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Messages - DocDoom2

Another update for you all!

I've just added these new songs:
"Athletic" from Super Mario World! Composed by Koji Kondo and arranged by Brassman388!
"Chai Kingdom" from Super Mario Land! Composed by Hirokazu Tanaka and arranged by G-Han!
"Battle! Trainer!" from Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald! Composed by Junichi Masuda and arranged by JDMEK5!
"Battle! Gladion!" from Pokemon Sun and Moon! Composed by Gō Ichinose and sequenced by ShinkoNetCavy!
And finally, "The Final Battle" from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time! Composed by Koji Kondo and arranged by Bespinben!

Also a little update!
I am currently thinking about starting a youtube channel with all of my orchestrations! (Though honestly they've become more or less just remixes and remasters)
Stay tuned for more info on that!

Hope you all enjoy the songs!
More orchestrations!

"Gourmet Race" from Kirby Super Star. Composed by Jun Isikawa and Dan Miyakawa and arranged by Latios212!
The soundtrack (if you can call it that) of Donkey Kong (NES). In the spoilers are the credits for all the songs.
All songs composed by Yukio Kaneoka!

Title Screen was arranged by myself!
Game Start was arranged by Tangy!
Radar was arranged by myself!
25M was arranged by Wiiman96!
Hammer was arranged by Wiiman96!
Level complete was arranged by myself!
Final Stage was arranged by myself!
Donkey Kong Falls was arranged by myself!
Ending was arranged by myself!
Game Over was arranged by myself!
I've also updated:
"Battle! Rival!" from Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum. Composed by Junichi Masuda using midi rip of the original!
"Credits Roll" from Super Mario Galaxy. Composed by Koji Kondo and arranged by ALPRAS!

Also, I've decided to replace "Battle! World Champion!" with "Battle! Champion!" from Pokemon Fire Red and Leaf Green!
I chose to replace it since they are practically the same song and this one turned out better.
It was composed by Junichi Masuda and sequenced by David Militello!

Wow! I added my first orchestration exactly 1 year (and a day. Yes, I'm a little late...) ago!
To celebrate, I'm adding some more orchestrations!

"Hyrule Castle" from The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. Composed by Koji Kondo and arranged by The Deku Trombonist!
"The Great Sea" from The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. Composed by Koji Kondo and arranged by Zunawe!
"Rocket Barrel" from Donkey Kong Country Returns. Composed by Kenji Yamamoto and arranged by Dekudude and Bloop!
"Cool Cool Mountain" from Super Mario 64. Composed by Koji Kondo and arranged by Olimar12345 and Sebastian!

I've also updated another song!
"Gym Theme" from Pokemon Red, Blue and Yellow. Composed by Junichi Masuda and arranged by JDMEK5 and FierceDeity!

Since the original post is getting pretty large with all the songs, I'll be updating the layout of it soon so that it takes up less space!
Thanks everyone for listening to these, I'm glad I found a place to share them with other people!
I understand why many people are upset over this game, but for me it's really too early to tell since practically nothing of substance has been revealed about the games.
I will agree that the 'reveal trailer' for the game was pretty bad though. Almost worse that Sun and Moon's tbh.
If they are going for a B2W2 thing again I'll be really excited, since Black 2 was the first game I played, and it greatly improved on the originals.

Quote from: Dekkadeci on June 10, 2017, 02:03:47 PMThe trailer has shots of the protagonist wearing an angular, black-and-white ring, reminiscent of the Necrozma extensions on "Solgaleo" and "Lunala". Let's call it the "Ultra Ring".
I'm so glad I'm not the only person who noticed that it was different from a Z-Ring!
I also noticed that besides looking different than a Z-Crystal, the trainer rotates the said crystal, something that they don't do in the animation for Sun and Moon (from what I can remember).
I'm excited for Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon!
If they are indeed the last main series Pokemon games for the 3ds, it will be a nice note for them to end on.
Probably going to get Ultra Sun though, 'cause the Necrozma/Lunala fusion seems more forced than Solgaleo's, granted both seem weird.
Also really excited for the larger Pokedex they're hinting at!
Some more orchestrations!
"Norfair" from Metroid. Composed by Hirokazu Tanaka and arranged by Olimar12345!
"Battle! Team Galactic Boss!" from Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum. Composed by Junichi Masuda using a midi of the original song.

And here are some updates for:
"Groose's Theme" from The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. Composed by Takeshi Hama and arranged by Olimar12345!
"Bob-omb Battlefield" from Super Mario 64. Composed by Koji Kondo and arranged by TheMarioPianist!

On a side note: "Bob-omb Battlefield" and "Battle! Team Galactic Boss!" are my personal favorites since they turned out exactly the way I pictured them,
which is pretty rare due to limitations from either soundfonts or Musescore!

Also I will be adding more songs from other Nintendo franchises soon!
I currently have a "Gourmet Race" orchestration ready and I'm in the middle of working on an orchestration of "Rocket Barrel"!
So make sure your body is reggie for those and more!

Hope you all enjoy!
Quote from: E. Gadd Industries on May 08, 2017, 04:31:45 AMAny tips on how not to get blasted out of the sky on the final climb from the highest platform to the top of the tower?
Spam that jump button and prepare a lot of stamina replenishing elixirs. At least that's what I did!
Quote from: Olimar12345 on May 03, 2017, 08:34:09 AMPlus turtles are cool.
You got that right!

(Just still waiting for a platypus pokemon)
The only starter pokemon that have never really appealed to me are Meganium and Delphox.
Otherwise I like all the others to varying degrees.

Anyhoo, I chose Turtwig for Gen 4 since I usually never choose the grass starter and I really like Torterra. Except it stinks against candice...
The underground really had me hooked for a while too!
Sorry, I've been quite busy with things lately so I'll just forfeit to SlowPokemon to speed things up for the rest of ya.
Please don't remind me of that torture! I think I spent half an hour in that shrine and wasted about 5 weapons...
I thought I was making decent progress on the game, then when I beat Ganon I saw that I was apparently only 19.89% done with everything in the game.
RIP my free time...

I'm also really addicted to the Hinox and Talus battle themes xD
But so far my favorite boss (aside from Ganon) is probably
Master Kohga because after sneaking through the Yiga Clan hideout (aka Forsaken Fortress 2.0) I was expecting a serious boss, but nope I get a fat evil sheikah dude
So for those who have beaten the game, I'm about to face Calamity Ganon (I'm slowly working my way over to Hyrule Castle) and I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions on what to stock up on?
What I currently have ready for the battle is in the spoilers.
I have the Master Sword, 15 Hearts, 2 wheels of Stamina, I'm hunting for food to cook, and I'm going to go get a bunch of Ancient Arrows.
Am I well prepared so far?
Here's a triple hitter of Koji Kondo song updates!
"Slider" from Super Mario 64. Composed by Koji Kondo and arranged by Sebastian and Latios212!
"The Lumpy Pumpkin (Day)" from The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. Composed by Koji Kondo and arranged by Thomas Wilson!
And a new song, "Ganon's Tower" from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Composed by Koji Kondo and arranged by Bespinben!

Please enjoy!
Nice job on all of these songs! I can't even choose a favorite I like so many of them!