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Messages - Monika

Vote count:
ThatHiddenCharacter- (Dudeman, blackdragonslayer, maestro, ) 3
BrainyLucario- (ThatHiddenCharacter, Olimar12345, mastersuperfan, ) 3
Dudeman- (FireArrow, bubbles, ) 2
Vote count:
ThatHiddenCharacter- (Dudeman, ) 1
BrainyLucario- (ThatHiddenCharacter, Olimar12345, ) 2
Dudeman- (FireArrow, ) 1
Vote count:
ThatHiddenCharacter- (Dudeman) 1
Chapter 4
Skyler went to bed with a heavy heart that night.  Not only had the ghosts taken someone, he hadn't even tried to stop it.  He wanted to tell himself that there was nothing he could have done, but he still felt guilty.  He hadn't voted to sacrifice Khajiit, but what if the person he did offer had been the one?  Would their blood have been on his hands?  Trying in vain to fall asleep, he crept out of his bed and knocked on Addison's door.
"Addison, I think I have an idea."
Rachel, Miguel, Mike, and Kenji were in Khajiit's room, examining the wares he had left behind.
"Seriously, some of this stuff is junk.  A lead pipe?  Worthless!" Mike gleefully tossed it towards a corner.  When the pipe hit the ground, it made a strange sound.  Cocking his head, Mike investigated the lead pipe.  He tapped it on the wall.  He could hear something moving.  Suddenly, part of the wall broke away and slid aside.
"Guys...  Secret passageways!"
Rachel looked thoughtful.  "We could do a lot with this..."
"What are we waiting for?  Let us investigate!"  Miguel said firmly.
Tyler sat in his room quietly.  The realization of what happened today had finally hit him.  He couldn't do this anymore.  He had to get out of here.  Suddenly, he heard a shuffling noise.  Whispering.  A tap.  Coming from... the wall?  He walked to the source of the noise.  He gently pressed on random locations in the wall until he felt something give slightly.  He gave a strong shove and jumped back as a portion of the wall swung aside, revealing a small tunnel.  Poking his head in, he was just in time to see someone disappearing around a corner.
"Hey!"  He shouted.  He barreled down the tunnel and rounded the corner.  He saw Miguel and Kenji.  "Stop!"
They turned around and Miguel whispered to him.  "Wait a minute, wait a minute.  Do not tell anybody about these hallways, yes?  We are using them to influence who we send away.  Let us make a deal.  You keep quiet about our actions, and we will let you come with us when we are able to escape.  Agreed?"
Tyler considered.  At this point, he wasn't sure what to think.  "...Fine.  Whatever.  I just want to get out of here.  But I won't be held accountable for your actions, alright?"
Kenji smiled.  "Fair enough.  We understand how this is.  But we are simply taking initiative."
Mike walked up from further down the tunnel, lead pipe in hand.  "Oh, great.  We've been had."
"Don't worry- he will keep quiet.  And if he doesn't..."  Miguel smiled at Tyler.  "Well, we can worry about that later, yes?"
Tyler gulped.
Daniel was leaning back in his chair, tossing a ball up and catching it.  For some reason, the whole insanity of the situation was easy for him to digest.  That left his mind clear to consider his options.  He had already tried all the windows and external doors in the mansion.  He had looked for secret passages in the library.  He had spent a lot of time there.  What made things worse, he felt responsible to stay as long as his brother was here.  Oh, how he hated his brother.  From the get-go, Zachary had always tried to take credit for everything.  And Zachary now was acting like Daniel was the one who had been so terrible all these years.  Daniel shook his head, clearing his thoughts.  He needed to focus on what was important.
"What is the way out?"  He whispered to himself.
He didn't hear the footsteps creeping toward his chair.
He didn't hear the sound of the dagger sliding against a belt.
He didn't hear the whistle of its razor-thin edge as it flew toward his back.
He only felt it.
TWG 100: Dinner and a Show

Wolf team- as a team, the wolves may choose one player to kill each night.  Wins at parity.
1. Master Wolf- Each night, can send a PM to the host with the name of target player.  If that player is still alive, the Master Wolf receives a PM with the color of that player.  The Master wolf is seered green.
"I smell you... Your fear..."
2. Wolf Cohort- Has no special powers.  Is seered red.
"Fresh BLOOD!"
3. Wolf Cohort- Has no special powers.  Is seered red.
"Fresh BLOOD!"
4. Needy Wolf- If the needy wolf is the last wolf alive, the wolf team loses their wolf kill.  Is seered red.
"I smell... you?"

