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Messages - Ruto

Quote from: KefkaticFanatic on June 23, 2010, 10:22:07 PM...and you slept through that?

Yes I did >.<
My little sister was pulling out my hair while I was asleep =__=
Quote from: universe-X on June 22, 2010, 01:05:33 PMWow... I'd like to hear about something good that happened in your life, please. :3

XD! That's a first time I've heard anyone say that.

This happened a while ago, but I went to the park with a friend who is my age and (the same) height.  An old woman came up to her and asked her "what is your daughter wearing?", referring to me.

Glad to know I look like a kid.  :D This is the best thing that's happened to me in the past 2 months.

Quote from: Harvest on June 22, 2010, 09:44:50 AMahh..fucking wasp bite has triggered an allergic reaction..not severe but fuck..during exams.

I've never had an allergic reaction to anything a bitch wasp does this to me..

The same thing happened to me once except I was allergic to something somebody put in the dorm's washing machine. Went to the emergency room, overdosed on allergy medicine (stupid doctor), then sent me back with some medicine that didn't work, left a fake phone number on the prescription slip, and that was followed by the second trip to the ER in 2 days. Finals started the next day.

Came back from my sister's graduation, and it was fail...the principal almost forgot to call up a class and the whole performance involved offkey singing and bad recorders. =__=

(Grammar edit :D)
Quote from: Offkey on June 21, 2010, 04:11:18 PMYuck, underaged + alcohol = fail, every single time. Goes to show there is a reason for those age limits :P

I completely agree. A while ago the president of Columbia wanted to lower the drinking age to 18. I can't imagine students stumbling around campus drunk and the cops not being able to arrest them or force them to take a breathalyzer in that state. I think the president was trying to spare his Ivy League students from criminal records for personal/financial reasons...ugh.

According to my other sister (who is in a sorority >__> she says she got bored of drinking. HOW.)

Quote from: Harvest on June 21, 2010, 04:20:24 PMWell I rarely drink anyway and haven't smoked in like 3 weeks for the sake of exams.  I'm cleeaaaan.

fun as fuck though.  hilarious finding out ridiculous things you did that you can't remember at all.  Or being one second on the floor of a  bathroom and the next being carried into a bed...

WOW. Seriously?  :D
Alcohol is full of lol.

The other day my underage sister had a barbecue in a park and invited all her drunken friends over to our apartment for pina coladas. Without telling my dad. So I was asleep at the time and one of her friends stumble into my room and nearly knocked over my keyboard. I was like "WTF" and the guy gets outta there and then I hear him puke all over the hallway and bathroom.

Apparently the guy was the nephew of my former math teacher, who is his legal guardian. So not only is she a lousy math teacher, but also a lousy guardian. I'm not going to drink and embarrass myself like that...
Off-Topic / Re: Happy Father's Day!
June 21, 2010, 04:00:49 PM
Quote from: ETFROXX on June 21, 2010, 10:15:31 AMHe's like... 42. xD
It's times like that that I realize I get most of my personality traits from him.

The funny thing is, I was talking to my friend yesterday about how she should meet this guy's parents before dating him. Not to be polite, but to see what type of genes/personality his parents had, so she could have an idea of what he would be like when he's older. And also find something she doesn't see now, like a baldness gene...

Liking children's cartoons at that age is a bad thing? :D
^ Agreed. I just ended up buying the coins rather than play. Must be your game or slot machine.

Level 9 at Voltorb Flip? I think I only got to level 8 before I had had to start guessing.
LOL, I have terrible luck with the slots so I like the Voltorb game. So many numbers! :D

There should be some tips floating around the internet but the bottom line is don't bother flipping over any cards in rows that add up to 5 (x voltorbs + x card total = 5), and there is also a list of patterns, such as if you flip a 2 card in a square that has a sum of 5 and 1 bomb, you're done with the row, etc.  I really hate the high stakes of the later bad card at level 7 (or was it 8?) and you're back to the first level.

Have you thought about importing the 10,000 coin TMs from R/S? They cost 3500 there  :D
Off-Topic / Re: Happy Father's Day!
June 20, 2010, 09:33:56 PM
Weather was horrible so we stayed home all day =__=. My sister found another way to tick off everyone again so we just complained about her all day and talked about fishing. Then he watched my 10 year old sister solve a Sudoku puzzle, which is rather amusing to him.

Quote from: universe-X on June 20, 2010, 01:57:34 PMand then... he and mom started talking to me about marriage -_-

Help! / Re: A lot of questions (new ones, some Y/N)
June 20, 2010, 07:20:12 PM
Thank you so much!!!

Help! / Re: A lot of questions (new ones, some Y/N)
June 19, 2010, 09:24:22 PM
Quote from: universe-X on June 18, 2010, 10:05:44 AMNot much that I can say here except that the last picture is too hard to read and could be fixed up a little.

I actually did fix up the last one a bit. I just can't write that in Allegro (with what I know about the program so far) reasonably. The scrawls were to point out the major key and whatnot. Link is there because Link is Link.

Quote from: TheLegend on June 18, 2010, 08:44:39 AMfixed. We don't feel you're annoying, people only feel that I'm annoying. 



Oh yikes, maybe personal things should be avoided in a simple Q&A.  Walked right into that one  :'(. Also, maybe ask your dad? Lol.

Also @Legend

With the pedal business, there's no way to assign it to the grace note, I think that's why. I tried that cursor thing and I just can't place the PED there or move it there. Even after removing it the grace note just doesn't appear in the playback or in the MIDI.

If tomorrow comes and no response, I will ask Delldongo. He's really being a good sport about this.
Gaming / Re: Official E3 2010 Topic
June 18, 2010, 08:20:30 AM
The new Zelda looks great! Cel shaded + Adult Link.

Details here:

It sounds like Link's gone everywhere now except space. Still wondering if Namco-Bandai has any Soul Calibur related ideas.
Gaming / Re: Games without violence
June 18, 2010, 08:13:34 AM
Harvest Moon handhelds before the DS versions (Sprite Station?), and some of the home console games.

There's alcohol use but only for humor, and you can smack animals with your tools but you either shouldn't or leave it to your dog to chase out the wild dog that comes to your farm.
Help! / Re: A lot of questions (new ones, some Y/N)
June 17, 2010, 11:49:36 PM
Updated first post for more annoyance.

Sorry everyone.