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Messages - TWG Fox

Do you legitimately believe that I'd go through all that hard work instead of just easily voting for Luigi, if I were a wolf? Sure it's possible, but really.

Frivolousness as it's best.

Anyways, Luigi I'm coming.
I took the pictures one and a half hours after the phase technically ended while I was on my other account.

There are time stamps on those pictures. Do the math.

May 11th, 6:29:39 AM - May 9th, 11:02:37 AM

I'm not that good in math, so you do it, I'm pretty sure that's over 24 hours offline time for me.


Quote from: TWG Luigi on May 10, 2013, 10:59:46 PMAnd it's entirely possible for there to be no wolfing tonight.
Yes, it is. But if there is, these pictures help us a lot.
Quote from: TWG Luigi on May 10, 2013, 10:23:38 PMOr the wolf could be you.
If there's a wolfing I couldn't have done it. I wasn't online on the entire phase.

Quote from: TWG Luigi on May 10, 2013, 10:23:38 PMAnd how do you know that there won't be a wolfing tonight? There hasn't been a phase update yet.
I don't. I thought I should make this post so that you wouldn't be lynched and we would lose. Also I could've died and took the information with me to grave.
Quote from: TWG Fox on May 10, 2013, 09:42:11 PMThe wolf is either Bowser or Luigi.

Technically the phase has ended now. It means you can't send in a wolfing vote now.

These pictures prove that me and Luigi haven't been online the entire phase.

The wolf is either Bowser or Luigi.
Actually I disagree with you, Bowser and Link.

I'll vote for Pikachu, since I out of two options, TWG Falcon voted for the one I thought wasn't suspicious at all(and in the end turned out to become a human), I think he was trying to protect a wolf, which in this case would be Pikachu.
Removing vote to avoid a hasty lynch.
Quote from: TWG Link on May 07, 2013, 02:14:17 PMNo, it's the right one. You said that "You seem so worried that you'd be lynched today," and I responded with your quote about how "You'd only hurt your team if you'd give up and let a possible wolf live!" Essentially, I said that your rather absurd claim was unfounded.
It's just a little suspicious since I didn't even want to vote you. It's like you had a little panic over nothing moment there.

Anyways, if we shouldn't lynch an inactive from your opinion, I'd have to vote you, since I don't consider Bowser suspicious at all. I don't see why a wolf would try to have me vote for itself, making me lean on your humanity. That's why I still support lynching an inactive.
Quote from: TWG Link on May 07, 2013, 01:59:15 PMNot necessarily, no. It's just that Pikachu and Luigi (mostly Pikachu) seem like people who just "can't help" being inactive (I could name a few TWGers in specific, although I doubt it would help).
If they're wolves, that's their purpose. .-.

Quote from: TWG Link on May 07, 2013, 01:59:15 PMAlso, I believe you said earlier:This is relevant, especially because it's possible that two wolves are still alive. There's no point lynching an inactive at this point when we run the risk of literally throwing the game away to the wolves, unless something else incriminates them (the inactive).
Did you quote the wrong post, since I don't get what you're trying to say. ???

Quote from: TWG Link on May 07, 2013, 01:59:15 PMAnd what about belief bias??
What about them?
Quote from: TWG Link on May 07, 2013, 11:17:35 AMSince I have no reasons to believe that Pikachu is a wolf (and not many significant reasons for Luigi), that currently leaves the most likely suspect as Fox (or some might even say Bowser :-X).

Now, before I impulsively vote make my well-thought out vote from data gathered throughout the game, I think it might be a good idea to have some discussion (aside from Bowser and/or Fox instantly accusing me of being a wolf and lynching me exactly that way DK was lynched).
so basically by your logic the ones who are active are the most suspicious since inactives haven't done anything against their humanity

Also calm your tits. I've never accused you for being a wolf. I've just made some psychological notices and tried to make you realise that there are flaws in your logic.
You seem so worried that you'd be lynched today. Little bit suspicious.

I think we should lynch an inactive one today.

I think I'll go with TWG Pikachu this time. I prefer him over TWG Luigi, because in a game like this, (fuck it, I'm going to call this type of game a manhunt) I'd think a wolf wouldn't be replaced that easily, since being a wolf is always fun. The wolves like to be active, but play inactive publicly. Plus at the time TWG Falcon(who's NSM variation I think is one of the best TWGers we have here on NSM) voted for Mario instead of Pikachu. And Mario's a confirmed human. I think he was trying to get Mario lynched although it was fairly obvious that he was a first-timer and therefor I think he's entitled to make a little suspicious posts. I just don't feel like someone I think is an expert would have made a bad lynch like lynching Mario.

TWG Pikachu, I'd recommend you to make a covering post of your thoughts and suspicions, maybe I'll remove my vote from you if you manage to convince me.
Quote from: MaestroUGC on May 06, 2013, 02:06:38 PMHe probably voted somewhere without realizing he wasn't on his main account.
Yeah, I voted for Dusk's arrangement thread on accident

but I'm still trying to find the other topic.

edit: found it

(sorry for posting here, but I thought you'd like to know)
Quote from: TWG Link on May 05, 2013, 03:12:05 PMThere's a reason why.
There you go people, a major case of belief bias right here.

Quote from: TWG Link on May 05, 2013, 03:12:05 PMI pretty much just said that. ._.
I thought you meant did he vote for him since "a person who got him lynched". My bad.
Quote from: TWG Link on May 05, 2013, 03:01:09 PMIt's HIGHLY unlikely that both TWG Falcon and TWG DK are wolves, since TWG DK is one of the people who got TWG Falcon lynched, if I am not mistaken. Since I don't believe that TWG Falcon is a wolf, I'm more inclined to believe that TWG DK is a wolf (and that is my vote).
TWG DK didn't cast a vote on Falcon since he couldn't come back at NSM until the phase's end, but he put Falcon on top of his suspicion list and I think he said he would have voted him. Idk if this information matters but who cares

Quote from: TWG Fox on May 05, 2013, 02:42:27 PM
The "local time" proves that I'm on the same time zone he was. Idk if it matters.


Quote from: TWG DK on May 05, 2013, 02:52:06 PMFox, yes, that is accurate.  In case you didn't notice, however, I responded very shortly after the phase ended.  I was literally in the process of responding to Samus when I noticed the phase had ended.  I am sorry, but you simply cannot convict me based on when I was online.

wow major herpaderp moment

I'm pretty drunk. Idk why I took that picture then, I guess there was some kind of a reason. Hmm.

This is what you get from not thinking

And ninja'd again

Quote from: TWG Link on May 05, 2013, 02:57:42 PMNice try, pequeño. Unless you can present solid evidence that TWG Samus was a human, the scenario would make no sense. If Samus were a wolf, it would mean that I would be correct. Thus, my answer still stands.
Quote from: TWG Fox on May 05, 2013, 02:42:27 PMThese pictures are photographic evidence that DK was online 6 minutes after the phase ended.
fix'd derp

I'll make a goddamn video in Youtube that shows my account settings and time zones and all these photographic material if I need to goddamnit that proves that I haven't changed them.