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Messages - askalice23

btw superfirekirby was wolfed :P i dont think you can safety a dead person
im a he :P
It wasnt so much that i wanted dude dead it was the fact that it could have been a plan to get an easy win for the wolves..... obviously i was wrong but this also means that they were both human narrowing down the possible choices..... its down to 6 of us and now the vigi doesnt have to worry on who he kills cause the bows gone and well noone counterclaimed so i guess concerto really has the armor.... sooo as of now i have no vote because theres nothing to go off of
yeah im sorry my bad on that one.... well this also proves that there wasnt a plan and that jake is most likely a human as well
obviously i did think it through.... he was lynched because the bow can go to a wolf or human... if a wolf was in possesion of the bow he could easily make the game that much easier for the wolf team.... say they both are wolves.... dude and jake... dude has the bow so he tells jake hes going to wolf him but then revive him.... we all think that both of them are humans now therefore allowing them to have an easy win or at least fly under the radar for a few more rounds
im sorry dude it was nothing personal i know the wolves killed jake but if the wolves had the bow they could kill one of there own to make one look like that person was a human so that person would fly under the radar without having to worry about being lynched
dude... because of the possible revive jake to make him look human
Concerto do not i repeat do not give the armor away to jake just yet...... this could easily be a plan the wolves made early..... lets kill a wolf then revive him to make him look human... Lets hold off on giving the armor away
well no one has counterclaimed and i think everyone has posted since concerto has claimed the armor so i think its safe to say he has it
Well jake3343 is dead..... not much activity right now so im gonna put a safety on TheLegend and see what plays out over the next few hours
Ok lets get this game going.... Now that i know how to play ill be more active.... AIM account is WER1100
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG VI: Sign Ups
June 14, 2010, 04:04:15 PM
Give it up... you do realize he can see youre url... there really isnt a reason for two different accounts and do you see a problem with playing with either 2 accounts or as a guest.. it would mess the game up and give you an unfair advantage
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG VI: Sign Ups
June 11, 2010, 11:47:00 AM
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG VI HOST SIGNUPS
June 09, 2010, 01:54:24 PM
Alright so what about a star wars themed game......

Not so good with stories so someone else could host if they want but heres the characters:
12 Players
General/Emperor Palpatine: he would be head wolf, he would have the ability to seer humans helping the search for the guardian, and hes be seered green.
Darth Vader: he would be head wolf if palpatine were to die
Count Dooku: he would be head wolf if both vader and palpatine were to die
The head wolf would be the only one to pm kills in the night phase reducing the numerous pm problem from last game and forcing teamwork. Once palpatine dies the head wolf powers would go to the next wolf but the seering of the human power would be gone

Luke Skywalker: Guardian
Princess Leia: Seer
Han Solo: Sort of like a guardian but protects humans from being seered by palpatine
The rest would be regular humans or "jedis"

Obi-Wans message: this would be recieved only by answering a riddle in the story. The riddle would change every phase. The power of this item would reveal a wolf identity and all are subject to obtain this item. So wolves could get the item to protect themself.

Qui-Gons Spirit: This item would only go to a human character but could be sent through a pm to the host. This would revive any player that has been killed off in the game. So a human could revive a strong human or may give up the power ti a wolf or even revive a wolf.
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG V: Nakylvania
June 01, 2010, 06:33:02 PM
i dont think at this stage in the game anyone would just not wolf anyone.... and i could see nakah doing it but if you go back to an earlier post he asked the seer to seer him so he didnt have anything to hide

what we do know is this.... noone was wolfed last night phase

imo that would be a stupid move to just not kill off someone... all it does is keep the game going... so im gonna go with the idea that the wolf is inactive.... and the only one who hasnt posted in awhile is jamaha