Human team- wins when all threats to the team are dead.
5. Seer- Each night, may send a PM to the host with the name of target player.  If that player is alive, receives a PM with the color of that player.  Is seered blue.
"No-one and no-wolf will get past me."
6. Brutal Human- If the brutal human is wolfkilled, one wolf at random is killed as well.  Is not told they are the Brutal Human.  Is seered blue.
"Whatever it takes."
7. One-shot Reviver- Once per game, during a night phase, may send the host a PM with the name of a player.  If that player is dead, they will be revived at the beginning of the following night phase.  Is seered blue.
"I'm here for you."
8. Miller- is seered red.  Is not told they're the Miller.
"I'm doing things my way.  Step aside."
9. Traitor- counts for human numbers, but wins with the wolves.  Is seered red.
"You'll all see soon enough..."
10. Sayori- is told she's a normal human.  Is seered Monika.
"There are rainclouds... and they won't go away."
11. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
12. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
13. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
14. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
15. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
16. Khajiit- Begins the game with every item, but cannot use them.  Once each night (except for Night 1), may distribute a single item to target player by sending a PM to the host with that player's name.
"Khajiit has wares, if you have coin."

Third Party- counts for numbers of neither team.
17. M̦̣͓̀ ̟̖Ò̦̦͖͔͖̜ ̡̱̲͓̞͔͖Ǹ͎̳̳͍͖̟ ̜̥̭͕̤ͅI̱͉̥ ̭̪K͇͕̺̭͞ ̫̹̘͇͍A̩̪͢- wins when it's just Monika.  Can't be wolf-killed.  Each night, may send the host a PM with the name of target player.  If that player is alive, becomes marked. Marked players are privately told they have been marked.  When the number of living marked players becomes greater than or equal to the number of living unmarked players, Monika may send a PM to the host containing the word "boom" to have all living marked players die.  Is seered literally every color except for red, purple, green, and blue.If wolves would win while Monika is still alive, Monika and the wolves both win.
"...What's the point when none of it is even real?"

Lead Pipe

When a player dies, their role will be revealed.

1. davy Khajiit
2. ThatHiddenCharacter
3. BrainyLucario
4. SuperMarina
5. Olimar12345
6. Dudeman
7. BlackDragonSlayer
8. MaestroUGC
9. Trasdegi Daniel Sharpe
10. raeko
11. E. Gadd Industries
12. MasterSuperFan
13. Lkjhgfdsa_77
14. Bubbles
15. FireArrow
16. ThiccWifeSiccLife
17. TheZeldaPianist

