunk884's Arrangements
June 17, 2008, 02:11:51 PM
Even though i didn't copy you in any way, Mike, i still removed the link from my post and already contacted concerto no.20 through pm and worked it out.  GHan will be the one to remove it from the updated list on the home page, and i'm surprised he didn't do it already.  I'm sorry for all of the confusion and misunderstandings, and next time, i'll be sure to check more carefully to make sure that a piece hasn't already been aranged by someone else.