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my final message. Goodb ye

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Messages - Jack

There's no clear title to this song, as it's usually grouped together with the other Crazy Cap songs, but Crazy Cap 1 seems to be the acceptable title.
Not sure if this is the right place to post this, but here's an idea -

Lots of people would love to play the plethora of music on this site but are blocked off by the difficulty of some straight transcriptions.  What if people could submit "easy" versions of songs on the site?  I think that would increase the appeal of the site immensely.
Yes, I decided I'd scrap that project for now, so I didn't want it cluttering up this page.  If that's no good, I apologize, but yes - I did it.
Here's the song -
     I'm working this tune here -

Around 0:36, there are some tenths.  I, personally, can reach them, but some may struggle.  I'm really not sure how to arrange this, as the left hand is busy with a baseline.

Any ideas?
 - Jack
Site News / Re: New Series
April 09, 2019, 02:12:58 PM
     If you're cleaning stuff like this up, I'd just like to point out that Donkey Kong Country 3 is listed twice in the Donkey Kong section.
That's all,
Hello, not sure if this is the right place to post this, but here's my question -
I'm working on a song from Donkey Kong Country 3 that has some heavy bongos and percussion to open the song - here it is right here.

How would I work this in a piano arrangement?  Should I skip the intro or work the percussion rhythms into notes on the piano?

Piano Arrangements / Jack's Spot for Arrangements
April 03, 2019, 03:14:07 PM
Jack's Arrangement Spot
Blue - Accepted
Red - In Submissions

Banjo-Kazooie: Grunty's Revenge
Breegull Beach
Lava Track
Donkey Kong Land
Just a suggestion -
As I look through this site (I'm new here,) even in this thread, I see more and more people using Musescore for their arrangements, as I do.  I think accommodating for those folks would increase this site's appeal tremendously.  I don't hold grudges against those who use Finale, but it, especially Finale Notepad, is a pain to use for me.  Regular Finale is costly, and using the free version, even to just follow the current formatting guidelines is a chore, because of how limited it is.  To make it easy for users to use whatever software they prefer for their arrangements would be awesome.
Just a few changes to the formatting guidelines would be great - here are a few things that would help us Musescorers.

1.  Make formatting options Musescore friendly. Especially letting the site address be noted next to the copyright information, on the same line, separated by a slash because Musescore doesn't allow multiple-line copyright texts.

2.  Let arrangers submit a Musescore file instead of or along with a Musescore file

3.  Including samples and instructions for formatting with Musescore

The current system does work, however, and I am aware that this would be a lot of work on your end, but I think it would be worth it to improve the site.
Hello, I was just wondering - on the submission instructions, it says to post a link to the song that I'm trying to arrange.  Where should I post this, and is it necessary to get your sheet approved? Also, I'm not in any rush, but I was wondering how long it usually takes to get a sheet approved - just wondering.

Off-Topic / Re: What are you reading?
March 30, 2019, 09:12:52 AM
I'm reading a book titled "A Man Called Ove" and it's really great. It's about an old man who seems to be the most grumpy person you'll meet on the outside, but you get to look inside his mind and get a funny, heartwarming, and reflective story. I'd highly recommend it.