Substitute: Maelstrom

Trasdegi has died.  He was Daniel Sharpe, a Vanilla Human.  It is now Day 2.  Day 2 ends in 48 hours, at 9:00 PM CST on February 21, regardless of when the actual update arrives.
If you think any of the results of tonight are not as expected, please bring it up to me privately.  Today was one heck of a day in my damp attic.  Additionally, please do not discuss replacing publicly, as that is between the host and the player being replaced (well, and the player substituting).  Thank you for your understanding.
Chapter 3
Breakfast was winding down, and many guests were leaning back, chatting to their neighbors.  Addison continued eating at a slow and steady pace.  He enjoyed good food, no doubt.  The only other person still eating at any significant pace was Mike Scott.  Something about the man seemed unusual to him, as if he didn't quite belong here.  Addison glanced around.  He didn't care much for most of these guests.  However, the youngest one fascinated him.  He was aware that not everything was as it seemed.  Addison nodded.  He had made up his mind.
Suddenly, the loud, crackly voice spoke once again.  "I hope you all have had your fill.  Anyway, I do apologize for deceiving you like this, but you are all shortly going to die.  Have a nice weekend!  Ahahahahahaha!"
Everyone stopped moving.
In a split second, pandemonium.
Dishes started flying through the air, chairs tipping back and forth, and everyone made a mad rush for the doors.
Olivier reached the doors first, pounding on them in frustration.  "They won't budge!"  He cried.
Rachel looked up in the air.  "Mikey, why are you doing this?"
"Oh, but what on earth makes you think I'm who you think I am?  Did I ever say so?  Did we ever say so?"
Stamping her foot in frustration, Rachel turned to the other guests.  "Does anyone have a clue what is going on here?  Surely he's just joking?"
Addison cleared his throat.  "I believe I know what's going on.  For years, I have suspected the Don Manor is a hotbed of paranormal activity-"
At this, Skyler fidgeted.  Addison turned to him.  "Yes, it's no mistake that you too were invited to this death trap."
"Anyway, it's clear to me now that this is no joke.  The spirit dimension is very real and very dangerous.  I suspect we will not be able to leave until whatever is haunting this place is put to rest."
Michael interrupted.  "So, what, we're like Ghostbusters now?"
Olivier stared quizically at him.  "Ghostbusters?"
"Never mind, it's after your time."
"As the days pass, the ghosts' influence- for I believe it is not just one- will grow stronger," Addison continued.  "I suspect they'll be able to interact with the corporeal dimension within the week."
Zachary interrupted.  "That seems awfully convenient.  They can't do anything right now, but later they can?  What do you know about this, old man?  You were the first one here.  How do we know you're not just pulling something?"
Just like that, all sense was lost and the shouting match began.  Not many seemed to be willing to accept the explanation Mr. Gardiner was giving.
At the top of his voice, Miguel Del Rey shouted, "Mr. Gardiner is not lying!  We must give the spirits what they want!  If we comply, they will surely let us go!"
"Wait a minute, everyone STOP!"  Sayori looked around.  "Where's Monika?  She was at the breakfast, but I don't see her here..."
Rachel frowned.  "That's concerning."
"Guys!  I'm right here!"  Monika came running up the stairs.  "Sorry!  After breakfast I started exploring the mansion.  There's a lot of neato stuff here!"
"Monika, listen-"
"Yeah, yeah, I heard.  We're all about to die.  You guys need to lighten up!"  She ran up the staircase and disappeared along the hallway.
"That was... more concerning," Rachel said.
"Listen, you two.  I think you're right.  We have to figure out what the ghosts want.  I'm more important than anyone here, and..." Rachel paused.  "Well, let's just say I'm... needed elsewhere.  I think the three of us could make it out of here if we worked together."
Miguel nodded his head.  "I think you are right, Ms. von Karma.  Kenji and I will gladly assist you."
The three of them sat huddled in the middle of Rachel's bedchamber.  Suddenly, the door opened and the frail old man fell in.
"P-please," he sobbed.  "Take me with you, I'm sorry... so, so sorry..."
"Mike?  What do you mean?"  Rachel asked.
"I'm... not Mike Scott."
He recounted his tale.  He was a beggar by the name of Tarin Zapin, and he had heard word of the Dinner and a Show.  He was thinking with his stomach.  He had seen the real Mike Scott walk by with an invitation in his hand, and he...
"I'm so, so sorry..."  He repeated.  "Please, I have to get out of here!  I know what I did was wrong... I just wanted some food..."
Rachel sighed.  "Miguel, what do you think?"
Kenji spoke up.  "The poor man does not deserve the fate intended by our captors.  Yes, what he did was wrong.  I don't think he's in his right mind."
Miguel nodded.  "Let's face it.  To get out of here, we're all going to have to make choices that, shall we say, lo lamentaremos?  Four is not much more than three."
"Oh, thank you!  Bless you all!"
Miguel turned to Tarin.  "If you want to get out of here, you must pull yourself together.  First of all, nobody must know of our pact.  Do not breathe a word of what we said here, understand?"
Tarin gulped, nodding.  "I understand.  I've been hungry for so long, it's been ages since I could think this clearly."
Addison and Skyler sat in front of the desk, poring over notes.  "Nothing here I'm seeing is standing out to me, unfortunately," Skyler finally said, leaning back.
"Well, that's to be expected.  Your own notes are quite advanced for such a youngster," Addison replied.
"Heh.  Thanks, I think."
