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Messages - TWG Link

Quote from: FireArrow on July 31, 2016, 06:51:28 PMI think you're misinterpreting the tone of my post. I'm being 100% honest when I say I don't know who's trying to kill me or what there reason is. You're also correct that revealing what I would need to in order to get me out of your argument would incriminate myself for other reason.

So well played. Now let's see if you can draw the attention of the people who want me dead and snowball it into a lynch.

The person trying to kill you is TWG Link and his reasoning is that you appear to be a strong power from a team that is not his own, which the point of the game is to eliminate. I don't think I misunderstood it
Quote from: FireArrow on July 31, 2016, 05:04:05 PMIt's hard to make a defense when I don't really know why this anonymous person wants me dead.
What kind of response is this? You're being overly dramatic; "this anonymous person" is regardless still a player with a voice in the game. Weren't you just complaining that no one was contributing?

You yourself can't make a defense because the entire argument against you is that you're a POI for vigis in this game, as well as those who want to defend you. Anything you could say would either tie you to a thriving alliance or reveal your role, unless you can somehow otherwise explain why you're being targeted so much. The case for or against you rests entirely on other people's responses and input, which as it seems now isn't going to be much.

Quote from: TWG Samus on July 31, 2016, 05:01:36 PMi thought falcon said firearrow was the red vigi??
I can't tell if this is a joke? Either this happened through pms or you're misreading his post
Quote from: TWG Falcon on July 28, 2016, 08:17:58 PMZut! Je déteste ces alliances.

Maelstrom est le Red Vigi.
BDS est le Red Seer.
TWG Bowser est le Purple Seer.
TWG Tingle est le Purple Vigi.

Toutes ces personnes ont de fortes alliances sous la table.
In theory, wouldn't it would make sense to lynch someone who's been vigi'd but guarded before? Someone somewhere wanted them dead for whatever reason, and since the game is so split team-wise the enemy of your enemy is probably your enemy also. Also depending on how fleshed out alliances are the reviver should be the one being guarded each night.

I looked back and the only real player this applies to (besides bubbles who was vigi'd and guarded N1 when presumably no one knew anyone's roles) is FireArrow. Not once, but both N2 and N3 he was vigi'd but guarded. Im still on the fence about whether I want this to be today's lynch, so I want to hear everyone else's thoughts, since apparently someone really wants him dead and I'm not sure I want to blindly help some random alliance
Quote from: TWG Tingle on July 29, 2016, 02:43:23 PMMy my my, so many insta's this game.
This. As great it is that everyone's so eager to play and vote to kill, sometimes we can let the phase run out so we have more time to collect ourselves and look at all the things that happened the night before. Not saying lynching Noc was a mistake necessarily, just that bandwagons are really easy to jump on and I didn't see much rationalization for votes this time around

Quote from: AwesomeYears on July 28, 2016, 10:36:45 PMOh crap, I didn't realise the night ended until just now. My thoughts later.
Basically this. AwesomeYears didn't even have time to post their thoughts since the phase ended so quickly. We can give it a little more time next phase, right?
I think we need to remember that this is not a typical TWG game with humans vs wolves, and that most of us are against each other. "Mislynches" don't really exist for the most part in this style of game since everyone is on their own separate teams. We can afford to lynch BDS this phase since, to everyone playing, there's only really a 17% chance he's on your team. Regardless of his color I don't think he'd be dumb enough to claim if he had a majorly important role (guardian or reviver, imo), so even to players on his own team his death wouldn't be a huge loss.
Whoops. Hopefully that still counts.

Actually it looks like the insta happened with Bird's vote anyway.
I choose you, Pikachu.
Who are you going to revive this phase?
It's so quiet now...  ::)

Damn fank, color me impressed. I don't know what you said to the green reviver to con him into reviving you over verm, but good job I guess.

The lynch this phase should be pretty obvious, but I gotta send a few PMs to make sure everything worked out last night.
Plans change. fank
How about I reveal your accounts and roles then?
Friendly reminder that there's only 6 hours left for BDS and Maelstrom. to change their votes.