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Messages - Mr. E

Better to not trust someone than trust them blindly without any proof or evidence.
But that was that you knew for sure existed, and could be proved without the wolves being nice and helping us out. ninja'd by bird
But Verm, as I said, you could easily be trying to get a reaction or trick the wolves (or humans) in some way through a plan. It doesn't make any sense to me why if you really did have this power, you'd be flaunting it like this.
How would the wolves know that you're telling the truth?
Alright, I'll pitch in my two cents for today. Will be able to be more active tomorrow. I'd be wary of trusting Verm, because, as others said, there's no way to verify his identity unless the wolves help out, and why would they do that? Also, I have absolutely no clue why on earth if he actually did have this ability he would post on the thread about it. I mean, he should know that the wolves will probably have a counter for it, and he's too smart not to think about that. I'd suggest not trusting anyone who claims special, unless they can prove it. Personally I'd imagine Verm's doing some test of some sort, or he's a wolf. I believe the former to be more likely, but the latter is also an option worth considering.

That's about it. Sorry for lack of activity today, school and stuff. Like I said, I'll be more active tomorrow.
You can't escape me, Liggy!
I'm here, Toby, count me in!