"Anyway, here's what I've got so far.  You are familiar, of course, with the plane I like to call the Spirit Dimension, adjacent to our own Corporeal Dimension.  They intersect at a single point in space-time, allowing the Spirit Dimension to interact with the Corporeal Dimension.  This is why all living things have a spirit, and why, when they die, they are able to leave the corporeal world.  We see this as a living thing dies.  Its mass changes.  It gets lighter."
Skyler nodded.  "Yup, I've been able to figure that much out on my own."
"Sometimes, this separation doesn't work correctly.  My own studies have led me to believe one's physical occupancy in space-time is what causes the anomalies.  The Don Manor is a large-scale example of this.  What we're seeing is increased activity caused by a realignment of objects far beyond our understanding.  Keep in mind all of these is pure conjecture, but I'm not usually wrong!
"It seems they are temporarily able to communicate with us through technology in the mansion.  This is why the voice seemed to be recorded.  As Ms. von Karma showed, it is quite possible to communicate with them while they do so with us.  We won't be able to leave, I fear, until the spirits are put to rest.  Does all this make sense?"
Skyler nodded more emphatically.  "I think you're right.  I hadn't thought of the location thing, but that makes sense based on my research."
"For now, I suggest we do whatever the ghosts tell us, but try to reason with them where we can.  Are we agreed?"
"Attention guests!  You have 24 hours to offer our first sacrifice!  Wahahahahaha!"
"Sacrifice?"  Travis asked.  "What do they mean?"
Miguel scowled.  "Clearly we must choose who dies first."
"Or we can just like, not?"  Monika giggled.  "Why should we play this game?"
Kenji and Rachel exchanged glances.  Kenji cleared his throat.  "Well, perhaps there is a way for us to get out of here sooner rather than later."
"I still say this is some kind of prank," Zachary muttered.  Gerik raised an eyebrow.  Leaning in close, he whispered, "Don't you remember the invitations?  Something unnatural is happening.  Stop being stubborn."
Daniel rolled his eyes.  Michael gently shoved Daniel.  "You should be nicer to your brother."
"He's such a wad sometimes."
"That's what brothers are for."
Daniel opened his mouth wide and mimed gagging.
"Real mature."
Olivier stood on a chair.  "It looks like we don't have much choice no matter which way you slice it.  I want to thank you all for keeping a level head, but I don't think we're going to get out of here if we don't listen to the voice.  It pains me to say so, but I believe this is survival of the fittest.  I suggest we give them Mike Scott.  The man is nearly dead anyway!"
Mike started to panic.  "N-no, no!  Please don't give me to the monsters!  I can't!"
Kenji nodded.  "You don't know what Mike here has been through.  How can you say such a thing?"
"Well, do you have any better options?"
Kenji paused.  "What about you?  You haven't really been helping.  You're too self-obsessed to even care about anyone else getting out of here."
Olivier sneered.  "I'm trying to help the people who deserve to get out of here.  Mike doesn't even belong here.  The rest of us are at least somewhat distinguished."
"That's true..."  Rachel admitted.  "But I still feel bad about condemning a man who can barely walk for himself."
"I agree with Rachel," Miguel said.  "We do not hardly know this man's past accomplishments.  Perhaps he once was as great as I am."
Olivier sighed.  "Fine.  Do it your way.  Clearly you've already got something planned, have you not?"
Rachel shifted uncomfortably.  "...No?  What makes you say that?  Well, never mind.  What's important is we figure out a democratic way to choose who they take.  Did I really just say that?  My gosh, we're sacrificing a living human being."
Addison cleared his throat.  "If I may, I believe the spirits responsible for this will not rest until they get what they want.  Their influence may even extend beyond the Don Manor.  As much as I wish none of this had happened to any of you, we can't change what is done.  We must make the sacrifice.  That being said, I believe I am knowledgeable enough to, erm, stick around for a while, shall we say?  And my young friend Skyler here has been a boon.  I suggest we look elsewhere for the first noble sacrifice."
Several people nodded.
Olivier once again took the spotlight.  "So are we all agreed?  We'll leave it to a public vote later tonight."
Khajiit grinned.  "Khajiit will see you all later."
"We approve of the route you have taken and await your sacrifice!"
Olivier cleared his throat.  "Well, we're all here.  Let's make this quick and efficient.  I don't want to prolong things any more than we have to."
Tyler smirked.  "Right, you feel so bad for whoever's getting taken."
Olivier glared at him.  "Just tell us who you're voting for."
Tyler glared back.  "Olimar."
Olivier rolled his eyes.  "Next?"
"Rachel von Karma."
"Rachel von Karma."
"Mike Scott."
"What?! Gah.  Daniel."
"Mike Scott."
"Natalie Brady."
"Tyler Henry."
"Monika Candelaria."
"Miguel Del Rey."
Khajiit's catlike eyes widened as Michael spoke his name, barely above a whisper.
"NO!  Khajiit is innocent of this crime!"
The voice flared to life.  "We accept your decision.  Now, lock him in the dining room!  HAHAHAHAHA!"
Everyone rushed out of the dining room and barricaded the door as Khajiit tried in vain to brute-force his way through.  "NO!  NOO!"  He screamed.  Olivier closed his eyes, grimacing.  "NO!"
The wind picked up and slowly drowned out Khajiit's feral screams.  Growing fiercer and fiercer, the howling gale rattled the doors against the backs of those holding it.  Reaching an earsplitting scream, the wind blew the doors open, flinging everyone out into the hall.  Landing on his backside, Michael could see the dining room.  The table had been overturned and chairs were scattered all over.  But there was no sign of the cat-man.
Khajiit had been... taken.
TWG 100: Dinner and a Show

