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Messages - TWG Bowser

iTs caLlEd bEiNG iN cHarAcTer

iIl TrY to lImIt the PiCTuReS iN the FuTurE

I-I knew that!

I have found something out!

Firstly, I went into TWG Ness's Profile, and looked at the last time he was on.

QuoteLast Active: September 28, 2013, 03:14:42 AM

Then, I went into the OP, and looked at the timestamp for that.

QuoteLast Active: September 28, 2013, 03:14:42 AM

And then into his stats!

QuoteTotal Time Spent Online:10 minutes.

This means that he had only 10 minutes in his account, which could either allow him to read the whole thread at this point, or send in a message to kill someone, but not both.

W-What? Someone's going to host a murder?

MURDER IS NOT PERMITTED IN A SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT, I will do the best I can to stop these people from killing us, you have my word for it!

Quote from: TWG Pikachu on September 27, 2013, 09:41:16 PM(Why are you referencing Dangan Ronpa... when it makes it obvious that you're Yugi? Some people don't think very much...)

I-I-Is that y-you Fukawa-kun?
Quote from: TWG Kirby on September 27, 2013, 09:54:24 PMEverybody should reference Dangan Ronpa so we can all be Yugi.

I agree with this notion!

I still have no idea what these wolves are?!
Quote from: TWG Falcon on September 27, 2013, 07:25:03 PMusted no es una excusa >:(



*uses his chalk of power to stun Falcon*


That's not an excuse!

Also, if any of you want to talk about anything, visit this!
Quote from: TWG Falcon on September 27, 2013, 06:44:21 PMPor que no te gusta el espanol? Eres un bola rosa muy triste...

Allow me to demonstrate!

"Why do you not like Spanish, you are a very sad pink ball!"

Quote from: TWG Falcon on September 27, 2013, 06:46:21 PMsus ojos son rojos. es un lobo.
"His eyes are red, that means he must be a

I assure you, I am a homo-sapian!

Quote from: TWG Falcon on September 27, 2013, 06:54:05 PMah usted es un gramatica nazi...ya veo

I will not allow people to insult others in my class!

As it happens to be, I am fluent at Spanish! If you ever need to translate this mans saying...

I can easily translate it for you!

Good morning!

Kiyotaka Ishimaru at your service!
But you never displayed anything to the contrary, so what are we left to think?

Luigi, are you there? The time is upon us. I must go and I won't return until after the game's end. Please choose wisely, I shall see you all in the post game.






Also, Who says you played like a "normal wolf". It's clear that the wolves were likely doing things at random/not paying attention throughout the game.
Quote from: TWG Link on May 12, 2013, 02:01:35 PMOnly if you are. :-X
Quote from: TWG Link on May 12, 2013, 02:02:58 PMAND another thing!!
No, your logic doesn't make sense. And now you're just pulling at random things hoping I'll give up. I never said you were acting nonsensical, again your words, I'm saying your actions make you look like a wolf. There is no "safe option" at this point for you, you were one the losing end of the slope. You tried to make a last ditch attempt to win but failed before you even began.

You're the one who keeps bringing the argument back up, not me.