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Messages - Jamaha


In other news, do we have any French people on NSM? I have a sudden trip to France coming up.
Quote from: Zunawe on October 05, 2015, 01:51:23 AMIt seems to make players more excited about what their characters can do rather than what they can't. Negative bonuses (though they do make for some fun stories sometimes) tend to deter people from even trying. At least from what I've seen.

I know, I was just kidding.

Although I quite enjoy my dwarven wizard whose strength and constitution are higher than his intellect.
Quote from: Zunawe on October 04, 2015, 03:19:30 PMBoredom leads to fun with statistics. These are the probabilities for rolling every possible score using the rules my friends and I use to generate D&D character stats. The rules are:
   - Roll 4d6 (4 six-sided dice)
   - Reroll each die that shows a 1 until it doesn't show a 1
   - Add up the highest three dice

Playing on easy mode, I see.
Good points all around. I've created an Ace Attorney category as it definitely needed its own series. I agree that the current categorizing is rather arbitrary - mostly a remnant from the old days. They were created based on the sheets back then and have remained rather static after that. One problem is the Other category itself, more on that later.

Quote from: Zunawe on September 20, 2015, 02:23:38 PMIt's not poorly made by any means, but it feels inefficient.

To be fair, I feel it's rather poorly made. The right sidebar is rather pointless. The left sidebar presents a problem with the sheet categories. The Other category is rather nondescriptive. Ideally I would like to have a series for every game and not put any games into the arbitrary Other category. However, with the current layout it would result in a really long list in the sidebar that would be difficult to navigate. Not to mention the fact that it would stretch every page along with it.

Many of these problems can be traced back to me, which is rather unfortunate. It is difficult to find time for NSM with my work and PhD studies and all. Also, one flaw of mine is that I get overly excited about something for a couple of weeks and then completely forget about it. You've probably seen that happen multiple times on NSM. I should find a way to fix that and slowly work on NSM every once in a while.

Now, the challenge is that I'm not an UI designer. If you saw the different measurement software I've written at work, you would agree. So there is the problem of design vs. implementation. I can definitely implement a new UI assuming I can figure out what kind of UI I should implement. One idea I had was to make a topic for brainstorming the new site layout with a mockup I could update based on the suggestions. Once we figure out what the ideal site layout should be, I could then implement that one.
Annual torture session completed. Apparently I am still capable of running a 10k.
Nintendo / Re: Super Mario Maker Topic
September 19, 2015, 09:35:24 AM
34A7-0000-0030-FA4F (Don't Stop! Act on Instinct!)
CEDD-0000-0037-F416 (Synchronized Swimming)
3E9C-0000-0050-D4E7 (Stomp the Thwomps)
Nintendo / Re: Super Mario Maker Topic
September 12, 2015, 10:06:12 AM
You can set the costume in the mystery mushroom by tapping the mushroom after placing it on the level.
Off-Topic / Re: Super cool NSM tinychat!
September 08, 2015, 09:45:30 AM
Quote from: Ruto on September 07, 2015, 06:46:35 PMWonder if it' was the same as the Jamaha impersonator too?

Now I'm curious.
Off-Topic / Re: How long are you?
September 02, 2015, 10:34:52 PM
I'll allow it.
Off-Topic / Re: Made mah day.
August 27, 2015, 01:37:47 PM
What? Jamaha is graduating?
Congratulations! Jamaha graduated into Master of Science!
Quote from: Ruto on August 24, 2015, 04:57:03 PMYou need a master's for doctoral studies? XD That's sort of the consolation prize here...well now that you've taken this many courses, you should tell me whether it's really hard or not. Will I have time to study and cook? Instead of heating up canned beans for dinner?

I feel so lazy now since I'm just applying to programs now...wahh. I haven't done much with this BS here, so I'm really hoping that getting a higher degree would get me a low paying job as a professor at a college. Not just adjunct because I would make more working at Starbucks.

Indeed I do. Master's degree is pretty much "the degree" over here, you don't really do anything with a Bachelor's over here. That's just an intermediate point in getting your actual Master's degree.
This is the first year when I don't actually go back to studying. Or at least I'll be working full time now. Still have some classes left to complete the required studies for the doctoral degree. Although because I am slightly insane and already completed almost half of the required studies alongside my master's studies, I don't really have that many classes left. One introductory course and then one postgraduate course. The rest is just seminars, conferences and teaching.
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker - Beedle's Shop Ship

Off-Topic / Re: Debate Topic
August 21, 2015, 11:44:45 AM
Quote from: Maelstrom on August 21, 2015, 11:02:38 AMThat is a superb example of microevolution, not macroevolution.
I know it takes "a long time" to get anything beyond fur color, but nothing beyond that ever seems to be discussed.
Despite those two groups of species looking different and further differentiating themselves from each other, wouldn't they still have the same number of chromosomes? (correct me if I'm wrong. I haven't taken bio in some time)

Chromosomes can split or merge. In many cases this is fatal or results in infertility but sometimes the specimen can actually reproduce. That change can also propagate in the species and eventually become prevalent.

An important factor to keep in mind that not every mutation has to be beneficial. It could have no practical effect on the specimen and still propagate by chance. Thus diverging the two groups even further. Again, time scale of thousands or millions of years.

Also, don't focus just on the fur color but the many changes that can occur. Maybe there are different sources of food in the two environments and adapting to a specific diet gives the species bigger chance of survival. Maybe one group lives near water and changes that improve swimming become beneficial. What is something "beyond the fur color" you are referring to?