Wolf team- as a team, the wolves may choose one player to kill each night.  Wins at parity.
1. Master Wolf- Each night, can send a PM to the host with the name of target player.  If that player is still alive, the Master Wolf receives a PM with the color of that player.  The Master wolf is seered green.
"I smell you... Your fear..."
2. Wolf Cohort- Has no special powers.  Is seered red.
"Fresh BLOOD!"
3. Wolf Cohort- Has no special powers.  Is seered red.
"Fresh BLOOD!"
4. Needy Wolf- If the needy wolf is the last wolf alive, the wolf team loses their wolf kill.  Is seered red.
"I smell... you?"

Human team- wins when all threats to the team are dead.
5. Seer- Each night, may send a PM to the host with the name of target player.  If that player is alive, receives a PM with the color of that player.  Is seered blue.
"No-one and no-wolf will get past me."
6. Brutal Human- If the brutal human is wolfkilled, one wolf at random is killed as well.  Is not told they are the Brutal Human.  Is seered blue.
"Whatever it takes."
7. One-shot Reviver- Once per game, during a night phase, may send the host a PM with the name of a player.  If that player is dead, they will be revived at the beginning of the following night phase.  Is seered blue.
"I'm here for you."
8. Miller- is seered red.  Is not told they're the Miller.
"I'm doing things my way.  Step aside."
9. Traitor- counts for human numbers, but wins with the wolves.  Is seered red.
"You'll all see soon enough..."
10. Sayori- is told she's a normal human.  Is seered Monika.
"There are rainclouds... and they won't go away."
11. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
12. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
13. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
14. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
15. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
16. Khajiit- Begins the game with every item, but cannot use them.  Once each night (except for Night 1), may distribute a single item to target player by sending a PM to the host with that player's name.
"Khajiit has wares, if you have coin."

