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Messages - ThatHiddenCharacter

Quote from: ThatHiddenCharacter on April 08, 2024, 02:47:00 PMI just want to comment on this quickly before taking a look at the rest of the feedback. I want to keep things like this consistent between this and Screwbot Factory 2. I originally had it as you said, but Kricketune told me to change it to this in the other track (the major seventh is also there due to it). I don't particularly care which one to go with, but if I change it here, I'm going to change it there, meaning there's going to need to be a consensus between the updaters on this note.
Sorry if this came across as rude. That wasn't my intention at all. I just want to be consistent.
Quote from: Latios212 on April 07, 2024, 03:55:12 PMAlso, remind me, do we have a composer listing for RHF? I forget...
There was a site that specified which composers did which songs, but I've been having trouble finding it again since someone had sent it to me. I know that it had said Masami Yone was the composer for the Screwbot Factories.

UPDATE: I found who sent it to me, but the wbesite actually changed it's information and no longer specifies the composers for each song, just listing Nintendo for the ones not done by Tsunku (similar to the David Mismol channel except that David also includes the list of "Nintendo" composers in parentheses), so I'll update that as well.
Quote from: Latios212 on April 07, 2024, 03:55:12 PM- I think the C bass notes on beats 2.5-2.75 in m. 4/8 would be better as Bn to double the right hand - the major seventh sounds muddy down there and if I understand the intention correctly the left hand is there to reinforce the rhythm here.
I just want to comment on this quickly before taking a look at the rest of the feedback. I want to keep things like this consistent between this and Screwbot Factory 2. I originally had it as you said, but Kricketune told me to change it to this in the other track (the major seventh is also there due to it). I don't particularly care which one to go with, but if I change it here, I'm going to change it there, meaning there's going to need to be a consensus between the updaters on this note.
Just making a quick post to say that I have made some edits to this submission based on feedback I had gotten for Screwbot Factory 2 that also applied to this one.

I would also like to take this opportunity to specify that m20 beats 4 and 4.5 were an intentional choice/addition to this arrangement to distinguish the measure from m24 so as not to lose the impact of the sudden silence present in the original song.
Quote from: Kricketune54 on March 31, 2024, 12:33:00 PMAlso, I think progression wise, having these notes for m45 LH be Cn would make a little more sense despite the song finishing on Cn's anyway. Just thinking how notes go Gn-G#-An-Bn in previous measure. Let me know your thoughts!
I've already tried a bunch of different pitches for that section, and (in my opinion) G was the only one that actually sounded good and cohesive.

Otherwise, files are updated!
Quote from: Latios212 on March 20, 2024, 04:55:51 PMAlso this might be a MuseScore setting or messed up on import, but the 8th/16th notes should be beamed together within each beat. There's a lot of disconnected notes that make it a bit difficult to rea the rhythms as is.
Also, yes, that's exactly what it is. And I always forget to fix it...
Quote from: Latios212 on March 20, 2024, 04:55:51 PMI's strongly recommend using clef changes instead of using an upper layer for the bottom staff for where the melody goes low. It'd help get rid of a lot of clutter of extra rests and stuff where the top staff is just sitting empty.

Also this might be a MuseScore setting or messed up on import, but the 8th/16th notes should be beamed together within each beat. There's a lot of disconnected notes that make it a bit difficult to rea the rhythms as is.
Fixed! I will also be giving my other submission (considering it is Screwbot Factory 2) the same treatment.
Quote from: SpecsFlyer17 on March 11, 2024, 11:43:42 PMwaking up to find out I lost to a KitB lol.
This just made me realize that both wolves died to a KitB. What are the odds?
I just realized that my post I typed up earlier didn't post somehow.

Quote from: mastersuperfan on March 11, 2024, 06:39:04 PMI'm pretty sure even THC was starting to doubt me near the end there
Incorrect. I never doubted you, buddy.

GGs everyone! What a game.

That is what I typed verbatim. Hours ago...
Aright, I'm going to be asleep until after phase end, so I'm putting in my vote now. I already explained my reasoning, and I won't be around to respond to anyone questioning my vote until after the phase ends.

I was already thinking that voting Toby/Specs is (from my viewpoint), statistically the best lynch option. I don't really townlean on raeko like msf does, but Specs' posts lately just have not been holding much water with me. I honestly can see town!Toby reaction testing with that Specs vote at the beginning, but I still feel that the Tobecs duo is the best lynch option for today. At this point, I doubt it would be raeko/Nakah, and I'm fairly confident in msf as town, so logically that would leave Toby/Specs as being the best option to vote for. However, I will withhold my vote for now. If we are wrong, then me voting now would risk a wolf rush if both wolves are still alive.
Quote from: SpecsFlyer17 on March 11, 2024, 07:10:56 AMHas anyone considered a THC/MSF. The fact that MSF isn't even remotely considering THC leads me to believe this may be a push for a lylo win. If they can successfully push the vote onto someone else D2, it could be game if they are wolf partners.
While that is certainly a possibility, why would I have defended you so vehemently towards the beginning of the game if that were the case? All it did was bring unnecessary suspicion on myself, and it's not like you're my or msf's lover. I very much almost got myself and Nakah lynched, and I was not planning on backing down.