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Messages - askalice23

The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG VII: Invader Zim
July 01, 2010, 04:23:42 PM
sorry for the grammar issues didnt think this was a english class... ill be sure to to sharpen up on it so when you grace us with your almighty presence i wont offend you oh mighty wolf.... and jake has a vote you cant safety someone with a vote so therefore it is not a safety its a vote... also a bandwagon vote on that note... your playing very wolfy and you basically gave yourself and ux away congrats :)

happy now?
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG VII: Invader Zim
July 01, 2010, 03:30:07 PM
dude... 1st vote was nakah he voted me and was acting wolfy.... 2nd vote was a safety.... 3rd vote was you... why cause you basically gave you 2 away... why would 2 people act togetehr so much... 1. there both special humans or 2. there both wolves... no special humans narrows that right down now doesnt it..... both of you have been sticking up for eachother all game so far.... also band wagon voting.... well ux voted for jake soooooo i guess i will... honestly that was essentially your reasoning
Quote from: Dude on July 01, 2010, 01:40:15 PMjake

blah??? i dont think thats a good reason.... also youve played before and you know to avoid a phantom you safety someone who doesnt already have votes on him also look at the post times..... ux votes jake at 9:38 and then you vote jake at 9:40.... both of you post one after the other there not even 2 minutes apart... which brings us to the point that nakah made.... you were both online at night during the wolf phase... well its obvious you two are working together and ux denies even talking to you
Quote from: universe-X on July 01, 2010, 12:04:12 PMxD Dude and I don't even frikkin' talk at all! :P Anyways, I'm considering switching my vote back to jake. He and Nakah are my 2 biggest suspicions right now...
so my vote will remain dude
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG VII: Invader Zim
July 01, 2010, 01:44:43 PM
woah woah woah whats with band wagoning there dude???? no explanation as to why we jump to jake after ux has???? maybe we are on to something with the ux and dude on at the same time??? dude
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG VII: Invader Zim
July 01, 2010, 11:48:40 AM
sorry about the safety thing didnt see that you saftied him :P.... but i agree the dude and ux thing is a bit odd however i dont know if thats a reason to go off of... they could just be talking about the game which wouldnt be far fetched either... its a tough call right now... not enough relevant information at this time 
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG VII: Invader Zim
July 01, 2010, 10:01:20 AM
The way i see it the a wolf wont go into defensive play until the other has been found.... (just like we saw in the 5th game where jake was reall active then he was the last wolf and got defensive).... so inactivity isnt something really to go off of yet.... now nakah is acting fairly weird so im a tad suspicious however he is a good player and we should hold off on killing him to see whose wolfed next... etroxx seems to be back to her normal play unlike last game so im not suspicious of her for now... UX is tough cause i remember in the 5th game he could be wolfy however he wasnt a wolf... but still hes an option... [Wrydryn] and pumpy_heart i dont know much about cause ive never played with them but pumpy_heart is really trying to go over the top with convincing us he is a human... its rare that jamaha posts soo inactivity isnt good to go off there... SFK is usually dead early so i really dont have a feel for his style of play however he was a wolf if i recall in game 5 and was really active in the begining.... so im gonna safety on [Wrydryn] for now nothing has really come up to really suspect anyone more than the other
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG VII: Invader Zim
June 30, 2010, 03:31:32 PM
Ok sooooooooooooo why do you have such a strong feeling about me being a wolf nakah.... afterall your the one who told me an experienced player was most likely to be wolfed
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG VII: Sign Ups
June 23, 2010, 07:52:39 AM
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG VII: Host Signups
June 22, 2010, 08:48:43 AM
MG... i think nakahs right we all need to learn how to play this game because many of us arent that good at it yet
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG VII: Host Signups
June 20, 2010, 07:00:06 PM
I feel like a manhunt game wouldnt work only cause the past couple games didnt have alot of activity... in order for a succesful manhunt game there would have to be a ton of activity..... other than that i like mastergamers idea but sfks game seems better suited because we dont get alot of activity
what???? youre making very little sense.... concerto was checking his own messages ones people sent him.. how is that cheating???
all in all it was a fairly decent game... but the inactivity was horrible..... but the phase times werent the best.... killing dude was a bad idea i just didnt really trust him... i suspected etf due to the drastic change in gameplay this time around.... last game she was extremly active but this game not at all.... the 2nd wolf was harder i thought maybe jamaha or sfk at 1st because of mastergamers post early in the game... the i dont know if i can really play threw both me and deku way off.... so i guess the seerings were luck finding deku 1st night and then having the last wolf be red
we didnt suck too badly... If you think about it we were at a big advantage... the vigi seer and the person with armor knew eachother and once the bow was gone the vigi didnt have to worry about killing the person with the bow so it was only a matter of time
there are 4 of us left meaning 1 wolf is left because if there were 2 left humans would have lost because of the humans=wolves victory.... the reasoning for my good relationship with deku this game was because he was the vigi and i was the seer.... last night i seered mastergamer and he was red....

therefore my vote goes to mastergamer if he lives for another day we lose if we kill him now we win
master_gamer38 safety for now
times running out... no activity.. safety on JaMaHa