Third Party- counts for numbers of neither team.
17. M̦̣͓̀ ̟̖Ò̦̦͖͔͖̜ ̡̱̲͓̞͔͖Ǹ͎̳̳͍͖̟ ̜̥̭͕̤ͅI̱͉̥ ̭̪K͇͕̺̭͞ ̫̹̘͇͍A̩̪͢- wins when it's just Monika.  Can't be wolf-killed.  Each night, may send the host a PM with the name of target player.  If that player is alive, becomes marked. Marked players are privately told they have been marked.  When the number of living marked players becomes greater than or equal to the number of living unmarked players, Monika may send a PM to the host containing the word "boom" to have all living marked players die.  Is seered literally every color except for red, purple, green, and blue.If wolves would win while Monika is still alive, Monika and the wolves both win.
"...What's the point when none of it is even real?"

Lead Pipe

When a player dies, their role will be revealed.


1. davy
2. ThatHiddenCharacter
3. BrainyLucario
4. SuperMarina
5. Olimar12345
6. Dudeman
7. BlackDragonSlayer
8. MaestroUGC
9. Trasdegi
10. raeko
11. E. Gadd Industries
12. MasterSuperFan
13. Lkjhgfdsa_77
14. Bubbles
15. FireArrow
16. ThiccWifeSiccLife
17. TheZeldaPianist

Substitute: Maelstrom

davy has died.  He was Khajiit.  It is now Night 2.  Night 2 ends in 24 hours, at 9:00 PM CST on February 19, regardless of when the actual update arrives.
davy- (Olimar12345, ThatHiddenCharacter, MaestroUGC, Dudeman, BrainyLucario, ) 5
ThiccWifeSiccLife- (Bubbles, ) 1
Olimar12345- (davy, TheZeldaPianist, ) 2
raeko- (FireArrow, BlackDragonSlayer, trasdegi, SuperMarina, ) 4
davy- (Olimar12345, ThatHiddenCharacter, MaestroUGC, ) 3
ThiccWifeSiccLife- (Bubbles, ) 1
Olimar12345- (davy, TheZeldaPianist, ) 2
ThatHiddenCharacter- (Dudeman, BlackDragonSlayer, ) 2
raeko- (FireArrow, BrainyLucario, trasdegi, SuperMarina, ) 4
davy- (Olimar12345, ThatHiddenCharacter, ) 2
ThiccWifeSiccLife- (Bubbles, ) 1
Olimar12345- (davy, TheZeldaPianist, ) 2
ThatHiddenCharacter- (Dudeman, BlackDragonSlayer, ) 2
raeko- (FireArrow, BrainyLucario, trasdegi) 3
davy- (Olimar12345, ThatHiddenCharacter, ) 2
ThiccWifeSiccLife- (Bubbles, ) 1
Olimar12345- (davy, TheZeldaPianist, ) 2
ThatHiddenCharacter- (Dudeman, BlackDragonSlayer, ) 2
raeko- (FireArrow, BrainyLucario, trasdegi) 3
davy- (Olimar12345, ThatHiddenCharacter, ) 2
ThiccWifeSiccLife- (Bubbles, ) 1
Olimar12345- (davy, TheZeldaPianist, ) 2
ThatHiddenCharacter- (Dudeman, BlackDragonSlayer, ) 2
raeko- (FireArrow, BrainyLucario, ) 2
davy- (Olimar12345, ) 1
ThiccWifeSiccLife- (Bubbles, ThatHiddenCharacter, ) 2
Olimar12345- (davy, TheZeldaPianist, ) 1
ThatHiddenCharacter- (Dudeman, BlackDragonSlayer, ) 2
Raeko- (BlackDragonSlayer, ) 1
ThiccWifeSiccLife- (Bubbles, ThatHiddenCharacter, ) 2
BlackDragonSlayer- (TheZeldaPianist, ) 1
Olimar12345- (davy, ) 1
ThatHiddenCharacter- (Dudeman, BlackDragonSlayer, ) 2